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博碩士論文 etd-0608104-171258 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0608104-171258
Value Relevance of Stock-based Employee Compensation -Incentive Effects and Dilute Effects
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employee stock options, stock-based employee compensation, incentive effects, dilute effects, employee stock bonuses
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近年來員工股票酬勞計劃相關論文的增加,相當引人注目;其焦點著重於員工股票酬勞計劃是否用來激勵員工或對公司價值造成影響。最近的論文對於員工股票酬勞是否會增加公司績效此一議題,研究結論顯示並不一致。某些較新的研究運用Ohlson(1995,1999)與Feltham&Ohlson(1999)試圖探討員工股票酬勞計劃對公司價值之經濟效果(Aboody et al.,2001、Bell et al.,2002)。但是此類研究的妥當性亦備受批評(相關的探討及批評詳見Beaver 2002)。實際上,員工股票酬勞計劃經由改善公司績效影響公司價值;同時,因增加稀釋流通在外股數,而對股東權益造成減損。
The papers of stock-based employee compensation have increased dramatically in recent years, focusing attention on whether stock-based employee compensation can enhance employees’ motivation or impact firm value. A number of recent papers have addressed conflicting evidence as to whether stock-based employee compensation enhance the performance of the firm. Some relatively new studies used use the Ohlson (1995,1999) and Feltham & Ohlson (1999) models to investigate the market’s perception of the economic effect of employee stock options on firm value(Aboody et al.2001; Bell et al., 2002). However, critics have questioned the validity of such studies (For a review of related studies, see Beaver 2002). In fact, stock-based employee compensation can influence firm value through improving performance of firm, and at the same time by diluting the shares of outstanding stocks, thus harms shareholder equity.
This study was primarily designed to examine how stock-based employee compensation affects shareholder equity through Incentive and dilute effects. Stock-based employee compensation in this study comprises employee stock bonuses and employee stock options. First, the Incentive and dilute effects are combined in Ohlson model. The hypothesized relationships of constructs, observed variables and operational definitions are defined.
The empirical work will be conducted by LISREL method to estimate the coefficients in the model. The estimated results will be dressed the following points.
1.Whether the stock-based employee compensation affects equity valuation.
2.Whether the stock-based employee compensation affects that the intrinsic value through improving abnormal earning?
3.Whether the stock-based employee compensation harms shareholder equity by diluting the shares of outstanding stocks?
4.Discuss employee stock bonuses and employee stock options respectively.
In this study, we find the stock-based employee compensation is relevant to the equity value. Employee stock bonuses are relevant to shareholder equity and abnormal earning. In other words, employee stock bonuses have directly incentive effects. Otherwise, employee stock bonuses also have dilute effects. However, the dilute effects are smaller than the incentive effects.
On the other hand, employee stock options aren’t relevant to shareholder equity and abnormal earning. Otherwise, employee stock options don’t have direct dilute effects in grant year.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與重要性 3
第三節 研究架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 員工股票酬勞計劃之探討 6
一、 員工分紅配股 6
二、 員工股票選擇權 9
第二節 員工股票酬勞計劃之相關文獻 15
一、 對公司價值的影響 15
二、 對公司績效的影響-激勵效果 16
三、 對股東權益的影響-稀釋效果 19
第三節 相關研究問題與本研究之焦點 32
第三章 研究方法 34
第一節 研究模型 34
一、 Ohlson模式 34
二、 線性結構關係(LISREL) 39
第二節 實證模型與變數定義 52
一、 Ohlson模式 52
二、 LISREL模式 56
第三節 樣本選取條件與資料來源 59
第四章 實證結果與分析 60
第一節 員工股票酬勞計劃 60
一、 基本統計量分析 60
二、 對公司價值之影響-Ohlson模式 61
三、 對超額盈餘與股東權益之影響-LISREL模式 63
第二節 員工分紅配股 65
一、 基本統計量分析 65
二、 對公司價值之影響-Ohlson模式 66
三、 對超額盈餘與股東權益之影響-LISREL模式 67
第三節 員工股票選擇權 73
一、 基本統計量分析 73
二、 對公司價值之影響-Ohlson模式 74
三、 對超額盈餘與股東權益之影響-LISREL模式 75
第五章 研究結論與建議 78
第一節 研究結論 78
第二節 研究限制及建議 80
一、 研究限制 80
二、 研究建議 80
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