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博碩士論文 etd-0626112-134409 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0626112-134409
The Influence of Fashion Involvement and Product Involvement on Buying Decision of Urban Women in Taiwan─A Case Study of Consumer Electronics
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consumer electronics, product involvement, buying decision, fashion involvement, urban women
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智慧型手機無疑是近年崛起最快的消費性電子產品,自2008 年蘋果公司推出IPhone 後熱潮即狂掃全球,去年出貨量也首次超過一般功能型手機;而數位
相機則是呈現低階與高階機種大幅成長的M 型化現象,廠商也陸續推出具Wi-Fi模組的數位相機對抗智慧型手機。

程與考量因素。 三、探討不同流行涉入及產品涉入程度,對都會女性在消費性電子產品的購買決策影響。研究發現產品涉入較高的族群易受功能性外在刺激產生購買意願且相對重視口碑;產品涉入較低族群則在意價格及產品相關衍生費用。流行涉入較高的族群易因大眾及家人對消費性電子產品持有率高,及單純想追求流行刺激購買。總的來說,產品涉入及流行涉入程度及兩種涉入所交互的影響,不僅表現在細微的購買決策過程,甚至包含都會女性的購買結果與消費經驗。
There is no denying that consumer electronics has a great influence on our daily life, and it now also even create and lead trend in modern society. Traditionally, we think of men as the major customer in consumer electronics, but with fashion and social trend are both been added in the concept of the product, many research has shown that women has gradually become the main customer in consumer electronics.

Among all the consumer electronic product, smartphone has became the fastest growing product, and the marketshare has already exceeded cell phone since last year. As for the digital camera, there still are promising growing in DSLR-like、DSLR and
EVIL, and the trend in market this year is to add Wi-Fi as the new function to against smartphone. From literature review, we can found that there are many research about product involvement on buying decision, but fashion involvement is seldom being considered in it. Therefore, we used product involvement and fashion involvement as moderating variable and the research outcome indicate that the intension of buying are easilier stimulated by product function when people has high product involvement in smart phone/digital camera, and they also value public praise of product more. As for people has high fashion involvement, they tends to buy smartphone/digital camera on the stimulation of fashion trend and social influence. To sum up, product involvement andfashion involvement will influence buying decision in different ways and also the pastexperiences of urban women in Taiwan.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書......................................................................... i
Abstract............................................................................ iii
表次................................................................................. viii

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景.................................................................1
第二節 研究動機.................................................................3
第三節 研究範圍.................................................................4
第四節 研究目的.................................................................5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 行銷組合.................................................................6
第二節 涉入理論................................................................12
第三節 消費者行為理論.....................................................19
第四節 文獻總結................................................................22
第三章 研究方法
第二節 變數操作型定義.....................................................28
第四章 產業分析
第一節 消費性電子產業......................................................35
第二節 個案公司─台灣三星電子(Samsung).......................44
第五章 資料分析
第一節 敘述性統計.............................................................50
第二節 信度與因素分析.....................................................54
第三節 資料分析方法.........................................................56
第四節 數位相機資料分析..................................................58
第五節 智慧型手機分析資料..............................................73
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論.............................................................. 86
第二節 未來建議...............................................................89
第三節 管理意涵...............................................................91
第四節 研究限制或未來研究方向..................................... 92

圖2-1 管理行銷策略與行銷組合.........................................7
圖2-2 行銷組合下的各種行銷工具.....................................8
圖2-3 涉入概念化架構.....................................................13
圖3-1 研究架構................................................................26
圖3-2 購買決策過程及研究範圍.......................................28
圖4-1 受訪者的年齡分佈..................................................34
圖4-2 受訪者的婚姻狀況..................................................34
圖4-3 受訪者的教育程度..................................................34
圖4-4 受訪者的職業分佈..................................................36
圖4-5 受訪者的工作地點..................................................36
圖4-6 受訪者的工作年資..................................................37
圖4-7 受訪者的月收入.....................................................37
圖4-8 分析構面................................................................41
圖4-9 外在購買刺激數位相機─勾選次數前三高因素.......42
圖4-10 第一外在購買刺激數位相機因素...........................43
圖4-11 第二外在購買刺激數位相機因素...........................45
圖4-12 數位相機流行要素勾選比重..................................46
圖4-13 購買數位相機時內在重視前三高因素....................47
圖4-14 購買數位相機時第一內在重視因素........................48
圖4-15 購買數位相機時第二內在重視因素.......................49
圖4-16 購買數位相機時第三內在重視因素.......................50
圖4-17 數位相機持有比率.................................................51
圖4-18 未來一年是否購買數位相機..................................52
圖4-19 未來一年內不購買數位相機的原因.......................52
圖4-20 目前擁有的數位相機類型.....................................53
圖4-21 下次會首先考慮再購買的數位相機類型................54
圖4-22 數位相機受訪者工作年資......................................54
圖4-23 數位相機受訪者職業.............................................55
圖4-23 外在刺激購買智慧型手機─勾選次數前三高因素...57
圖4-24 智慧型手機第一外在刺激購買因素.......................58
圖4-25 智慧型手機第二外在刺激購買因素.......................59
圖4-26 智慧型手機第三外在刺激購買因素.......................60
圖4-27 智慧型手機流行要素勾選比重..............................62
圖4-28 購買智慧型手機時內在重視前三高因素................62
圖4-29 購買智慧型手機時第一內在重視因素...................63
圖4-30 購買智慧型手機時第二內在重視因素...................64
圖4-31 購買智慧型手機時第三內在重視因素...................65
圖4-32 智慧型手機持有率................................................66
圖4-33 未來一年是否購買智慧型手機..............................66
圖4-34 未來一年選擇不購買智慧型手機原因...................67
圖4-35 智慧型手機受訪者工作年資.................................67
圖4-36 智慧型手機受訪者職業........................................68
圖5-1 2011年台灣數相機市場佔比.................................73
圖5-2 2011年數位相機品牌大廠全球市佔率..................75
圖5-3 2011年單眼數位相機品牌大廠全球市佔率...........84
圖6-1 行銷策略組合量表分數.........................................90

表2-2 消費者環境分析......................................................22
表3-1 行銷組合策略變項之衡量問項................................28
表3-2 產品涉入衡量問項..................................................29
表3-3 流行涉入衡量項目..................................................30
表4-1 信度分析─數位相機...............................................38
表4-2 信度分析─智慧型手機...........................................39
表4-3 問卷分類族群樣本個數..........................................40
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