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Title page for etd-0629113-120429
The relationship of core competency development and work performance of software industry employee in I company.
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competency model, software industry, core competency, working performance, competency evaluation
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Lawler (1993)指出企業徵才應該以職能為考量,而不是工作本身。事實上,目前許多企業皆已廣泛運用職能模式,應用在人力資源管理活動中。自1973年由David McClelland提出職能(competency)概念後,便開始廣泛的被運用在各界。希望藉由資訊軟體服務業之I公司為個案公司,研究組織核心職能發展與員工工作績效之間的關係,探討是否能藉由發展組織核心職能,提高員工工作績效。

一、 發展出個案公司核心職能量表及七項核心職能構面。
二、 個案公司之員工大致上已具備七項核心職能之基礎,且能幫助個案公司員工有良好的工作表現。
三、 個人屬性變項中性別與自評績效有顯著負相關。
四、 個人屬性中的性別對核心職能構面中的「主動積極」有顯著負相關。
五、 具備彈性變通、關懷、溝通、主動積極,樂於學習能力者,在工作績效表現較佳。
Lawler (1993) points out that industries should recruit employee by competency based not the task based. In fact, there are more and more industries already applied the competency model in the human resource management activities. Since 1973 that David McClelland published the concept of competency, this concept has been applying widely and deeply. In order to know how to develop an organizational core competency and to discover the relationship between working performance, I hope to take I company as a case company in software industry to do the research and to find out the employee working performance can be accelerated by developing organizational core competency.
The working performance was adapted from employee self-evaluation and their line leader evaluation. The sampling is all the employees from I company and trying to build the core competency of it and hope to assist I company to have a complete plan to construct its future training program and performance management.
There are the results from the research.
1. To develop seven core competency of I company.
2. The employees basically have possessed seven core competencies and that can help the employees to have good working performance.
3. The age, gender, education and working experiences have significant negative correlation with self-evaluation.
4. The gender has significant negative correlation with the active of core competencies.
5. Who has possessed the competencies of flexibility, solicitude, communication, active and learning would have good working performance.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………………..1
第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………………………...........…....1
第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………..……...........…..3
第三節 研究流程…………………………………………………..……….............4
第二章 產業介紹及個案公司簡介…………………………..……………..………..5
第一節 產業背景介紹……………………………………………..……............…..5
第二節 個案公司–I公司簡介…………………………………..…..…..............…..9
第三章 文獻探討…………………………………………………………………...…14
第一節 職能………………………………………………………………................14
第二節 工作績效………………………………………………………..............…..24
第四章 研究方法…………………………………………………………….....…….31
第一節 研究架構與研究假設……………………………..…………................….31
第二節 個案公司核心職能量表編製……………………..…………................….31
第三節 工作績效操作性定義與衡量……………………..…………................….35
第四節 研究設計…………………………..…………………………................….37
第五節 資料分析方法……………………..…………………………….................37
第五章 研究結果與分析…………………………..…………………..……....…….39
第一節 核心職能因素、信度及敘述性統計分析…………..…………......….39
第二節 樣本結構分析…………………..……..……………..………….............…42
第三節 工作績效分析…………………..……..……………..…………….............43
第四節 相關分析…………………………..………..………..…………................46
第五節 單因子變異數分析及T檢定……..………..………..…………..................49
第六節 迴歸分析…………………………..………..………................................53
第六章 研究結論與建議……………………………………..……….......………….56
第一節 研究假說驗證…………………………..………..…………................……57
第二節 研究限制與建議…………………………....………..…………..............…59
一、 中文部分……………..…………………………..…………..…….......………60
二、 英文部分……………..…………………………..………..…….......…………61
三、 網站資料……………..…………………………..………..…….......…………65
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