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博碩士論文 etd-0718117-122548 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0718117-122548
The effects of real-time anxiety-adaptive prompting strategies on English communication outcomes
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Galvanic skin response, Anxiety-adaptive strategy, Augmented reality, Communicative language teaching, Adaptive scaffolding
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The tide of globalization made English one of the most well-known languages in the world. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has been widely used and proven to promote learning outcomes in order to shape an effective English communicative context. However, English communicative activities are likely to impose high level of anxiety on learners. During the learning period, learners who are in an anxious state will have detrimental impact on their learning outcomes and willingness to communicate. Therefore, the instructional design of English communicative activities should to provide learners with appropriate learning support and reduce their high level of anxiety simultaneously. Past research suggested that Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) can reflect the responses of human emotional arousal and it is strongly related to one’s state of anxiety. By taking advantage of the real-time data collection, GSR has the potential to measure and analyze learners’ anxiety level while they are completing their learning activities of English communication. This study aims to provide learners with adaptive learning support to improve their English communication outcomes by reducing their anxiety levels. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed strategies, an experiment was conducted with 90 undergraduate and graduate students. The participants were randomly and equally assigned into 3 groups with different strategies, namely on-demand prompting, anxiety-triggered prompting, and anxiety-reducing prompting. The results showed that the anxiety-reducing prompting strategy outperformed the other two strategies in terms of the learners’ English communication performance. Hence, this indicated that the anxiety-reducing prompting strategy can provide learners adaptive learning support and reduce their high anxiety level during the period of performing the English communicative activities for better learning performance.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論+1
第二章 文獻探討+5
第一節、 溝通式教學法+5
第二節、 焦慮與學習+6
第三節、 適性化學習與鷹架輔助+9
第四節、 膚電反應+10
第三章 學習系統與策略設計+12
第一節、 學習內容設計+12
第二節、 即時適性化輔助策略設計+16
第三節、 系統設計與流程+23
第一節、 研究變數與操作型定義+30
第二節、 研究假說+31
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