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博碩士論文 etd-0731107-042920 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0731107-042920
Study on the Business Model for Fixed-Mobile Convergence in Taiwan's Telecommunications Industry.
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Industry Value Chain, Resource and Competence, Business Model, Fixed-Mobile Convergence, Digital Convergence
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由於數位化科技、寬頻傳輸及壓縮技術在同時的快速發展下,使不同形式的媒體之間出現交換與互連現象,一般即以「數位匯流」(digital convergence)稱此一現象,同時,為了迎合使用者能隨時隨地、無所不在地連接此一數位匯流服務與網路的需求,有線及無線寬頻網路接取技術的發展,更加速資訊通訊科技(Information and Communications Technology,簡稱ICT)產業投入相關技術與產品服務的研發。
面對產業、服務與網路匯流的發展趨勢,固定通信網路業者面臨行動電話對固定電話的替代壓力,企圖藉由與行動網路的無縫連接(seamless communications),解決使用者在既有的固定通信與行動通信網路之間必須中斷連接重新連接異質網路(heterogeneous network)的不連續問題,並刺激用戶對數據及多媒體傳輸服務需求,來挽救傳統電路交換式語音服務(circuit-switched voice service)之話務量流失與營收衰退的危機;另一方面,對行動網路業者而言,也逐漸面對行動語音基本服務市場飽和,營收成長趨緩的壓力下,期能透過固定無線網路(fixed wireless network)的接取,解決室內覆蓋問題之外,並可創造服務差異化、刺激既有用戶對加值服務的需求,以提升單一用戶營收貢獻(Average Revenue Per User,簡稱 ARPU)。因此,固定與行動通信整合(Fixed-Mobile Convergence,簡稱FMC)的經營模式為電信服務業者突破企業經營困境的創新選項。
(四)FMC產品服務可增加對既有客戶的黏度,降低客戶流失率(churn rate)。
本研究最後建議:我國電信業者、潛在的新進電信業者與政府應關注新科技WiMAX 的開放與數位匯流等可能形成的「橫向整合」或「跨網經營」,在規範或管制的界限上,能兼顧市場自由化的經濟效率與公平競爭原則。不對稱管制與鬆綁,在實施上切勿「以拖待變」,制定利於產業發展之無線電頻譜(spectrum)的分配與選擇,並明快採行階段式鬆綁政策與配套措施,方能兼顧監理功能,同時營造公平競爭的市場環境與健全的電信產業發展,促進經濟成長。
As the broadband transmission and data compression are being advanced in digital technology at the same time, these enable multimedia easily to exchange and interconnect with each other. The phenomenon to present is generally called “Digital Convergence”. In order to cater to the customers who demand whenever and wherever possible, ubiquitously access to converging services and networks as well, the broadband wireline and wireless access technologies have made significant progress to support and to further ICT (information and communications technology) industry to invest the research and development on the relevant technology, pruducts and services.
The development trend of converging in the face of industries, services and networks, FNOs(fixed network operators), who are facing the fixed to mobile substitution(FMS), attempt with the seamless communications proposition to resolve the discontinuous problems caused when or where the user’s handset roams across heterogeneous networks or switches between the fixed and mobile network, so as to motivate user demand for data and multimedia services as well as to restrain the decline of revenue from circuit-switched voice service; On the other hand, MNOs(mobile network operators) are also facing the market saturation on basic voice service gradually, in order to sustain the revenue growth, dual-mode mobile handsets enable the users access to fixed wireless network that substitutes for expensive indoor radio access to mobile network, and make differentiation from competitors to stimulate user demand for value-added services so as to raise ARPU(average revenue per user). Therefore, the business model for FMC(fixed-mobile convergence), is an innovative option to surmount the dilemma of business growth of telecommunications service operators.
No matter FNOs, MNOs or SBOs(service-based operators) begin integration among the horizontally layered access networks, e.g. wireless LAN, WiMAX, broadband wireless, 3G, 3.5G and 4G, and change the existing business model varied with the shifting industrial value chain as well in face of emerging convergence and advancing wireless communications technology.
The study gives the result with conclusions:
1.The introduction of FMC business is the most advantageous to full-licensed operators or telecom groups; Secondly FNOs can fight against FMS threat to restrain the revenue declined and to gain the revenue stream from MVNO services.
2.Telecom operators who provide with FMC offerings can strengthen competitive advantages with differentiation in the telecom services market to increase revenue and profitability.
