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博碩士論文 etd-0716107-121330 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0716107-121330
Factors Affecting the Adoption of a Mobile Replenishment System: The case of Uni-President Vender
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UTAUT, Technology acceptance behavior, PDA mobile system, Mobility
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目前關於資訊科技接受的相關研究及理論大都應用於一般個人電腦及系統,很少討論於M化的案例中,在科技接受行為研究領域中,已發展出相當多的理論摸式,但各理論模式的構面、變數以及因素關係卻有不同。因此,本研究以科技接受與使用整合理論(UTAUT)為基礎,探討影響個案中巡補人員對PDA 行動巡補系統及設備採用之因素,透過文獻的收集與整理,採用問卷方式對個案全體185 位巡迴員作調查,因為調查已包括個案全部巡迴員,故研究結果對個案或未來相關產業相當有貢獻。
在管理意函方面,為提高巡迴人員對於新系統的使用行為意圖,進而提高系統效益,公司在新系統導入的過程中,最重要的是主管應加強宣導及溝通鼓勵同仁使用,第二加強教育訓練的質與量,第三系統應增加提供巡迴員績效改善之功能,第四系統依使用情境設計上應易用及易學習。此外,也應讓巡迴員瞭解系統可帶來之效益,並在正式使用前增加練習使用的機會,如此可提高巡迴員對於系統的績效預期、努力預期、社會影響、助益環境等的知覺感受。在調節變數的分析中則發現,年齡較大、高中及工作年資在12 以上的巡迴員在社會影響變數間接的關係較強。因此,主管應對此一群組應加強宣導及鼓勵以提升巡迴員的使用意圖。
In the ever-changing environment, the mobile business market is burgeoning nowadays.In order to extend their management to end users, most enterprises decide to adopt mobility.During adoption, the greatest challenge happens to employees who are forced to make use of mobile equipment. What will affect employees when they are to accept new technological equipment? What is the implication of management? How should enterprises assist their employees when introducing new technology? Against the backdrop, more emphasis should be put on the study of user acceptance in order to enhance the benefits of new systems.
At present, studies and theories concerning information technology acceptance are mostly applied to personal computers and systems, but seldom to mobility. In the filed of technology acceptance, numerous theoretical models have been established; however, each model is different from one another in constructs, variables and factors. As a result, based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), this Study discusses those factors that influence mobile staffers of the case study about PDA mobile system and equipment adoption. By means of literature collection and sorting, this Study adopts questionnaires to inspect a total of 185 mobile staffers of the case study. Because this Studyhas included all mobile staffers of the case study, the findings will make great contributions toboth the case study and relevant industries.
According to the findings, Performance Expectancy, Social Influence, and Facilitating Conditions prove to be major influential factors of Behavioral Intention, while Effort Expectancy is not directly related to Behavioral Intention. In the analysis of moderators, this Study finds out that experience, educational background and age of users have apparent moderating effects on various paths of the model.
As for the implication of management, in order to strengthen mobile staffers’ intention to use new systems and to increase system benefits, enterprises should first promote the usage of new systems, communicate with and encourage their employees when introducing new systems. Second, enterprises should better the quality and quantity of vocational trainings.Third, new systems should be equipped with functions which help mobile staffers improve their performance. Fourth, new systems should be easy to use and learn according to different designs for usage. In addition, mobile staffers should realize those benefits which new systems offer, and have more opportunities to practice using new systems. Therefore, mobile staffers can have higher perception of Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, and Facilitating Conditions concerning new systems. As for the analysis of moderators, this Study finds out that the variable of Social Influence has a strong indirect relationship to mobile staffers who are older, graduated from senior high school, or have worked for over 12 years. Hence, the management level should educate and encourage the above-mentioned staffers, in order to enhance their intention to use new systems.
目次 Table of Contents
目錄 V
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 I
第1章 緒論 1
第1節 研究背景 1
第2節 研究動機 2
第3節 研究目的 4
第4節 研究範圍與對象 4
第5節 研究流程 5
第2章 文獻探討 7
第1節 M化的定義與發展 7
第2節 統一速邁行動巡補系統 11
第3節 科技接受領域的模型與理論 20
第3章 研究方法 32
第1節 研究架構 32
第2節 變數的操作性定義 34
第3節 研究假設 35
第4節 問卷設計 36
第5節 問卷測試 38
第6節 問卷調查 43
第7節 資料分析方法 44
第4章 資料分析與討論 46
第1節 敘述統計 46
第2節 因素分析 48
第3節 相關性分析 52
第4節 路徑分析 53
第5節 假設檢定結果 55
第6節 控制變數的影響 56
第7節 分析後的研究架構 63
第5章 結論與建議 64
第1節 研究結論與貢獻 64
第2節 研究限制 66
第3節 對個案企業的建議 67
第4節 後續研究建議 71
參考文獻 72
附錄一:本研究問卷 76
參考文獻 References
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(1) 統一速邁自販股份有限公司
(2) 台北市自動販賣商業同業公會
(3) 日本自動販賣機工業會
(4) Ovum
(5) Venture Development Corporation, VDC
(6) Jupiter Research
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