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博碩士論文 etd-0513114-202620 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0513114-202620
An Analysis of key success factors on Facebook business fan pages
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Social commerce, Social website KPI, Social commerce design model, Fan pages, Facebook
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5767 times, has been downloaded 66 times.
隨著網路科技迅速發展,從初期的Web一直到電子商務(E-commerce),直至目前最受矚目的社群商務(Social Commerce),企業透過網際網路進行與消費者直接互動,獲取及時需求資訊,已經成為主要趨勢。過去在進行網站設計時會較偏重系統上的方便性及易用性,企業與使用者之溝通模式屬於單向溝通,以企業傳遞資訊予使用者為主。時至今日,在設計網站時,除了要維持良好的系統流暢度外,更是注重與使用者間的互動關係,企業與使用者開始以雙向模式溝通,注重即時訊息及回饋,更準確地提供服務。而在網站的經營上,由於有眾多設計要素,難以全方面顧及,故網站的經營應著重那些因素也成為企業面臨到的一大難題。
With the rapid growth of network technology, from Web2.0, E-commerce, to the latest popular issue Social Commerce, there’s a trend that there’re more companies taking closely look in this area, and actively interacting with their consumers so as to gather the latest news, which is contrary to the past strategy the companies used. Nowadays, when it comes to website-designing, not only should they care about the fluency of the systems, but knowing how to interact with the users. For example, companies have to pay more attention to what the customers said and cared, and respond to their opinions as soon as possible. However, when designing the website, there are many factors that must be considered. So the problems arise, which factors should they care when running the website?
Hence, in this study, Social commerce design model and other variables are discussed and selected to form the research model. The goal of the study is to find out the main factor that affect the performance of Facebook business fan page and users’ participation. Samples of 250 collected by observing.
The result showed that when operating the fan page, content profile, online question asking, news feed, connection, topic focus, participation and applications are the elements companies should focus on, so as to get best effect of the company.
Based on the result, suggestions are as followed: Considering the different industry the company may in, those who want to manage the community website should find out the key operating element of the industry so as to raise the operating performance, and strengthen the relationships with the customers.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的3
第三節 研究範圍4
第四節 研究流程4
第五節 論文結構5
第二章 文獻探討6
第一節 社群商務6
第二節 個人9
第三節 交談10
第四節 社區11
第五節 商務12
第六節 一般設計特點13
第七節 績效評估17
第三章 研究設計18
第一節 研究架構及模式18
第二節 操作型定義及衡量方法20
第三節 抽樣計畫32
第四章 資料分析34
第一節 樣本敘述性統計35
第二節 個人36
第三節 交談43
第四節 社區53
第五節 商務67
第六節 趣味性87
第七節 績效評估92
第八節 功能使用差異之影響101
第五章 結論與建議116
第一節 結論116
第二節 管理意涵134
第三節 研究限制135
附錄一 企業粉絲專頁研究樣本名單140
附錄二 編碼手冊147
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