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Title page for etd-0623114-174420
The Influences of Knowledge Loss and Knowledge Retention Mechanisms on Absorptive Capacity and Performance of MIS Departments
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Absorptive capacity, Knowledge loss, Knowledge management, Performance, Knowledge retention
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組織知識為幫助企業維持競爭優勢及提升績效的重要資產,因此知識管理漸漸受到企業重視。然而,許多企業在知識管理系統或策略上投資成本與人力卻不見成效,依舊面臨組織知識流失的難題,進而影響工作績效。過去以知識流失(Knowledge Loss)為主題的研究多以案例分析說明知識流失對組織生產力及績效產生的衝擊,但目前尚未有研究以實證方式提供較全面的驗證結果,且知識流失與組織績效之間的關係是否還存有中間變數的影響也尚未釐清。
組織資訊部門員工流動率高,知識流失的情況可能更加嚴重,且處於快速發展、變動的科技環境,快速吸收及應用新知識的能力將是影響部門績效的關鍵因素。本研究以資源基礎理論、動態能力理論及過去關於知識流失的研究為基礎,分析知識流失子構面為個人知識(IS Personnel Skill)流失、內部關係(Internal Partnership)流失及外部關係(External Partnership)流失,進一步建立研究模型並以問卷調查法說明組織資訊部門知識流失對其吸收能力及績效之影響,並檢測人力資源管理實務及資訊系統應用對於知識留存之效用。
Knowledge management is an important issue for organizations since knowledge is the source of competitive advantages and excellent performance, but the investment in knowledge management isn’t necessary effective in retaining knowledge. Previous studies focusing on knowledge loss conducted case studies stating its impacts on organizational performance. However, few studies provide empirical evidence and whether the effect of knowledge loss on performance is direct or indirect is not clarified.
In this study, survey method is conducted to examine the influences of knowledge loss in MIS departments because the high turnover rate of technical employees and the rapid changes in technical environment may worsen the situation. Besides, according to dynamic capability theory, absorptive capacity is critical for employees facing turbulent and dynamic environment. Thus, we assert that knowledge loss impacts MIS departments’ performance via its impacts on absorptive capacity. Knowledge retention in human resource management and information system application are also included in the research model to examine their effectiveness in mitigating knowledge loss.
Hypotheses are tested with the data collected from 191 MIS employees in firms in Taiwan. The results indicate that knowledge loss impacts on MIS departments’ absorptive capacity and consequently on performance, and information systems could mitigate knowledge loss while human resource management practice is negatively but not significantly related to knowledge loss. The results provide more understanding of knowledge loss and potential issues for academics, and for practitioners, this study could serve as the reference for designing and adopting knowledge management mechanisms.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Content v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables vii
1. Introduction 1
2. Theoretical Background and Hypotheses 6
2.1 Knowledge Loss 6
2.1.1 Sub-dimensions of Knowledge Loss 11
2.1.2 Drivers of Knowledge Loss 15
2.2 Consequences of Knowledge Loss 17
2.2.1 Absorptive Capacity of MIS Department 17
2.2.2 Performance of MIS Department 22
2.2.3 Absorptive Capacity and Performance of MIS Department 23
2.3 Knowledge Retention Mechanisms 26
2.3.1 “Human Resource Management Practices” –Based Knowledge Retention 27
2.3.2 “Information Systems”-Based Knowledge Retention 28
2.4 Research Model 31
3. Research Methodology 32
3.1 Sampling and Data Collection 32
3.2 Sample Representatives 34
3.3 Constructs and Measurements 37
4. Data Analysis 44
4.1 Reliability and Validity 44
4.2 Reflective Second Order Constructs 46
4.3 Common Method Variance 55
4.4 The Structural Model: Hypothesis Test 61
5. Discussion 64
5.1 Driver and Reducing Mechanisms of Knowledge Loss 64
5.2 Knowledge Loss, Absorptive Capacity and Performance 66
5.3 Post-hoc Analysis— Comparison between IT Industry and Non-IT Industry 67
5.3.1 Absorptive Capacity of MIS Department in IT Industry and Non-IT Industry 67
5.3.2 Knowledge Loss of MIS Department in IT Industry and Non-IT Industry 70
5.3.3 Results of Excluding Junior Employees 73
6. Conclusion and Implications 78
6.1 Conclusion 78
6.2 Academic Implications 81
6.3 Practical Implications 82
6.4 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study 85
Reference 88
Appendix-Questionnaire 92
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