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博碩士論文 etd-0024116-224820 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0024116-224820
Combining Motion-Sensing Technology with Prediction Strategy to Support English Reading Comprehension
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Date of Exam
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Kinect, Embodied cognition, Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, Reading strategy, Multimodal
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九年一貫英語教學在國小時期的目的為培養英語興趣與樂趣為重,且期望運用預測策略等閱讀技巧於教學;早期多模態(multimodal)環境不包括肢體動作,於是本研究將以具身認知(embodied cognition)理論為基礎之動作放入多模態環境下,希望透過不同媒體導入教學使課室教學越來越豐富,並比較其學習效果。研究強調如何透過多模態與體感式教學結合預測策略促進國小生對英文文章的閱讀理解與閱讀學習興趣。本研究的主要目的為,了解融合多模態環境、體感系統與預測策略在文章的閱讀理解上是否有影響,並期望能達到趣味學習的效果。因此在台灣高雄之科學工藝博物館招募91位三到六年級學生為受測者進行實驗,共分成三組:動作組、圖片組、文字組,設計不同閱讀輔助結合預測策略之電子書系統輔助學習;動作組基於具身認知理論,配合Microsoft Kinect演出跟自己所預測內容相符的動作;圖片組以多媒體學習理論(Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, CTML)為基礎,用滑鼠點選圖片進行預測;文字組則單純使用預測策略,用滑鼠點選文字選項進行預測。前後測分析結果顯示三組之間沒有顯著差異,但用前測成績當作英語能力基礎分成之高低群分析結果則顯示高分群組再有動作參予時反而會造成學習上的干擾,使其餘兩組的成效顯著高於動作組;低分群則無顯著差異。另外一方面問卷結果則顯示動作組在觸發情境興趣、維持情境興趣上皆有良好成效。整體來說本研究這樣的設計沒有造成顯著差異,可能要歸因於閱讀策略本身的效果就已經不錯,使提供圖片或動作預測對於進一步促進學習效果的幫助不大。在這種狀況下,加入圖片或動作增進學習動機也是可行的,不過如果是要加入動作可能要適性調整個人差異,避免高分群的問題。
Literature in multimodal interaction has not included much research in combing body motion with language learning. This study attempted to base language learning on embodied cognition in multimodal environment. By including multimodal learning with prediction strategy, it is hoped that elementary school students' reading comprehension and reading interest can be enhanced. Ninety-one students of grade 3 to 6 as our participants in National Science and Technology Museum were recruited and assigned to three conditions: Motion condition, Image condition and Text condition. An e-storybook was designed for participants to read and make predictions about the story using the learning modes according to the conditions they are assigned. Motion condition allows for acting out their predictions. Image condition allows for clicking pictures that represents their prediction. Text condition allows for clicking texts without pictures that represent their prediction. Pre- and post-test results showed that overall there is no significant difference between the three conditions. However, further analysis showed that when participants were divided into high group and low group based on their pre-test reading scores, high group in the Motion condition scored significantly lower than the other conditions on the reading comprehension. No significant difference was found for the low group among the three conditions. This finding suggests that body motions can interfere with reading comprehension when high-level participants used body motion to make prediction. However, in terms of reading interest, questionnaire results showed that Motion condition significantly led to higher ratings on reading interest than the other two conditions. Overall, it is suggested that images, motions and texts have similar effect on story comprehension when they are combined with prediction strategy in the multimodal interactive environment. It is recommended that images and motions can be combined with prediction strategy to increase reading interest and adaptive learning mechanism can be designed to address individual differences when motions are integrated into story reading.
目次 Table of Contents
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的 4
第三節、研究問題 5
第二章、文獻探討 6
第一節、閱讀理解 6
第二節、閱讀策略 7
第三節、體感學習 9
第四節、數位閱讀 10
第三章、系統設計 13
第一節、動作設計 14
第二節、介面設計 16
第三節、流程設計 19
第四章、研究方法 23
第一節、研究架構 23
第二節、研究假說 24
第三節、研究對象 25
第四節、研究工具 25
第五節、實驗設計 26
第六節、資料分析方式 30
第五章、結果與討論 32
第一節、人口統計資訊 32
第二節、實驗結果之整體分析 32
第三節、英文程度差異之個別分析 34
第四節、問卷結果之整體分析 38
第五節、依個人興趣差異之問卷分析 39
第六節、綜合討論 41
第六章、結論 46
第一節、研究發現 46
第二節、研究貢獻 47
第三節、研究限制 48
第四節、未來研究 49
參考文獻 51
Appendix 54
一、實驗前測文章——Grandma's mangoes 54
二、實驗用文章——I Entered a wonderland 55
三、前測題目 56
四、後測題目 58
五、問卷問項 59
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