3.Telecom operators offer FMC products and services, which help improvement in ARPU of existing customers and acquisition of new ones.
4.FMC offering can increase stickiness on customer retention besides lowering customer churn rate.
5.No matter incumbent or potential new entrant operators who introduce FMC service offering to market, they should take advantages of resources and competence in themselves to address their customer value proposition and positioning, and to adjust the business model to rival with advantageous competitive strategy. Besides, they should consider the timing for the investment on convergence of heterogeneous network varied with industrial environment and regulation so as to raise ROCE.
6.FMC business model is a set of architectural framework, not merely products or services portfolios, applications and selling. The operators must pay close attention to the shift of the external environment and business operation conditions, change the existing business model and strategy so as to keep the business growth and sustained development for lasting enterprises.
The study finally suggests: Telecom operators, potential new entrants and the Government in Taiwan should pay close attention to the spectrum licensed for the new technology WiMAX and digital convergence which may come into being “horizontally layered integration” or “operation beyond the regulated business scope”. The demarcation of regulation the Government takes effect can give consideration to the economic efficiency of market liberalization with fair competition. Asymmetric regulation and deregulation make sure not in implementing “by waiting to become”, and make distribution with choice for the radio frequency spectrum which benefits industry's development as well as adopt explicitly gradual deregulation on the policy and supplementary measure so as to can give consideration to the regulatory function, build the fair market environment and sound telecommunications industry in parallel to further the development in economy.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
誌謝詞 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iv
目 錄 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究流程與架構 6
第四節 研究範圍 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 我國電信自由化的進程與電信市場的發展現況 9
第二節 我國電信服務市場的結構與生命週期 17
第三節 企業的策略管理與競爭優勢理論 28
第四節 固定與行動通信整合的定義與緣起 31
第五節 國外電信業FMC服務的發展現況 33
第六節 FMC的創新機會與商業價值 42
第三章 FMC經營模式的體系架構 47
第一節 FMC市場環境的整體架構 47
第二節 FMC市場的價值鏈系統 59
第三節 FMC經營模式的基本架構與內涵 61
第四節 FMC經營模式的選擇方案 63
第四章 FMC經營模式的實現 69
第一節 價值命題與定位的決策與策略 69
第二節 產品或服務提供的決策與策略 77
第三節 資源系統的決策與策略 79
第四節 財務模式的決策與策略 82
第五節 研究結果 84
第五章 結論與建議 97
第一節 研究結論與建議 97
第二節 研究貢獻 100
第三節 研究限制 101
第四節 後續研究方向之建議 101
參考文獻 103
中文參考文獻 103
英文參考文獻 104
網路參考文獻 105
附錄一:電信自由化之進程 109

表2-1 1997年第二代(2G)行動電話執照發放家數表 11
表2-2 固網業者市占率分析 14
表2-3 亞洲四小龍與歐美國家PC及網際網路普及率比較 16
表2-4 2004--2007年我國電信服務市場產值及成長率 19
表2-1 熊彼得創新活動類型 43
表3-1 FMC經營模式的基本架構 62
表4-1 我國電信業FMC經營模式可能的決策情境 85
表4-2 FMC業務對我國電信業者的機會與挑戰 86

圖1-1 1998年至2006年我國電信服務用戶數及普及率 2
圖1-2 行動與固網語音話務量之改變 3
圖1-3 2002至2005年我國行動非語音服務的用戶數與營收占比關係 3
圖1-4 研究流程與架構 6
圖2-1 2000至2003年我國「家庭電話普及率」成長趨勢 13
圖2-2 我國電信服務業的產業生命週期模式 22
圖2-3 技術採用生命週期模型 23
圖2-4 Porter的五力分析架構 25
圖2-5 FMC創新機會之窗 45
圖3-1 FMC市場環境的整體架構 48
圖3-2 因應科技匯流電信法主要修正內容架構示意圖 57
圖3-3 FMC市場的價值鏈系統 60
圖3-4 FMC經營模式的選擇方案 65
圖4-1 FMC無縫隙的行動性示意圖 72
圖4-2 中大型企業總部大樓的行動性需求分析架構 74
圖4-3 FMC產品或服務的發展架構 78
圖4-4 我國電信業者的資源能力示意圖 80
圖4-5 FMC業務的專案計畫發展程序 91
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