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博碩士論文 etd-0505117-173954 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0505117-173954
A Study of Development Strategy for Shipping Industry Invest on Offshore Wind Power Marine Construction Industry by Resource-Based Theory Approach-A Case Study of China Steel Express Corporation
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Date of Exam
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resource-based theory, development strategy, marine construction, offshore wind power industry, renewable energy
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The new government has vigorously expanded and promoted renewable energy policy after taking office in 2016, as well as made a policy objective that renewable energy generate 20% of electricity by 2025, where offshore wind power is one of the driving forces. However, in order to develop local wind power industry, China Steel Corporation (CSC) is committed to lead the trend and development of local wind power industry, since CSC has excellent reputation and occupies the dominate domestic heavy industry, and therefore CSC assigned the case company, wholly-owned subsidiary of CSC and core business in shipping industry, to execute marine construction of offshore wind farm. With resource-based theory as the pointcut, this study explores the development strategy of the case company, towards the achievement of assigned mission.
Lacking of the study about essential resources and strategies for a company to invest on offshore wind power marine construction industry, this study therefore analyzes the resources owed by the case company and that should be equipped with a company to engage in offshore wind power marine construction industry by exploratory research and case study, and then compares resource gap and difference between case company and theme industry, thinks from the direction of closing the resource gap and eliminating resource differences, as well as make short-, medium-, and long-term development strategy for the case company.
For short-term development strategy, it is suggested that the case company develop marine construction techniques, project management, as well as the ability to operate and maintain the construction vessels by undertaking marine construction project of domestic offshore wind farm. In this process, the experience and actual performance of marine construction could be accumulated, as well as autonomous technology of marine construction could be developed. For medium-term strategy, the case company is suggested to waiting for an opportunity to build the offshore constructing vessels and organize own construction fleet. After that, the case company will becomes the first offshore marine construction company in Taiwan and establish the advantage position.
In this study, an in-depth exploration and pragmatic analysis are made on offshore wind power marine construction industry, the case company, and the CSC groups. The research results are expected to provide information not only for the case company to make decisions, but also for the government to make policy on offshore wind marine construction industry, towards the achievement of the research aim.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
國立中山大學博碩士論文公開授權書 ii
誌謝 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
目錄 vi
圖次 viii
表次 x
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究問題 3
第三節 研究動機 4
第四節 研究目的 5
第五節 研究流程 6
第貳章 文獻探討 7
第一節 策略管理 7
第二節 資源基礎理論 16
第參章 研究設計 33
第一節 研究架構 33
第二節 探索型研究法與個案研究法 34
第三節 資料分析 37
第肆章 產業及個案分析 40
第一節 全球離岸風力發電產業之現況與展望 40
第二節 我國政府之能源政策及離岸風電發展目標 44
第三節 我國離岸風電產業 49
第四節 離岸風電海事工程業 53
第五節 個案公司所在之散裝航運業 61
第六節 個案公司分析 63
第伍章 實證分析 68
第一節 資源缺口與差異分析 68
第二節 個案公司發展策略之分析 75
第陸章 結論與建議 82
第一節 結論 82
第二節 建議 83
第三節 研究限制與對後續研究者的建議 86
參考文獻 88
一、中文部分 88
二、英文部分 92
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