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博碩士論文 etd-0622117-154441 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0622117-154441
A Study on Business Strategy of Vertical Electronic Commerce Platform in Taiwan
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Date of Exam
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Electronic Commerce, Market Mix, Network, Value Chain, RBV, Vertical E-commerce
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5872 times, has been downloaded 115 times.
現今大環境的上網裝置越來越多,許多經由網路新興的商業模式也開始興起,尤其電子商務的成長更是逐年增加,市調公司eMarketer也發布最新數據預測2017年全球B2C市場銷售額將會達到2.3兆美元的規模,亞太地區也因為網路與手機等連網裝置大幅度增加,間接帶動電子商務市場的發展,也為全球市場帶來一半以上的銷售額。在台灣市場方面,資策會(MIC)於2016年底發表「我國 B2C網路商店經營現況研析報告」顯示,過去台灣B2C電商較著重於價格折扣競爭,但未來平台之間的競爭核心將會放在線上購物流程串接的流暢度以及服務產品創新上。
因電子商務平台建置成本較一般實體店面少,市場成長潛力也非常大,使得許多業者紛紛投入於此塊市場中,造成競爭激烈,近年來,B2C平台已趨向大者恆大、比便宜比運送快,經濟部發布最新數據顯示,2016國內前三大B2C網購電子商務平台分別為PChome、momo、Yahoo皆分別擁有1,584,388件、574,682件、548,001件商品數,總營業額則分別為257億、281億、160億( TeSA臺灣電子商務創業聯誼會推估)。但近年來卻有一些垂直電商異軍突起,如創業家兄弟以經營「生活市集」、「好吃宅配網」、「生鮮市集」、「3C市集」、「姊妹購物網」等垂直性平台,竄升於排行榜中,成為近期電子商務界的一匹黑馬。
Mobile device has become a very important part of people’s everyday life. The number of people using smartphones, tablets and laptops significantly increase everyday, this means sales through internet will continue to increase. E-Marketer, a leading research firm in e-business shows a report that predicts sales of B2C through e-commerce will reach 2.3 trillion dollars in 2017. Especially in Asia-Pacific region, it is expected to contribute to more than half of overall global sales. Moreover, the report of the situation of B2C online shop in Taiwan from MIC shows that online stores will develop new retail business model instead of price competition.
The cost of building an e-commerce platform is lower than opening a retail store makes online business a very potential market, led to competition between e-commerce platforms become more and more intense. Therefore, features that e-commerce platform can offer seems to allow big companies enjoy position on this winner-takes-all game. But recently, there are some different type of e-commerce platforms that comes up, such as Kuo Brothers which sells products in vertical e-commerce market, it’s products line range from daily necessities, food, 3C products (computers, communication, consumer electronics) etc.
This research use theory of Resource Basic View, Network theory, Value Chain and Marketing Mix to analysis three vertical e-commerce platforms namely Kuo Brothers, Pinkoi, and honestbee. These three companies all expand in different area. This research found that these company all operated without warehouse, focus on selecting products and supplier, their main target customer are mostly female, the co-founders all have relevant extensive experience in e-business and all of these companies have new varieties in terms of service different from the normal horizontal e-commerce platform.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 電子商務 3
第二節 資源基礎理論 5
第三節 策略網絡 7
第四節 價值鏈 9
第五節 行銷組合 12
第三章 研究設計 15
第一節 研究方法 15
第二節 研究架構 16
第三節 個案公司選擇 18
第四章 個案簡介 19
第一節 創業家兄弟個案公司介紹 19
第二節 Pinkoi個案公司介紹 22
第三節 Honestbee個案公司介紹 25
第五章 研究分析 27
第一節 以資源基礎理論分析個案公司 27
第二節 以策略網絡分析個案公司 34
第三節 以價值鏈分析個案公司 38
第四節 以行銷組合分析個案公司 43
第六章 結論 55
第一節 研究發現 55
第二節 研究限制與未來研究建議 57
參考文獻 58
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