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博碩士論文 etd-0730108-202020 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0730108-202020
Developing Criteria for Evaluating Online International Team Teaching Courses
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Date of Exam
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English teaching, Teaching criteria, Case study, Online international team teaching
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Due to the development of the broadband Internet access and advanced learning technology, online synchronous teaching with teachers and students located at many different countries becomes feasible nowadays. Online international teaching not only enhances the varieties of teaching environments but also arouses learners to generate multiple thoughts through interacting with foreign instructors and classmates without living their own countries. However, online international teaching is a more complex educational environment, the cross-cultural differences and the characteristic of computer-mediated communication result that a single instructor would not be possible to handle all the matters in an online synchronous classroom. In the past, international instructors employed teaching assistants to reduce problems of cultural differences. This idea can be applied to online international teaching, a group of instructors can form a teaching team which includes different nations’ instructors, teaching assistants and technicians such that the problems caused by the cross-cultural communication and challenges of information technology can be reduced. Online international team teaching is a brand new teaching environment, there are few researches being done in this kind of teaching environment so far. Therefore, this study wants to explore the components and the important criteria for online international team teaching. The case we adopted for this study was an online international team teaching course called “Business English and Communication” offered by the MIS department of NSYSU. This research used participant observation and in depth interview to get primary data, and then use the phenomenology to analyze the secondary data which extracted from course discussion boards. The research findings are three main components and 17 criteria in total for online international team teaching. The three main components are “online international teaching”, “online collaboration by teaching team” and “interacting instruments”. “Online international teaching” includes 6 criteria offering guidelines for international teaching. “Online collaboration by teaching team” includes 5 criteria offering suggestions for international collaboration. And “interacting instruments” includes 3 criteria related to the interacting instruments of online international team teaching course. The last 3 criteria are for the common intersection of the three main components. We also proposed suitable suggestions from three different aspects, teaching aspect, material/ system aspect and learning aspect for researchers to do further study and for instructors to better teach online international team teaching courses.
目次 Table of Contents
論文提要 ii
致謝 iii
摘要 v
Abstract vi
目錄 viii
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xiv
1 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與問題 6
1.3 論文架構 7
2 文獻探討 8
2.1 協同教學 8
2.1.1 協同教學的定義 8
2.1.2 協同教學的優點與限制 9
2.1.3 教學團隊的選擇與組成 11
2.1.4 教學團隊的模式 12
2.2相關教學情境的準則 14
2.2.1 線上教學情境之準則 14
2.2.2 跨國教學情境之準則 16
2.2.3 線上協同教學情境之準則 18
3 研究方法 19
3.1 個案研究法 19
3.2 研究程序 22
3.2.1 教室觀察之參與觀察 23
3.2.2 深度訪談 25
3.2.3 次級資料分析 28
3.3 研究工具 29
3.3.1 研究者 29
3.3.2 錄影與錄音 30
3.3.3 觀察記錄表格 31
3.3.4 訪談大綱 32
3.3.5 訪談同意書 32
3.4 資料分析與編碼 35
3.4.1 現象學質性研究觀點 35
3.4.2 現象學內容分析法 36
3.5 三角驗證 48
4 個案描述 49
4.1 研究對象 49
4.1.1 教學團隊成員 49
4.1.2 學習者 51
4.2 課程簡介 53
4.2.1 實施流程與方式 53
4.2.2 班級經營方式 55
4.3 合作方式 66
4.3.1 教學團隊合作方式 66
4.3.2 學習者合作方式 67
4.4 教學法 69
4.4.1 溝通式語言教學法 69
4.4.2 討論教學法 70
4.5 教材 71
4.5.1 教材在非同步網路教室的配置 71
4.5.2 教學與測驗內容 76
4.6 網路教學平台簡介 84
4.6.1 非同步網路教室介紹 84
4.6.2 同步網路教室介紹 88
5 研究發現 92
5.1 線上跨國教學的準則 95
5.1.1 跨文化教學法的使用 95
5.1.2 足夠的自制力 97
5.1.3 積極的參與課程 98
5.1.4 文化議題的意涵 99
5.1.5 教材內容的彈性 100
5.1.6 評量公平性的注重 102
5.2 教學團隊跨國協同合作的準則 105
5.2.1 壓力的管理 105
5.2.2 共識的達成 106
5.2.3 資訊的透明性 107
5.2.4 連絡的即時性 108
5.2.5 文化敏感度的提升 109
5.3 互動工具的準則 112
5.3.1 課前的訓練 112
5.3.2 問卷系統的使用 114
5.3.3 網路教室多語言的支援 115
5.4 線上跨國教學與教學團隊協同合作的交集準則 117
5.4.1 分群教學的實施 117
5.4.2 分群輔導 118
5.5 教學團隊跨國協同合作與互動工具的交集準則 120
5.5.1互動工具的選擇 120
5.6 線上跨國教學和互動工具的交集準則 123
5.6.1 利用互動工具營造社群的感覺 123
6 綜合討論 124
6.1線上跨國教學 128
6.1.1 準則:跨文化教學法的使用 128
6.1.2準則:足夠的自制力 129
6.1.3準則:積極的參與課程 129
6.1.4 準則:文化議題的意涵 130
6.1.5 準則:教學內容的彈性 130
6.1.6 準則:注重評量公平性 130
6.2 教學團隊跨國協同合作 132
6.3 互動工具 134
6.3.1 準則:課前訓練 134
6.3.2 準則:網路教室多語言的支援 134
6.3.3 準則:問卷系統 135
6.4線上跨國教學和教學團隊跨國協同合作交集 136
6.4.1 準則:分群教學的實施 136
6.4.2 準則:分群輔導的實施 136
6.5互動工具和教學團隊跨國協同合作交集 137
6.6線上跨國教學和互動工具交集 138
6.6.1 準則:利用互動工具營造社群的感覺 138
7 結論 139
7.1 研究成果 139
7.1.2教學團隊跨國協同合作構面 141
7.1.3互動工具構面 142
7.1.4線上跨國教學與教學團隊跨國協同合作交集 142
7.1.5互動工具與教學團隊跨國協同合作交集 143
7.1.6 線上跨國教學與互動工具交集 143
7.2 研究貢獻 145
7.3 研究限制與未來研究方向 147
參考文獻 148
附錄1 助教訪談題目大綱 154
附錄2 教學者訪談題目大綱 156
附錄3 教學者訪談題目大綱(英語版) 158
附錄4 學習者訪談題目大綱 160
附錄5 學習者訪談題目大綱(英語版) 162
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