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博碩士論文 etd-0724108-002543 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0724108-002543
A Study on the Implementation of Balanced Scorecard In Hospitals with system dynamics
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
global budgets, System dynamics, Key Performance Indicators, Balanced Scorecard, Strategy Map
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Our country since has implemented National Health Insurance, provided the best medical service to be easy to obtain, highly went see a doctor the option, as well as high quality medical service. But also therefore creates the health insurance wealth storehouse the loss, for this, the government implements global budget, can control the medical expense by the time. Simultaneously impels the newly hospital Evaluation, thus unceasingly increases the hospital the cost of operation. Therefore under, hurriedly changes in the external management environment, at present superintendents of the many medical establishments for ask the management achievements, positively inducts Balanced Scorecard to do for manages the tool. However Balanced Scorecard has not certainly considered between the realistic environment complex system Tightly Couple and the causes and effects back coupling relations, and has not been able to solve the influence which Time Delay creates. This research main goal for hope affiliation Systems Thinking, discusses the hospital if utilizes Balanced Scorecard, Strategy Map, comes policy of in accordance to the total amount payment system to case influence the hospital long-term transport business, then establishes System e Dynamics pattern, Simulates case hospital to implement Balanced Scorecard on four constructions surface index of correlation, and carries on the test and the confirmation to the pattern. Finally acts according to case hospital global the budget policy, designs Situation analysis and Policy simulation,as to proposes this research conclusion and the suggestion. The research method mainly is uses System Dynamics method.
conclusion :(1). Using simulation test of System Dynamics Model, may discover in the system Leading target, Leading target is a key point which the case hospital must pay attention.(2). By System Dynamics model, may inspect between the element and the element is linked together the causes and effects back coupling relations in the system, and case hospital originally strategy design again by Systems Thinking.(3). Using the System Dynamics , may inspect question of the case hospital concurrently digs up Counterintuitive the phenomenon,as case reference hospital strategy adjustment and policy plan. (4). Balanced Scorecard emphasis may penetrate the KPI value the weightto detect the key weight target the question,But in reality,Each key weight target change possibly comes under own and other external factors influences .Finally proposed this studies the suggestion, the research limit and the following research suggestion.
目次 Table of Contents
致謝辭 I
中文摘要 II
目次 V
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
1. 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究方法與流程 4
1.4 論文架構 5
2. 文獻探討 6
2.1 平衡計分卡與策略地圖相關研究文獻 6
2.1.1 平衡計分卡 6
2.1.2 平衡計分卡四個構面 8
2.1.3 平衡計分卡管理流程 12
2.1.4 平衡計分卡相關研究文獻 14
2.1.5 醫療產業實行平衡計分卡相關研究文獻 19
2.1.6 平衡計分卡實行的困境 23
2.2 策略地圖 28
2.2.1 策略地圖簡介 28
2.2.2 以策略地圖說明組織如何創造價值 29
2.2.3 組織創造價值的流程 32
2.2.4 策略行動方案 33
2.3 系統動力學理論 34
2.3.1 系統動力學簡介 34
2.3.2 建模程序 35
2.3.3 模型測試及效度檢驗 39
2.3.4 以系統動力學檢視平衡計分卡之相關研究文獻 42
2.4 健保總額預算支付制度 48
2.4.1 健保總額預算支付制度定義 49
2.4.2 健保總額預算支付制度的目的 50
2.4.3 健保總額預算支付制度之優缺點 50
2.4.4 歐洲各國總額支付制度-以德國、英國、荷蘭為例 52
2.4.5 我國總額制度實施情形 55
2.4.6 醫院因應總額支付制度之策略 59
3. 個案醫院簡介及策略地圖與平衡計分卡建立 61
3.1 醫療產業分析 61
3.1.1 台灣醫療市場概況 61
3.1.2 醫療產業特性轉變 62
3.1.3 醫療產業總體環境分析 63
3.1.4 五力分析 67
3.1.5 價值鏈分析 68
3.2 個案醫院簡介 68
3.2.1 個案醫院之沿革 68
3.2.2 經營理念與願景 69
3.2.3 營運現況 69
3.2.4 個案醫院SWOT分析 70
3.3 策略地圖及平衡計分卡建立 71
3.3.1 建立個案醫院之策略地圖 71
3.3.2 建立個案醫院之平衡計分卡 72
3.3.3 策略主題 73
4. 系統動力學模型建構與政策模擬分析 75
4.1 系統動力學模型建構 75
4.1.1 個案醫院之問題描述與系統邊界 75
4.1.2 因果回饋分析 76
4.1.3 系統動力學架構 78
4.1.4 系統模型架構圖與模型線流圖 78
4.1.5 數學方程式與表達與模式應用 81
4.2 模型基本模擬分析 130
4.2.1 模型基本模擬與分析 130
4.2.2 模型效度測試 141
4.3 情境設計與政策模擬 144
4.3.1 情境模擬一:利潤降低環境 145
4.3.2 情境模擬二:醫院重視自費醫療 149
5. 結論與後續研究建議 154
5.1 研究發現與結論 155
5.2 研究貢獻 158
5.3 論文的範圍與限制 160
5.3.1 研究範圍 160
5.3.2 研究限制 160
5.4 後續研究建議 161
6. 參考文獻 162
中文部分 162
英文部分 165
網路部分 166
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