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Title page for etd-0214107-134717
Myths of the Elderly in Magazine Advertisements: A Semiotic Perspective
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Commodity, Family, Stereotype, Ideology, Myth, Older people, Advertisement, Semiotics
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Since 1993, the Taiwanese society has reached the WHO standard of an aging society in which over 7% of the whole population are older than 65. This research aims to find out the images of older people, those cultural and societal factors involved in the representations of older people, and what roles the media plays to connect the related signs?
This research takes perspectives from the critical theories and applies the methodology of semiotics to analysis of Changchun and Kangjiang magazines in Taiwan. The researcher collects 85 different ads containing images of older people and uses the viewpoints of mythology to analyze in semiotic terms in order to make known the cultural myths and ideologies hidden in those images and signs.
The result shows, images of older people in the ads are deeply influenced by culture, regarding older people as inevitable declining because of aging. However, owing to modernization of Taiwan and more contact with the western culture, the images of older people in magazine ads start to incorporate new concepts. Fore example, active and energetic “successful” older people have gradually become the new paradigm. This course of development is similar to that in the American society discussed in the reviewed literature. This change in images is related to the trend that the baby boomers that hold most political and economic resources are starting to retire.
In the context of Chinese culture, older people represented in those ads are rarely without their families and values of an idealized family are highly embellished. Although the realities have greatly changed, the traditional image of “three generations in a family” is constructed as the ideal form of the happy family. Older people are suggested by ads to have the utmost happiness and gratification.
In these ads, commodities are presented as the resolution of problems. Conventionally, advertisement “creates” an anxiety out of short comparison with the “ideal” and then introduces products as the panacea to cure all the problems. Health-related ads make good use of the existing Chinese medicine belief in pureness and harmlessness of nature and the concept of effectiveness and efficiency of new technology to grant the bio-tech products a combination of benevolence and familiarity of nature and preciseness and effectiveness of technology. By doing so, the ads smooth over the possible conflicts between nature and technology and make up a collage of associated myths.
The dominant ideology in ads about older people is the binary extremes of being young or old. By means of emphasizing older people as ugly, unable and powerless, the ideology promotes the values of being young. Advertisements set some high standards for older people to catch up with and assimilate those who are deemed as “insufficient.” Mythology arbitrarily selects conventional concepts and popular myths to make up seemingly reasonable explanations, successfully transforms the public issues about older people to insufficient anxieties to be coped with by individual efforts, and implies that products are the only resort to ease the anxieties, cleverly de-politicizing the societal awareness of well-being about older people.
In a paternal social system, the dominant mainstream ideology tends to separate the dominant and subordinate sides into two contradictory extremes and then establish a few roles models in accord with social expectations to stabilize the structure of the social system. Discriminating levels such as race, sex, class and age are practiced in similar ways. Besides, these discriminating categories will add up and interplay due to the overlapping of a person’s multiple positions and intensity inequality. For instance, in this research the standards and roles for older people, apart form being taken care of in the family, a new kind of images for older people is burgeoning. The new images of Caucasian older people, energetic expressions and lifestyles are modeled as the new paradigm for the elderly. In addition, collaborating with sex discrimination, this study shows, the standards for older males are different form those for older females. The new research domain is worth our further trying to exam the different standards for the male and female elderly from a perspective of sex.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 -------------------------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究背景 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1
壹、 全球以及臺灣人口的老化 -------------------------------------------- 1
貳、 老年人的形象 ----------------------------------------------------------- 4
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 ------------------------------------------------- 7
第二章 文獻探討 -------------------------------------------------------- 9
第一節 「老」的概念與社會建構 -------------------------------------------- 9
第二節 有關老人的刻板印象與迷思 -------------------------------------- 15
壹、 老人的刻板印象 ----------------------------------------------------- 15
貳、 美國社會公共論述上老人形象的轉換 -------------------------- 17
參、 媒體再現的老人形象 ----------------------------------------------- 19
肆、 社會文化中盛行的老人迷思 -------------------------------------- 20
伍、 老年迷思的社會實踐 ----------------------------------------------- 23
陸、 有關老人刻板印象與迷思的反省 -------------------------------- 26
第三節 廣告的再現 ----------------------------------------------------------- 29
壹、 廣告作為社會文本 -------------------------------------------------- 29
貳、 廣告中的性別與階級概念 ----------------------------------------- 31
參、 廣告的消費主義 ---------------------------------------------------- 34
肆、 廣告中的意識型態 ------------------------------------------------- 38
第三章 研究方法 ------------------------------------------------------- 42
第一節 質化的符號學分析 -------------------------------------------------- 43
第二節 研究設計 -------------------------------------------------------------- 51

第四章 資料分析 ------------------------------------------------------- 53
第一節 老人的迷思 ----------------------------------------------------------- 55
壹、 需要照顧的老人 ------------------------------------------------------- 56
貳、 顛覆性的成功老人 ---------------------------------------------------- 65
參、 自然、科技與老人 ----------------------------------------------------- 76
肆、 老人的性別、種族與階級 -------------------------------------------- 85
第二節 家庭的迷思 ----------------------------------------------------------- 98
壹、 老人與家庭 ----------------------------------------------------------- 100
貳、 圓滿家庭的神話 ----------------------------------------------------- 106
參、 孝心總動員 ----------------------------------------------------------- 110
第五章 結論與建議 -------------------------------------------------- 116
第一節 結論 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 116
壹、 廣告再現的兩極化老人圖像 ------------------------------------- 118
貳、 完美三代同堂家庭中幸福滿足的老人 ------------------------- 120
參、 調和自然與科技的商品 ------------------------------------------- 122
肆、 老人形象所隱含的性別、種族與階級概念 ------------------- 123
伍、 伍、商品化的孝順關係 -------------------------------------------- 125
第二節 研究建議 ------------------------------------------------------------- 127
參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 131
中文部分 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 131
英文部分 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 134
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