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博碩士論文 etd-0611107-170011 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0611107-170011
A Study of Financing of Web2.0 Business
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Date of Exam
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new ventures, grants, loans, financing, venture capital, Web2.0
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The concept of “Web 2.0” is starting. It takes “the interaction, the participation, and the sharing” as the core value.Web2.0 not only creates a unique business model, but also makes many Internet entrepreneurs miracles. Many domestic and international Web2.0 new ventures set up only a few years but have pretty high value. These successful stories attract countless creative young people, they use the Internet as a tool to make their own dreams come true again.

The service industry is the core of the industrial structure in Taiwan. But compared to other developed countries, the service industry of Taiwan creates fewer employment opportunities. Taiwanese who lose their jobs are younger and younger. Besides the most special point is the better education they get, the higher unemployment rate it shows. The development of the Web2.0 service industry provides a great solution for industrial restructuring and the improvement of career problems in the future.

Funding is the most important factors of the new ventures, but it is difficult for Web2.0 companies to fund because of their special characters. The development of Web2.0 new ventures includes concept formation, company foundation, breakeven and IPO. That can be separated seed, startup, expansion and mezzanine stages. Each stage has its own special funding gap and difficult as follows :

1. Application not permitted, unable to obtain grants or concessionary loans.
2. Little scale and high risk of Web2.0 companies, unable to attract venture capital industry participation.
3. Value of Web2.0 companies is focus on intangible assets, the lack of secured financing.
4. Compared with large enterprises, it is difficult for Web2.0 companies to apply for grants from our government.
5. Lack of resources to contact with famous enterprises or venture capital.

1. Create the ”Web2.0 innovative service R&D program”.
2. Set the ”Web2.0 angel fund”.
3. Enhance Web2.0 companies credit.
4. Provide counseling service for Government subsidies programs.
5. Make a venture capital communication and cooperation platform.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究架構與內容 3
第二章 研究背景 5
第一節 國內產業發展概況與趨勢 5
第二節 我國勞動市場的變化與現況 7
第三節 何謂第二代網際網路(Web2.0) 9
第四節 Web2.0 代表案例 14
第三章 文獻探討 18
第一節 新創科技事業定義與特性 18
第二節 新創事業的發展階段 20
第三節 新創事業資金來源與重要性探討 25
第四節 籌資行為分析 28
第四章 台灣新創事業籌資管道分析 32
第一節 政府補助計畫 32
第二節 政策性優惠貸款 37
第三節 創業投資資金 43
第四節 其他補助資源 47
第五章 研究方法 51
第一節 觀念性架構 51
第二節 研究方法選定 52
第三節 資料蒐集方式 53
第四節 訪談對象 54
第六章 研究結果 55
第一節 Web2.0 新創事業籌資問題探討 55
第二節 Web2.0 新創事業資金籌措規劃建議 62
第七章 結論與建議 80
第一節 研究結論 80
第二節 後續研究建議 84
參考文獻 85
中文部份 85
英文部份 87
相關法規 90
參考網站 91
附錄 93
參考文獻 References
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