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博碩士論文 etd-0728108-010740 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0728108-010740
Reducing groupthink problem using activity control in mobile collaborative learning environments
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Learning Process Control, Mobile Learning, Groupthink
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The learner-centered concept has become an important trend in educational field; collaborative learning is exactly the realization of such a concept. Many studies have pointed out that collaborative learning is better than traditional competitive and personal learning. However, there still exist some practical issues while applying collaborative learning, groupthink is one of them. Although researchers have developed many mechanisms for solving the practical issues of collaborative learning, groupthink can not be eliminated effectively. Because of groupthink, learning groups may jump to coherent conclusions quickly before a fully knowledge sharing and constructing process is being executed. This is against the spirit of Social Constructionism which is the essential theory of collaborative learning and reduces the benefits of collaborative leaning. Learning process control is an effective mechanism for reducing the groupthink effect. However, learning process control mechanism usually cannot work as expected because of the inappropriate guide of instructors or different leading styles of group leaders. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop a system with the support of learning process control mechanism using mobile devices is developed to ensure the mechanism will be properly executed. The results show that self-censorship, which is one of the symptoms of groupthink, can be reduced significantly if learning process control mechanism is executed on mobile devices compared to the execution on traditional worksheets. Moreover, the groups using mobile devices support for executing the learning process control, the four symptoms of groupthink can be greatly reduced compared to the groups without any learning process control and learners could have better learning attitude and interactive level. Therefore, this study proved that groupthink can be reduced by having learning process control mechanism executed on mobile devices. Finally, some future research topics are proposed based on the research results.
目次 Table of Contents
論文提要 I
致謝 II
摘要 IV
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
第1章、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題 3
1.3 研究目的 4
第2章、文獻探討 5
2.1 合作學習 5
2.1.1 何謂合作學習 5
2.1.2 合作學習教學策略 7
2.1.3 合作技巧 8
2.1.4 行動裝置輔助合作學習 9
2.2 團體迷思 11
2.2.1 何謂團體迷思 11
2.2.2 群體決策中團體迷思解決機制 14
2.3 合作學習與團體迷思 18
2.3.1 合作學習中的團體迷思 18
2.3.2 合作學習中團體迷思解決機制 20
2.3.3 合作學習中解決團體迷思機制的挑戰 21
2.3.4 利用行動裝置解決合作學習中團體迷思機制的挑戰 22
第3章、研究方法 25
3.1 研究架構與假說 25
3.2 研究變項操作型定義及衡量 30
3.2.1 團體迷思流程引導機制 30
3.2.2 「對異議者施加壓力」、「自我審查」、「全體一致的錯覺」及「心靈守衛」 30
3.2.3 學習態度與互動程度 31
3.3 研究對象 32
3.4 研究工具 32
3.4.1 問卷量表 33
3.4.2 教學教材 37
3.5 實驗設計 38
3.6 資料分析方法 40
3.6.1 四個徵兆變數值分析 40
3.6.2 學習態度分析及互動程度分析 41
第4章、系統建置 44
4.1 開發平台和環境 44
4.2 流程引導設計 47
4.3 系統設計 49
4.4 實驗程序 54
4.4.1 無流程引導討論活動(A) 54
4.4.2 傳統流程引導討論活動(B) 55
4.4.3 行動裝置流程引導系統討論活動(C) 56
4.4.4 問卷填寫 57
第5章、研究資料分析與結果 58
5.1 資料收集情形 58
5.2 問卷信效度檢測 58
5.3 流程引導與團體迷思徵兆分析 59
5.3.1 無流程引導與有流程引導 59
5.3.2 傳統學習單流程引導與行動裝置流程引導 61
5.4 團體迷思徵兆與學習態度及互動程度分析 63
5.4.1 團體迷思徵兆與學習態度 63
5.4.2 團體迷思徵兆與互動程度 64
5.5 流程引導與學習態度及互動程度分析 64
5.5.1 無流程引導與有流程引導 65
5.5.2 傳統學習單流程引導與行動裝置流程引導 66
5.6綜合討論 68
第6章、結論 75
6.1 研究結果 75
6.2 研究貢獻 76
6.3 研究限制 77
6.4 未來研究 77
參考文獻 78
附錄一、無流程引導學習單 83
附錄二、流程引導學習單 86
附錄三、流程引導問題卷 88
附錄四、流程引導答題卷 90
附錄五、無流程引導及流程引導活動之團體迷思問卷 93
附錄六、行動裝置流程引導系統討論活動之團體迷思問卷 94
附錄七、學習態度及互動程度問卷 95
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