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Title page for etd-0729104-161014
The Influence of SARS Epidemic of Health-Care Workers---The effective dimensions are Work values, Organizational commitment and Posttraumatic stress disorder.
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Date of Exam
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PTSD, Organizational Commitment, SARS, work values
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In the year of 2003, the SARS epidemic was spreading in our country, lasting for almost 4 months. Until July 5,2003, there were 346 confirmed victims. Among them,37 died directly of SARS, which is shown in their death certificates.

Numbers of medical workers infected were 68,19.7%. During the SARS epidemic.6 hospitals were reported transmissions inside their wards and were closed. In the duration, Taiwan was once the most significant spread region of the disease in the world. General public, patients and their family members, and health-care workers were all unprecedented threatened.

During the epidemic, health-care workers faced unfamiliar, insecure, critical menace strong contagious and of high mortality circumstances. What did this affect first line health-care workers? This research was done in three dimensions , work value, Organizational Commitment and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, sampling every grade of health-care workers in teaching hospitals and above national wide between Dec. 20, 2003 and Jan. 20, 2004. The design of questionnaire was based on level of hospitals, divided into medical centers, regional hospitals and local teaching hospitals. 282 of the questionnaires were returned and valid, including 42 doctors, 130 nurses, and 110 hospital staffs, representing a response rate of 31.33%.

One way ANOVA and Independent T test were conducted in the research to analyze characteristics of workers and differences between hospital organizations. Correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to find their relationships.

The research has shown that while facing SARS epidemic, health-care workers :
1.with the change of work values, nurses scored highest ,then others, and doctors lowest; with positional type social status, activity preference and job involvement, high and middle level administrator got better grade than professional and basic level worker; with attitude toward earning, basic level worker acquired highest scores and high level administrator lowest; with activity preference及pride in work, regional hospital obtained the highest score while the medical center got the lowest.
2.with the transition of Organizational Commitment, in terms of position, high level administrator is highest, while basic level worker is lowest; in respect of referee, regional hospital graded highest while medical center lowest; in view of marital status, people who are unmarried are better than those who are married.
3.with the,PTSD, considering referee of hospital, medical centers are highest; in terms of ownership,private hospital is highest and religional hospital is lowest.
4.workers who considered that the hospitals took proper protections have better Organizational Commitment and their PTSD are lower.
目次 Table of Contents
第壹章 緒論…………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景及研究動機………………………………… 1
第二節 研究目的……………………………………………… 2
第貳章 文獻探討……………………………………………… 3
第一節 「嚴重急性呼吸道症候群」疫情…………………… 3
第二節 工作價值觀…………………………………………… 7
第三節 組織承諾……………………………………………… 14
第四節 創傷後壓力反應……………………………………… 19
第五節 SARS疫情與醫療工作者之工作價值觀、組織承諾、創傷壓力症候群間的影響…………………………………………………23
第參章 研究方法………………………………………………25
第一節 研究架構………………………………………………25
第二節 研究假設………………………………………………26
第三節 研究方法………………………………………………29
第四節 研究變項及操作性定義………………………………32
第五節 分析方法………………………………………………34
第肆章 研究結果………………………………………………36
第一節 回收樣本基本資料之分佈情形………………………36
第二節 因素分析與信度分析…………………………………39
第三節 差異性分析……………………………………………44
第四節 相關分析………………………………………………47
第五節 迴歸分析………………………………………………48
第伍章 討論……………………………………………………60
第一節 研究結果之討論………………………………………60
第二節 結論及建議……………………………………………64
第三節 研究限制及未來研究之建議…………………………64
中文部分 ………………………………………………………66
英文部分 ………………………………………………………68
附 錄 一 研究問卷……………………………………………73
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