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博碩士論文 etd-0324107-141029 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0324107-141029
The Era of Men’s Looks: The Construction of Stylish Masculinity and Consumer Culture in Men’s Fashion Magazine.
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men’s fashion magazine, masculinity, consumer culture
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本研究援引社會學家R. W. Connell的男性氣質理論,運用量化內容分析方法,挑選在台灣男性時尚雜誌市場中,無論是銷售狀況以及發行歷史都具有代表性的跨國雜誌《GQ 瀟灑》國際中文版與本土雜誌《men’s uno 男人誌》進行研究,試圖透過分析這兩份男性時尚雜誌在1997~2006的十年裡,其封面中所傳遞的男性氣質內涵。


In recent years, men’s fashion magazines have become a new media genre that attracts lots of attention. The sales, advertisements, and publications of the men’s fashion magazines have reached a remarkable performance. Media is an important social institution to shape gender images. Thus, this study aims to explore what kind of masculinity that men’s fashion magazines in Taiwan represents? How to achieve the masculinity through consumption? Are there any differences in masculinity between transnational and local men’s fashion magazines? What is the variation in men’s fashion magazines in different periods? This study expects to describe the masculinity represented in men’s fashion magazines of Taiwan to enrich the media and men’s research resources.

This study drawn on the masculinity theory based on the sociologist R.W. Connell’s, and applied a methodology of quantitative content analysis. The subjects were the international Chinese edition of men’s fashion magazine GQ and the local men’s fashion magazine men’s uno. The reason to focus the analysis on GQ and men’s uno is due to the fact that they are the most popular and long-running men’s fashion magazines in Taiwan respectively. By means of analyzing these two magazines published during 1997 to 2006, this research tries to understand the masculinity styles represented on the magazines’ cover.

The major finding revealed that the large numbers of men represented in men’s fashion magazines of Taiwan were young men who aged between 18 and 35 (with 74.8% appearing in the “cover figure” category and 71.2% in the “featured people” category). Most of the men in the magazines were entertainment workers with appealing looks (with 90.1% appearing in the “cover figure” category and 81.9% in the “featured people” category). As for men’s appearance types, the Trendy Cool type (43.2%) was the majority, the next types were Gentle (14.4%), Tough/Strong (11.7%), and Serious/Sophisticated (11.7%). Secondly, 60.5% of the article headlines on the magazines’ covers were related to the consumption issues. The topics of the headlines were centered on fashion (39.6%) and featured people (29.8%). Furthermore, comparing the transnational with the local magazine, there were differences in men’s age, occupation, appearance type, body type, and the topic and product category that the magazine emphasized.

In conclusion, men’s fashion magazines of Taiwan indeed appear a different kind of masculinity that I identify as “stylish masculinity”. This kind of masculinity focuses much attention on men’s appearances, and it’s achieved through a variety of ways of product consumption. The stylish masculinity overthrows some definitions of the traditional masculinity, but on the other hand, it still maintained some disciplines of traditional masculinity. Analyzing the transnational and local men’s fashion magazines, we can understand even if the international men’s fashion magazine, like GQ, appeared and influenced the local male in a global way. From different cultures, magazine origins and readerships, the local men’s fashion magazine still can present some diverse features in many aspects. Finally, when the transnational fashion magazines introduce the international fashion information to local readers, it also conveys many global viewpoints about masculinity at the same time. However, it’s still possible that the publisher takes a localized strategy in order to cater for the local life and culture.
目次 Table of Contents
謝誌 i
摘要 iv
Abstract vi
目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
一、男性時尚雜誌的崛起與「型男」風潮 1
二、漂洋過海的跨國雜誌 4
三、媒介男性研究的缺乏 7
第二節 研究目的與問題 9
第二章 文獻探討 12
第一節 男性氣質研究 12
第二節 媒介與男性氣質研究 21
一、性別與媒體 21
二、媒介所再現的男性氣質 24
第三章 研究方法 45
第一節 分析對象與抽樣 46
一、雜誌選擇 46
二、研究時間選擇與抽樣方法 50
三、研究範圍 51
第二節 分析單位與類目建構 53
一、封面人物 53
二、封面文章標題 57
第三節 前測、信度檢驗與編碼 60
第四章 資料分析 63
第一節 整體樣本總覽 63
一、封面人物 63
二、封面文章標題 70
第二節 交叉分析與比較結果 79
一、封面人物 79
二、封面文章標題 92
第五章 結論 105
第一節 研究結論 105
一、時尚男性氣質極度重視男性外貌 105
二、時尚男性氣質透過「消費」來實現 116
三、跨國與本土男性時尚雜誌所建構男性氣質的差異 119
四、近十年來男性時尚雜誌中男性氣質的轉變 125
第二節 研究限制與建議 129
一、不同研究方法的運用 129
二、拓展媒介研究的範疇 130
三、產製方面的研究 131
四、閱聽人研究 131
參考文獻 133
一、中文部分 133
二、英文部分 138
附錄一 編碼表 143
一、封面人物照片編碼表 143
二、封面文章標題編碼表 147
附錄二 編碼說明 150
一、一般注意事項 150
二、特定注意事項 151
附錄三 雜誌封面文本 167
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