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博碩士論文 etd-0719115-133036 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0719115-133036
An embodiment-based functional fitness system with real-time adaptation using exercise intensity as a feedback strategy
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Gerontechnology, Real-time adaptation, Embodiment-based learning, Functional fitness, Exercise intensity
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老化對於每個人都是必須面對的自然生理現象,雖然過程中會因為遺傳、疾病、生活型態等諸多因素而加劇影響健康狀態,但可透過規律的運動來幫助身體機能有效地維持運作並減緩身體老化的速度。隨著高齡人口的成長,老人福祉科技也越來越多人投入,相關研究指出科技不應只是偏重於專業技術原理,而應更進一步探討輔助銀髮族日常生活之康健應用。由於體能狀態會因人而異,故同樣一套運動的訓練標準應視每位銀髮族的體能狀態而動態地調整。因此,本研究提出一套以適合銀髮族體能狀態之即時動態調整運動強度訓練機制,並利用Kinect體感技術開發出「即時適性化體感康健系統」,訓練內容針對銀髮族之下肢功能性體適能來設計。為評估系統之有效性,本研究以57~80歲之健康銀髮族為目標對象進行為期八週之實驗,實驗共分三組,每組15人。其中包含兩組使用不同策略之「運動強度即時適性調整(Real-time Adaptation for Exercise Intensity) 」與一組「日常基準無調整(Regular Baseline) 」,成效測量採用銀髮族功能性體適能檢測(Senior Fitness Test, SFT)之結果,並同時蒐集銀髮族對於系統之使用者滿意度及數位遊戲心流。實驗結果顯示,銀髮族經八週使用即時適性化體感康健系統訓練後,運動強度即時適性調整之兩組於下肢功能性體適能成效皆顯著優於日常基準無調整組。採用運動強度即時適性調整之組別包含「動作達成率策略」及「自覺與動作達成率並用策略」共兩組,此兩組間於系統之使用者滿意度上雖無顯著差異,但皆具有高滿意的分數。而在數位遊戲心流量表中之專注度及沉浸兩構面中,動作達成率策略組顯著大於自覺與動作達成率並用策略組。因此,可推斷本研究所提出之運動強度即時適性化調整策略與即時適性化體感康健系統能夠有效地改善銀髮族下肢功能性體適能。
Aging is the natural physiological phenomenon that humans finally must confront. Regular exercises can help human body function normally and age smoothly, although health condition would be affected by so many factors such as heredity, diseases, and living pattern. As the elder population is getting increased, more and more people have been engaging in gerontechnology. The literature indicates that technologies have to be applied to not only accumulate the fundamental principles but improve the quality of life for elder people. Due to the physical capability differences, a training protocol has to be capable of dynamically adapting to every elder people based on their corresponding physical conditions. This study proposes a dynamically training protocol based on exercise intensity that can adapt to every elder people’s physical conditions for effective training and the improvement of functional fitness. Accordingly, an embodiment-based adaptive functional fitness system with real-time adaptation is developed by using Microsoft Kinect in order to help elder people train their lower body functional fitness. In terms of the evaluation, this study recruited 45 participants aged from 57 to 80 for an eight-week experiment. These participants were equally divide into three groups, two experimental groups for a real-time adaptation for exercise intensity and the other control group for a regular baseline without any interventions. The training performance is measured by the Senior Fitness Test (SFT). Besides, satisfaction and flow state were also measured for the two groups using the system. The result shows that the two experimental groups outperformed the control group in lower body functional fitness. Additionally, the two experimental groups are with the system and two corresponding strategies, namely “action achievement rate” and “action achievement rate integrated with RPE”. The two experimental groups are both with high scores in satisfaction although no significant difference was found. At the same time, the former experimental group scores significantly higher than the later experimental group in attention and immersion constructs of the EGameFlow measurement. Hence, the dynamically training protocol based on exercise intensity and the embodiment-based adaptive functional fitness system with real-time adaptation can successfully improve elder people’s lower body functional fitness.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文提要 ii
致謝 iii
摘要 iv
摘要 v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xi
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的 5
第三節、研究問題 6
第二章、文獻探討 7
第一節、功能性體適能 7
第二節、老人福祉科技與體感科技 11
第三節、適性化 14
第三章、即時適性化體感康健系統之開發 16
第一節、系統設計 16
第二節、內容設計 17
第三節、運動動作設計 21
第四節、運動強度設計 22
第五節、即時適性化機制 23
第六節、系統流程 29
第七節、系統介面設計 30
第四章、研究方法 34
第一節、研究變數之操作型定義 34
第二節、研究假說 36
第三節、研究對象 37
第四節、研究工具 37
第五節、實驗設計 41
第六節、資料分析 50
第五章、結果與討論 51
第一節、人口統計資訊 51
第二節、下肢功能性體適能成效分析 51
第三節、使用者滿意度分析 53
第四節、數位遊戲心流量表分析 53
第五節、綜合討論 55
第六章、結論 60
第一節、研究發現 60
第二節、研究貢獻 61
第三節、研究限制 61
第四節、未來研究 62
參考資料 64
附錄一、研究參與同意書(運動強度即時適性調整) 69
附錄二、研究參與同意書(日常基準無調整) 70
附錄三、個人基本資料表 71
附錄四、銀髮族功能性體適能檢測報告 72
附錄五、後測問卷 73
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