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Title page for etd-0117113-111336
Studying the relationship among the quality of customer experience, shopping value and satisfaction, word of mouth, re-patronage intention: An empirical study of MUJI
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Word-of-mouth, Satisfaction, Value, Encounter, Repeat patronage
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5825 times, has been downloaded 1095 times.
This study focuses on studying the relationship between customer experience
quality and satisfaction by adding the shopping value as an intermediary, and use of
structural equation model to validate model goodness of fit. According to the value
of shopping to create suitable environment to meet the targets, so that the transmission
of experience element can be more effective.
Using confirmation factor analysis to determine the questionnaire is available as
a research tool. This study found that the shopping value can be intermediary between
customer experience quality and satisfaction that may indicate that hedonic consumer
perceive much higher quality of MUJI, much better service quality, communication
encounter, usage encounter to be perceived, this may illustrate the positive influence
between customer experience quality, shopping value and satisfaction. In addition,
the study found that shopping value does not play the role of intervening variable
between product quality and satisfaction, but add product quality and repurchase
intention to the assumptions can improve the overall goodness of fit model.
Finally, satisfaction and positive word of mouth, repurchase intention has a
significant influence, indicate MUJI strengthen satisfaction continuously can improve
positive word of mouth, and increase consumer re-patronage intention.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要..………………………………………………………….….. iii
第一章 緒論……………………………...……………………….1
第一節研究背景與動機…………...……………………………. 2
第二節研究問題與目的…………...……………………………. 3
第二章 文獻探討…………...……………………………………...4
第三節 顧客滿意、正面口碑、再購意願……………………….11
第三章 研究方法…………...……………………………………..15
第一節 研究架構與理論模型…………………………………….15
第四節 操作性定義與研究變數…...………………...……………24
第五節 資料分析方法...………….………………………………..30
第二節 各變項相關分析…….…………………………………… 32
第三節 問卷信效度分析…….…………………………………… 35
第四節 結構方程模式驗證研究模型………………….………… 48
第五章 結論與建議…….…………………………………………59
第一節 結果討論…….…………………………………………… 59
第二節 管理意涵…….…………………………………………… 60
第三節 研究限制與建議…….…………………………………… 61
圖 3-1 研究架構圖…….………………………………………………15
圖 3-2 研究程序圖…….………………………………………………22
圖 4-1 服務品質驗證性因素分析修正模式圖…....………………….38
圖 4-2 產品品質驗證性因素分析修正模式圖……..…..…………….41
圖 4-3 訊息接觸驗證性因素分析修正模式圖…….………...……….42
圖 4-4 使用接觸驗證性因素分析修正模式圖…….…………………44
圖 4-5 購物價值驗證性因素分析修正模式圖…….…………………45
圖 4-6 關係結果驗證性因素分析修正模式圖…….…………………47
圖 4-7 顧客體驗品質結構方程式…….………………………………52
圖 4-8 本研究結構模式路徑圖…………...…………………………..54
表 2-1 學者對顧客滿意度之定義…….………………………………12
表 3-1 信度檢測係數大小與可信程度…….…………………………23
表 3-2 問卷前測信度…….……………………………………………23
表 3-3 服務品質之操作性定義.………………………………………24
表 3-4 產品品質之操作性定義.………………………………………25
表 3-5 訊息接觸之操作性定義.………………………………………26
表 3-6 使用接觸之操作性定義.………………………………………27
表 3-7 購物價值之操作性定義.………………………………………28
表 3-8 滿意度、正面口碑之操作性定義.……………………………29
表 3-9 再購意願之操作性定義.………………………………………29
表 4-1 基本資料敘述統計…………………………………………….33
表 4-2 消費特徵分析………………………………………………….34
表 4-3 相關分析…………………………….…………………………35
表 4-4 測量模式良窳之判斷標準…………………………………….37
表 4-5 適合度指標比較………………………………………………38
表 4-6 服務品質購念驗證性因素分析………………………………40
表 4-7 產品品質購念驗證性因素分析………………………………41
表 4-8 訊息接觸構念驗證性因素分析………….……………………43
表4-9 使用接觸構念驗證性因素分析………….…………………44
表 4-10 購物價值構念驗證性因素分析………….…………………46
表 4-11 關係結果構念驗證性因素分析………….…………………48
表 4-12 研究模式的配適度………….………………………………50
表 4-13 模式路徑之參數估計………….……………………………50
表 4-14 假設驗證………….………………………………………….53
表 4-15 λx之估計………….……………………………………….55
表 4-16 λy之估計………….………………………………………….56
表 4-17 測量變項之SMC表………….………………………………57
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