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博碩士論文 etd-0404113-172704 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0404113-172704
Discourse analysis of modern motherhood constructed in Fuyou magazine in the 1960s
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discourse analysis, Fuyou magazine, nationalism, motherhood, modernity
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KMT withdrew to Taiwan in 1949 after the end of the world war. In order to reinforce the differences between “Free World” and “Communist World”, KMT rebelled against Communist and Russia. KMT declared a state of emergency and general mobilization. During the war, the women discourse also followed the leading of authoritative women organization. Kuomintang Women’s Working Committee published Fuyou monthly to propagandized women policy, encouraged women to work and improve women’s lives.

Besides fighting against the ideology of communist, economic development is the symbol of modernity. During 1960, the economic development in Taiwan was transformed from agricultural into light industry. Under the labor-intensive industrial policy, Taiwan was short of labor force due to developing industry too rapidly. The shortage of the labor force increased job opportunity for women. On the other hand, Obligation education extended from 6 years to 9 years after KMT took over Taiwan. This policy let women highly educated. Education development enhanced labor forces. Most young working women were graduated from high school. Those educated working women were “modern”. Modernity is the characteristic that traditional women did not have.

This study examines Fuyou monthly from the perspective of modernity. Two points are aimed at. One is what language strategy did Fuyou monthly use to construct motherhood knowledge. The other is how traditional motherhood was articulated with modernity in Fuyou monthly. Drawn on the knowledge/power perspective based on Foucault, the study selects and analyzes 105 volumes of Fuyou published during the 1960‘s to explore how the government selected different elements from the “modern” and “traditional”, “west” and “ east,” and combine them with Chinese traditional culture to constructed so-called “Modern Mother”

The study shows that there were 2 kinds of discourses about motherhood knowledge. One is based on science. This discourse emphasized that it is a must to raise a child with the understanding of medical science and child psychology. Mother and the way to raise a child were disciplined and monitored by medical hegemony and technocratic. In addition, with the influences of industrial revolution, household technology emerged, which increased housework and raised the standard of being a good mother. What Motherhood should be expanded.

The other discourse about motherhood knowledge is how to be a mother under national development. Being educated career women, mothers were taught to put their families in the first place to benefit the development of country. The image of a Mother in Fuyou monthly was a devoted one who needed to take care of her family and go out to work. Meanwhile, based on the discourse that child is the root of a country, Fuyou promoted the democratic parent-child relationship.

The study suggests that scientific motherhood and motherhood under nationalism have been both constructed as “modern” and “advanced”. Modern Motherhood in Taiwan has been simultaneously influenced by American modernity emphasizing the realization of Western motherhood as well as Chinese traditional gender norm which continues accentuating mothers' roles in childcare, which reinforcing the age-old concept of "men managing external affairs women internal."

Therefore, it can be said that the formation of modern motherhood was not only based on the new and western ideas but also on traditional feminine gender roles in response to the nation's development policies; both factors are able to be discovered in Fuyou's narratives on motherhood. Fuyou's narratives indicate that Taiwan's modernization is not really as advanced, revolutionized and anti-traditional as the West describes, but mingled with the Oriental tradition which demands mothers to perform chores and stay at home.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 v

目錄 vii
表次 ix

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 15

第二章 文獻探討 18
第一節 性別與國族的現代性 18
第二節 媒介中再現的母職 33

第三章 研究方法 47
第一節 分析對象 47
第二節 論述分析 53
貳、論述分析.......... ........... ......................................................................................56

第四章 資料分析與結果 60
第一節 現代母職知識型 61
第二節 母職知識型的權力運作 87

第五章 結論與建議 96
第一節 研究結論 96
第二節 研究建議 111


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