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博碩士論文 etd-0106118-015557 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0106118-015557
A Research on The Acceptance of Self-Service Technology Applied to Healthcare with Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, UTAUT - A Case of Hospital Service Process
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Self Service Technologies, Smart hospital, Digital Health, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), Technology Readiness, Internet Self-efficacy, Perceived Behavioral Control
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With the advance of medicine, economic development and big changes in the traditional social structure, the rapid growth of senior citizens brings the urgent need for the medical treatment and long-term care. In the meanwhile, suffering the effects of low-birth rate simultaneously is resulting in shortage of labor force, and then causing the serious imbalance in the population structure because of the reduction of labor force year after year.
However, the medical care industry is a labor-intensive and highly-skilled industry. More and more hospitals began to invest in technology applied to medical services and information management so as to cope with continuously increased medical care needs in an aging society and improvement in shortage of medical manpower.
This research is mainly focus on the self-service technology which emerged from smart hospitals and digital healthcare issue in recent years. Through mobile applications, KIOSK enable patients to directly access needed resources by themselves. Also, self-service technology can also help to relieve the loads of work for frontline medical workers.
For the purpose of getting best benefit of using self-service technology, the most important is how to enhance patient’s willingness to complete the hospital service process by self- service technology. Thus, the aim of this study is the influence upon behavioral intentions in using self-service technology in hospital and analyze the key influence factors according to UTAUT model.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
內文目錄 iii
表次 v
圖次 vi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 3
第三節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 整合性科技接受模式及相關理論基礎 6
一、 理性行為理論 6
二、 計畫行為理論 7
三、 科技接受模式 8
四、 修正後的科技接受模式 9
五、 創新擴散理論 11
六、 整合性科技接受模式 11
第二節 科技準備度 15
第三節 網際網路自我效能 16
第四節 自助服務科技 17
一、 國外實例說明 22
第五節 數位醫療 26
第六節 智慧醫院 31
第三章 研究方法 34
第一節 研究架構 34
第二節 研究假說 34
第三節 問卷變數定義與衡量 35
第四節 問卷收集與資料分析 39
第四章 資料分析與檢定結果 41
第一節 前測之信度測試(Cronbach α) 41
第二節 描述性計量分析 43
第三節 典型相關分析 49
第四節 迴歸分析 50
一、 付出期望、績效預期、控制知覺、社會影響對於行為意圖的影響 50
二、 調節變數 51
第五節 小結 52
第五章 結論與建議 54
第一節 討論 54
第二節 研究限制與貢獻 56
第三節 後續研究建議 57
中文文獻 57
英文文獻 61
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