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博碩士論文 etd-0109115-162505 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0109115-162505
Exploring the mechanisms linking customer negative events, employee withdrawal behaviors and work-family conflict: The moderating effects of core self-evaluation and service training
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work withdrawal behavior, core self-evaluations, service training, work-to-family conflict, negative mood, customer negative event
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本研究以第一線服務人員為樣本,並以經驗抽樣法進行連續十個工作日之資料收集。最終,有效個人層次樣本數有97份,有效個人內樣本數共677份。研究發現:服務人員每日所經歷的顧客負面事件,會透過提升負向心情,進而提升其每日的工作退縮行為與職家衝突。而服務人員若擁有高核心自我評價的個人特質,或公司提供必要的服務訓練時,便能緩和每日顧客負面事件帶來的衝擊與前述負面效應。根據研究結果,本研究給予服務業者幾點建議如下︰(1) 應多注意負面顧客對第一線服務人員的影響力,除了可能造成員工產生負面心情,造成工作退縮行為外,亦可能向外擴散而影響員工家庭生活;(2) 應遴選高核心自我評價 (即:高自尊、具有自信、反求諸己且情緒穩定)的第一線服務人員;(3) 應提供第一線服務人員必要的服務訓練,以加強他們處理負面顧客的能力。
In the service industries, customer negative event (CNE) has become one of the heavy stressors at workplace and has negative effects on front-line employees and organizations. However, most of the researches now are focused on how CNE plays a role on negative emotions of employees or service sabotage, instead of effects on other crucial domains, such as other work performance and home life. The main purpose in this study is to investigate “when” and “how” CNE affects to work performance and home lives. Based on the stressor-emotion model, this study examined the daily relationships among customer negative event, negative mood, work withdrawal behavior (other work performance) and work-to-family conflict (home life). Also, this study explores whether both core self-evaluations and service training buffers the detrimental impacts of customer negative event acting on negative mood, and lastly influence on work withdrawal behavior and work-to-family conflict.

In order to broaden the general research findings, this study made online-questionnaires on front-line employees from various occupations and industries. We collected 677 daily-sample from 97 employees within 10 working days. In every daily survey, respondents were be requested to fill out daily customer negative event, negative mood, work withdrawal behavior and work-to-family conflict at different time points. The proposed hypotheses were be tested by the hierarchical linear modeling analyses.

Final examination showed that customer negative event was positively related to negative mood and indirectly positive related to both work withdrawal behavior and work-to-family conflict. Furthermore, high levels of core self-evaluations and service training would buffer the positive relationship between customer negative event and negative mood, ultimately decreased the negative impact on work withdrawal behavior and work-to-family conflict.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ....................................................................................................................... i
誌謝 .................................................................................................................................. ii
摘要 ................................................................................................................................. iii
Abstract .......................................................................................................................... iv
目錄 .................................................................................................................................. v
表目次 ............................................................................................................................ vii
圖目次 ........................................................................................................................... viii
第一章 緒論 .................................................................................................................... 1
第二章 文獻探討與假設推導 ........................................................................................ 4
第一節 負面顧客的連鎖反應:壓力─情緒模型的觀點 ...................................... 4
第二節 顧客負面事件與工作退縮行為之關係:負面心情的中介效果 ............. 4
第三節 顧客負面事件與職家衝突之關係:負面心情的中介效果 ..................... 5
第四節 每日顧客負面事件與每日工作退縮行為、每日職家衝突之關係:核心
自我評價的干擾式中介效果 ..................................................................... 6
第五節 每日顧客負面事件與每日工作退縮、每日職家衝突之關係:服務訓練
的干擾式中介效果 ..................................................................................... 8
第三章 研究方法 ........................................................................................................... 11
第一節 研究架構 .................................................................................................... 11
第二節 研究對象與施測方式 ................................................................................ 11
第三節 研究工具 ................................................................................................... 12
第四節 統計分析方法 ........................................................................................... 15
第四章 研究結果與討論 .............................................................................................. 16
第一節 樣本描述 ................................................................................................... 16
第二節 各變數間之敘述統計與相關係數 ........................................................... 18
第三節 驗證性因素分析 ....................................................................................... 18
第四節 顧客負面事件與負向心情對工作退縮行為、職家衝突之關係:核心自
我評價與服務訓練的干擾效果 ............................................................... 20
第五章 討論與建議 ...................................................................................................... 24
第一節 研究發現 ................................................................................................... 24
第二節 理論貢獻 ................................................................................................... 25
第三節 管理意涵 ................................................................................................... 26
第四節 研究限制與未來研究建議 ....................................................................... 27
參考文獻 ........................................................................................................................ 29
附錄 ................................................................................................................................ 36
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