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博碩士論文 etd-0616113-111441 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0616113-111441
Innovative Strategies for Rental Service of Public Bicycles-A case of Kaohsiung City
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service innovation, public bike, customer satisfaction, turnover rate, rental service
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1. 「服務創新」對「顧客滿意度」有正向影響力。在本研究中所提出的「操作介面、租賃站設置、付費媒介、車輛功能」四類服務創新項目迴歸分析之顯著性皆為0.000,亦表示出本研究所針對的四類服務創新項目皆能有效的影響顧客滿意度。
2. 「服務創新」對「周轉率」有正向影響力。透過「服務創新」與「周轉率」迴歸分析之結果可發現,租賃站設置之顯著性為0.000,表示針對租賃站設置上進行服務創新可有效的影響周轉率(周轉率在此可解釋為再度騎乘意願)。
3. 「顧客滿意度」對「周轉率」有正向影響力。透過「顧客滿意度」與「周轉率」迴歸分析之結果可發現,顧客滿意度之顯著性為0.000,可發現顧客滿意度與周轉率間有非常顯著的影響關係。
4. 透過問卷分析結果了解不同性別、年齡、居住地之顧客的需求與取向,進行適度的服務創新將可更顯著的提升顧客滿意度與周轉率。
5. 服務創新的建議策略包含「操作介面、租賃站設置、付費媒介、車輛功能」等四大方針,並納入「問卷受訪者回饋建議」,具體服務創新內容如下:
I. 操作介面:圖形化介面、觸控式操作、語音提示。
II. 租賃站設置:市場、夜市、公務機關。
III. 付費媒介:電信小額付費、線上刷卡機制。
IV. 車輛功能:多元化置物空間、夜間輔助。
V. 問卷受訪者回饋建議:APP功能擴充、租賃站硬體設施擴充、建立友善行車環境。

“Transportation evolves from bicycle to vehicle represents the progression of technology; while the human civilization advances when automobile turn into bike.” The global climate has been changing intensively; therefore, to encourage people taking MRT, bus and bicycle instead of riding motorcycle and driving cars becomes a trend nowadays. Bicycle rental service in Kaohsiung has been provided since 2009 and it’s been combined with the development of bicycle paths which now measures over than 500 kilometers. In addition to the great climatic conditions and the appropriate rental spots, this free of carbon transportation is recommended for commute, fitness, leisure, and in-depth trip. However, this bike rental service is recently encountering an important turning point due to the suspending turnover rate that it has never met.
The purpose of this research is to realize the relations between service innovation and other aspects from the analysis of “service innovation”, “customer satisfaction” and “turnover rate”. Furthermore, to organize improved policy of innovated service accordingly for advancing the public service as well as accomplishing long tail theory. Total of 300 pieces of questionnaires were filled in, 272 copies were collected; overall response rate is about 90.6%. After screening, there are 258 pieces of valid questionnaires and 14 invalid ones. The effective response rate of the questionnaires is about 94.85%. We explained the influences in-between each aspect and develop new policy of service innovation through 3 analyses: descriptive analysis, reliability and validity analysis, and regression analysis. The conclusion as follows:
1. A positive effect indicates the importance of “service innovation” to “customer satisfaction”. The 4 items of service innovation: interface, position of rental spots, payment methods, and bike function which are mentioned in the research point out the P-value will be 0.000 through regression analysis, which means these 4 items are able to affect customer satisfaction efficiently.
2. A positive effect indicates the importance of “service innovation” to “turnover rate”. After analyzing through regression analysis, it demonstrates the P-value will be 0.000 for the position of rental spots. As a result, to improve the service innovation on rental spots positioning will influence efficiently the turnover rate. (Note: Turnover rate here is explained as the willing to experience again the rental service.)
3. A positive effect indicates the importance of “customer satisfaction” to “turnover rate”. The P-value of regression analysis in-between is 0.000, which obviously expresses the impact between these two aspects.
4. Refer to the analysis of the valid questionnaires to realize the demands from people in different gender, different ages, and in different places in order to adjust properly the service for the purpose of increasing customer satisfaction and turnover rate.
5. Suggested policy of service innovation includes the following 4 aspects: interface, position of rental spots, payment methods, and bike function. Besides, feedbacks from survey responsers are also considered as an additional policy. Specification as below:
I. Interface: graphic interface, touch screen, voice prompt.
II. Rental spots: markets and night markets, institutions.
III. Payment methods: micropayment, online credit card.
IV. Bike function: diverse storage space, night auxiliary.
V. Feedbacks from survey responsers: APP functional expansion, rental spots facilities expansion, friendly cycling environment development.
“Energy efficiency and carbon reduction” is not only a slogan anymore. It is an action that people must do because of encountering climate change. As a conclusion of this research expects the public bicycle rental service to find out its new way, and into the actual action; in addition, expect more people to execute carbon reduction for better living environment for their selves, and for the future.
目次 Table of Contents
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景動機 1
第二節 研究目的 1
第三節 研究流程 2
第貳章 文獻探討 3
第一節 高雄市公共腳踏車租賃系統發展沿革 3
第二節 國內外公共腳踏車租賃服務探討 7
第三節 服務創新 11
第四節 顧客滿意度 15
第五節 周轉率 20
第參章 研究方法 24
第一節 問卷調查法 24
第二節 專家訪談 27
第三節 研究架構 36
第肆章 實證結果與分析 40
第一節 樣本結構與敘述性分析 40
第二節 問卷構面信度與效度分析 44
第三節 迴歸分析 46
第伍章 結論與建議 49
第一節 結論 49
第二節 服務創新策略建議 52
參考文獻 54
附錄一、訪談紀錄表 59
附錄二、問卷調查表 60
附錄三、問卷調查結果-受訪者建議節錄 62
附錄四、問卷調查結果-受訪者意外及困擾節錄 65
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