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Title page for etd-0003114-195252
The Sorrow for Her Look:The Effects of Envy towards Attractive Spokespersons in Advertising
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spokesperson, attractiveness-relevant products, goal attainability of product, types of beauty, social comparison theory, envy theory
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為吸引消費者的目光,過去廣告實務普遍認為高度外表吸引力的代言人,能為廣告帶來正面效益。但藉由社會比較理論(social comparison theory)探討代言人效果的研究,卻發現觀眾和廣告中的高度吸引力代言人進行比較與否,將產生兩極化的廣告反應,且過去多發現向上比較之負面結果。本研究在代言人具有高度外表吸引力的情境下,鎖定女性消費者,針對可能引發消費者對廣告代言人進行社會比較之代言人相似性、產品之吸引力相關性進行探討,並檢視羨慕(envy)在廣告效果作用過程中的角色,彌補過去研究較少討論消費者在社會比較後所可能帶來正面激勵作用之不足,並進一步測試可能影響羨慕類型的干擾變數(產品目標達成性、代言人美感類型),欲釐清引發良性羨慕與惡意忌妒之因素,以及羨慕情緒對於消費者廣告態度、產品態度與購買意願的可能影響。
In advertising practices, highly attractive spokespersons are commonly believed that they can effectively attract audience’s attention and generate favorable ad effects. However, previous spokesperson research based on social comparison theory has found that whether consumers compare their appearance with that of highly attractive spokespersons leads to entirely different advertising responses, and upward comparison usually results in negative consequences. Focused on the advertising contexts with highly attractive female spokespersons, this research explores the effects of possible determinants (i.e., spokesperson similarity and attractiveness-relevant products) on female consumers’ degree of social comparison. To better understand the inconsistent effects of highly attractive spokespersons, this research also examines the role of envy in the advertising-effectiveness process, and tests the possible moderators on envy types (i.e., goal attainability of product and types of beauty) for recognizing the causes to evoke benign or malicious envy. Furthermore, the possible influences of envy emotions on consumers’ ad attitudes, product attitudes, and purchase intention are also explored.
  The study consisted of a 2(spokesperson similarity) × 2(attractive relevance of product) × 2(goal attainability of product) × 2(types of beauty) between-subject experimental design. Results reveal that similar spokespersons and attractiveness-relevant products raise the degree of upward comparison and envy emotion for highly attractive spokespersons, but showing the non-additive interactive relationship on the degree of upward comparison. Additionally, the degree of upward comparison positively affects the participants’ general envy emotion and negative feelings, evoking benign and malicious envy simultaneously and generating positive ad effects. Attractive relevance of products is unable to directly moderate the types of envy resulted from upward comparison, but it works when the spokespersons have the beauty type of sex kitten. The types of beauty moderate the types of envy generated by upward comparison. Under the condition of the type of girl-next-door, upward comparison increases benign envy and positively influences advertising effectiveness. For sex-kitten typed spokespersons paired with high goal-attainability products, upward comparison produces the two types of envy simultaneously and has positive impacts on advertising effectiveness. However, for sex-kitten typed spokespersons paired with low goal-attainability products, upward comparison only generates stronger malicious envy toward the spokespersons and decreases advertising effectiveness. Finally, this study demonstrates that the types of envy mediate the advertising effectiveness generated by upward comparison.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與問題 3
第三節 研究目的 7
第四節 研究範圍 8
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 社會比較理論 9
第二節 羨慕理論 16
第三節 廣告代言人 24
第四節 吸引力相關產品 31
第五節 目標達成性 35
第六節 美感類型 39
第三章 研究架構與研究假說 44
第一節 研究架構 44
第二節 研究假說 45
第四章 研究方法 53
第一節 樣本與實驗設計 53
第二節 實驗刺激與前測 54
第三節 實驗程序 60
第四節 衡量變數 61
第五章 資料分析 66
第一節 研究樣本分析 66
第二節 信度分析 68
第三節 操弄性檢驗 69
第四節 假說驗證 73
第五節 討論 106
第六章 結論與建議 115
第一節 主要研究發現 115
第二節 理論意涵 119
第三節 實務意涵 125
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向 129
參考文獻 132
附錄 155
前測一問卷 155
前測二問卷 162
前測三問卷 165
正式實驗問卷 175
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