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博碩士論文 etd-0719114-221422 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0719114-221422
探討銀髮族使用體感式體適能系統之 運動成效與使用意願
Effects of Embodiment-based Fitness System for Elderly on Exercise Performance and Technology Acceptance
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Elderly Users, Kinect, Acceptance, Functional Physical Fitness, Embodiment-based Interface, Gerontechnology
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Due to the global trend of rapidly aging society, a significant number of aging related issues such as health and wellness has been raised. The issues of successful aging, consequently, became important topic for both researchers and professionals in the related fields, including an emerging field of gerontechnology.
In order to design a better technology to support elderly in good fitness, this study first developed an embodiment-based functional fitness system for elderly that promotes the functional fitness of the lower limbs muscle strength and endurance with a user-centered design specifically focusing on user engagement, user needs, and the acceptance of the technology by utilizing gesture-based interface and integrating game elements into the system. Next, the study examined the effects of the system on the functional fitness and acceptance of technology by carrying out a 4-week experiment with 10 participants aged from 61 to 81 from both genders.
Results showed that no significant on the lower limbs muscle strength and endurance was found at four weeks. However, the study found that there was significant improvement in upper-body flexibility, showing that the upper part softness of seniors were more likely to have a significant progress. Results also showed that playing scores consistently improved over time, indicating overall reaction time and motor skill improvement. In terms of acceptance of gesture-based technology, participants showed high acceptance in general and willingness to use the system if it became available. Detailed results and issues found are discussed. Longer study time for experiment is suggested for future study.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文提要 ii
致謝 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 、緒論 1
第一節 、研究背景與動機 1
第二節 、研究目的 4
第三節 、研究問題 5
第二章 、文獻探討 6
第一節 、功能性體適能 6
第二節 、體感式人機介面 8
第三節 、遊戲化元素之應用 12
第三章 、系統設計 15
第一節 、運動動作設計 15
第二節 、使用者參與設計 16
第三節 、系統介面設計 19
第四節 、系統內容設計 22
第四章 、研究方法 28
第一節 、研究架構 28
第二節 、研究工具 29
第三節 、研究對象 37
第四節 、實驗設計 38
第五節 、資料分析方式 41
第五章 、結果與討論 44
第一節 、人口統計資訊 44
第二節 、功能性體適能成效分析 45
第三節 、觀察與系統操作紀錄檔分析 50
第四節 、訪談內容分析 53
第五節 、綜合討論 60
第六章 、結論與建議 65
第一節 、研究發現 65
第二節 、研究貢獻 68
第三節 、研究限制 68
第四節 、未來研究 69
參考文獻 71
附錄一、研究參與同意書(體感組) 77
附錄二、研究參與同意書(非體感組) 78
附錄三、研究工具使用同意書(PASE) 79
附錄四、老人身體活動量表(中文版) 80
附錄五、銀髮族體適能檢測報告 83
附錄六、個人基本資料表 84
附錄七、觀察紀錄紙 85
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