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Title page for etd-0627111-112432
X, Y世代消費者選購新世代家用遊戲主機之研究
A Study on X, Y Generation Consumers’ Selection and Purchase of New Generation Game Consoles
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Perceived Playfulness, Technology Acceptance Model, New Generation Video Game Consoles, Purchase Intention, Perceived Usefulness
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陪伴玩家度過幾十年時光的家用遊戲主機,從最早期遊戲畫面樸實與硬體機能簡單的第一世代,經過技術進步與科技創新的發展,到今日畫面精緻、可連線上網且硬體規格優良的第七世代,每一世代都讓玩家留下深刻印象。在新世代家用遊戲主機市場上,Wii藉由體感控制器操控遊戲的創新玩法,甫推出便受到消費者青睞;但在SONY與微軟皆為PlayStation 3與XBOX 360推出PlayStation Move與Kinect for XBOX 360後,與Wii之間的銷售量差距便逐漸縮小。而X, Y世代消費者身為家用遊戲主機市場之主要族群,了解影響他們購買意願的因素便成為企業的主要課題。
本研究以科技接受模式(TAM)為基礎,加入知覺娛樂性與新世代家用遊戲主機特性並加以修改為本研究模式,探討影響X, Y世代消費者對新世代家用遊戲主機購買意願之因素。透過問卷調查蒐集X, Y世代消費者資料,回收之有效樣本共計202份。
1. X世代消費者重視遊戲主機之有用性,Y世代消費者則最重視遊戲主機所能帶來的娛樂性。
2. 知覺有用性、知覺娛樂性、遊戲主機特性與使用意圖為影響X, Y世代消費者對新世代家用遊戲主機購買意願程度較高之變項。
3. 藉由各項假設之迴歸分析,驗證科技接受模式於家用遊戲主機領域之應用。
The video game consoles was accompanied with players for decades, from the video game consoles of the first generation that have simple screen and hardware, to the video game consoles of the seventh generation that have exquisite screen, online functions, and excellent hardware, players have deep impressions on these video game consoles of every generation. In the market of new generation video game consoles, Wii was favored with consumers after Nintendo began to sale it, because we could use the motion controller to control the games. However, the gap of the quantities of new generation video game consoles was narrowed by the SONY and Microsoft after they started to offer motion controllers, the Playstation Move for PS3 and Kinect for XBOX 360. Therefore, understandingthe factors that affect the intention of X and Y generation consumers, the main consuming group of video game consoles, to purchase new generation video game consoles is the important thing for corporations.
We add perceived playfulness and portraits of the new generation into Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and modify TAM to discuss the factors to affect the intention of X and Y generation consumers to purchase new generation video consoles. The total research effective tests are 202 copies.
The conclusions of this study are presented as follows:
1. X generation consumers pay more attention to perceive usefulness, and Y generation consumers pay more attention to perceived playfulness.
2. Variables that affect X and Y generation consumers most are perceived usefulness, perceived playfulness, portraits of video game consoles and intention of use.
3. TAM is confirmed that it’s suitable for the study on video game consoles.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機............................................1
第二節 研究目的..................................................3
第三節 研究流程..................................................4
第四節 研究範圍..................................................5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 科技接受模式之理論基礎與演進..............................6
第二節 知覺娛樂性...............................................24
第三節 購買意願.................................................29
第四節 世代理論.................................................33
第五節 新世代家用遊戲主機之定義與世代演進.......................36
第三章 研究設計
第一節 研究架構與模式...........................................39
第二節 研究方法.................................................40
第三節 問卷設計與研究對象.......................................46
第四節 資料蒐集與分析方法.......................................49
第四章 資料分析
第一節 有效樣本之信度分析.......................................51
第二節 消費者樣本結構分析.......................................53
第三節 人口統計變項與購買意願之交叉表分析.......................56
第四節 研究模式分析與假設檢定...................................63
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論.....................................................74
第二節 建議.....................................................74
第三節 管理意涵.................................................75
X, Y世代消費者選購新世代家用遊戲主機之研究問卷..................83
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