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博碩士論文 etd-0626115-185110 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0626115-185110
A Study on Service Provider’s Adoption of Location-based Instant Promotion System
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perceived value, value-based adoption model, brand, service provider, promotion, location-based service
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隨著行動裝置的普及,適地性服務儼然成為一種新興的服務模式,其特色 在於服務提供者可以根據使用者的位置給予即時的服務,消費者在收到訊息後就 可以立即前往消費,創造新的服務價值。本研究旨在探討促使服務提供者採用適 地性即時促銷系統之因素,並了解各因素之間的影響與差異。延伸至價值採用模 型,將價值分成金錢價值與非金錢價值去探討。
本研究結果包含 (1) 產能利用率以及收入損失對於服務提供者的認知金錢 價值皆有顯著影響。(2) 品牌意識與品牌印象的流失也會強烈影響認知品牌價 值。(3) 比起必須付出的成本,服務提供者認為採用此促銷系統能帶來更大的效 益。(4) 以價值而言,品牌價值比起金錢價值對於服務提供者的採用意圖的影響 較為顯著。(5) 認知金錢價值與品牌價值有交互作用且可以互相取代。研究貢獻 在於了解不同價值對於服務提供者採用此促銷系統意圖的影響,並將結果回饋給 系統設計者、系統行銷者以及服務提供者本身,依據不同認知價值的重要性去設 計這類系統以及調整其行銷方案。
Along with the population of mobile devices, location-based service becomes a new kind of service model. Service provider could offer instant service to customers based on their location. Customers received the message provided by service providers could consume immediately. The research purpose is to investigate the factors that affect service provider’s adoption intention of location-based instant promotion system. In order to explore the difference in influence of every factor, this study extends the value-based adoption model by dividing value into monetary and non-monetary value.
The results of this research include: (1) Both capacity utilization and revenue loss have significant effects on perceived monetary value. (2) Brand awareness and brand image loss also strongly affect perceived brand value. (3) Comparing to perceived sacrifice, using system to promote product and service brings more benefit to service providers. (4) Perceived brand value has more significant effect than perceived monetary value on adoption intention of system. (5) Perceived monetary value and perceived brand value have moderating effect and substitute for each other. The contribution of this study is to explore the influence of different values and the results could feedback to system designer, system promoter and service provider. They can design this kind of system and adjust their marketing strategy based on the importance of different values perceived by service provider.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Motivation 4
1.3 Research Purpose 5
Chapter 2. Literature Review 7
2.1 Location-based service 7
2.2 Value-based Adoption Model 9
2.3 Perceived Value 11
2.3.1 Monetary value 12
2.3.1 Non-monetary value: Brand value 13
2.4 Perceived benefit in location-based and instant promotion system 14
2.4.1 Monetary benefit: capacity utilization 14
2.4.2 Non-monetary benefit: brand awareness 15
2.5 Perceived sacrifice in location-based and instant promotion system 16
2.5.1 Monetary sacrifice: revenue loss 17
2.5.2 Non-monetary sacrifice: brand image loss 18
Chapter 3. Research Model and Hypotheses 20
3.1 Research Model 20
3.2 Hypotheses 23
3.2.1 Antecedents of Perceived Monetary Value 23
3.2.2 Antecedents of Perceived Brand Value 25
3.2.3 Perceived Value to Adoption Intention 27
3.2.4 Control Variables 28
Chapter 4. Research Methodology and Data Collection 30
4.1 Construct Definition and Measurement 30
4.1.1 Operational Definition 30
4.1.2 Construct Measurements 31
4.2 Data Collection 37
Chapter 5. Data Analysis and Discussion 39
5.1 Demographic Statistics 39
5.2 Measurement Model 41
5.3 Structured Model 47
5.4 Discussion 49
5.4.1 Discussions of the Results 49
5.4.2 Comparing the Results of Different Categories of Service Providers 51
5.4.3 Control Variables 54
Chapter 6. Conclusion 56
6.1 Summary 56
6.2 Theoretical Implication 57
6.3 Practical Implication 58
6.4 Limitation 59
6.5 Future Research 60
Reference 61
Appendix 66
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