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博碩士論文 etd-0731116-221447 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0731116-221447
Effects of Integrating Learning Object Perception and Wearable Brainwave Detection Technology on Chinese Idioms Learning Performance
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Learning satisfaction, Learning performance, Wearable technology, Real-time adaptive learning, Multisensory learning
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成語不僅在日常生活扮演不可或缺的溝通橋梁,於國小高年級國語文課程中成語教學中佔有重要之位。現今學生大部分的成語認知多以眼睛看黑板老師所抄寫的成語和耳朵聽老師的講述釋義,其學習方法理解幫助有限也無多元互動性,進而造成學生無法將所學習的成語留下印象深刻的記憶。然而,多重感官學習(Multisensory Learning)是一種豐富多樣且具互動性的學習方式,於學習過程中同時運用視、聽、動與觸覺等不同的感官,多個不同感官的管道同時接收學習內容的訊息,可不斷刺激加深學習內容的記憶。另外,傳統的課程中老師大多以一對多進行教學,無法針對個別學生的學習狀況進行調整,給予合適的學習內容或教材。本研究提出即時適性化學習策略於成語學習,於學習過程中透過穿戴式腦波偵測科技來即時擷取學習者之專注度作為判斷,以進行即時適性化調整學習內容。為了解整合多重感官學習及即時適性化學習策略,對於成語學習及學習滿意度之影響,本研究共招募103名學習者,將學習者隨機指派至「無學習策略組」、「感官組」、「即時適性化組」及「整合組」進行學習活動。研究結果顯示,「感官組」成語之學習成效顯著優於「無學習策略組」,而「適性化組」成語之學習成效顯著優於「無學習策略組」,但「整合組」成語之學習成效與「無學習策略組」並無顯著差異。而在學習滿意度上,雖四組間學習者無顯著差異,但實驗組皆比控制組的滿意分數來得高。因此,可以推論本研究提出之多重感官學習能夠有效提升成語學習之成效,以及本研究提出之即時適性化學習策略,同樣能夠有助於提升成語學習之成效,而整合兩者策略的學習成效並無較佳,可能是因過多的穿戴式科技導致學習者過載。
Chinese idioms are an important part of daily communication, and an important part of learning the Chinese language. The use of idioms is one of the main topics for 5th and 6th grade Chinese language students. Students generally learn Chinese by seeing characters written on the blackboard and listening to explanations given by the teacher. The lack of interaction in this learning style can limit the students’ understanding and ability to remember the material. Multisensory learning theory, however, proposes a more interactive learning method. By engaging more of the students’ senses (e.g., sight, hearing, kinesthesis and touch) in the learning process, students can receive more information. Also, the stimulation of different senses aids in memorization. Another limitation of traditional teaching is that it is one-to-many. The learning content is fixed, instead of offering content appropriate to the individual student’s needs. This study proposes a real-time adaptive learning strategy for learning Chinese idioms. The learning system was designed to capture the learner’s attention by using wearable brainwave detection technology to determine how to adapt the teaching content. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect, upon both learning performance and satisfaction in learning Chinese idioms, of a system that integrates multisensory learning with a real-time adaptive learning strategy. A total of 103 participants were recruited to participate in the experiment. They were randomly assigned into 4 groups: control, multisensory (experimental group A), real-time adapted (experimental group B) and integrated (experimental group C). The results upon learning performance indicate that the multisensory group performs significantly better than the control group, also the real-time adaptation group performs significantly better than the control group. No significant difference is found between the integrated and control groups. In terms of learning satisfaction, the results show no significant difference between any of the four groups, although the satisfaction level of the experimental groups are all somewhat higher than the control group. In conclusion, the multisensory learning and real-time adaptive learning strategies are both found to assist in learning Chinese idioms. The poorer performance of the integrated approach may indicate that the students are overloaded with using too many wearable technologies.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文提要 ii
致謝 iii
摘要 v
Abstract vi
目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xii
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的 4
第三節、研究問題 4
第二章、文獻探討 5
第一節、成語學習 5
第二節、多重感官學習 7
第三節、適性化學習 8
第四節、穿戴式科技 10
第五節、學習滿意度 11
第三章、系統設計 13
第一節、學習內容 13
第二節、感官組(實驗組A)系統介面 17
第三節、即時適性化學習策略 24
第四節、即時適性化組(實驗組B)系統介面 27
第五節、整合組(實驗組C)系統介面 33
第四章、研究方法 38
第一節、研究架構 38
第二節、研究假說 39
第三節、研究工具 41
第四節、實驗設計 43
第五節、資料分析方式 45
第五章、資料分析與討論 46
第一節、人口統計資訊 46
第二節、學習成效分析 47
第三節、即時適性化學習策略分析 48
第四節、學習滿意度分析 49
第五節、綜合討論 52
第六章、結論 56
第一節、研究發現 56
第二節、研究貢獻 57
第三節、研究限制 58
第四節、未來研究 59
參考文獻 61
中文部分 61
西文部分 61
附錄一、教材內容 64
附錄二、學習滿意度問卷 72
附錄三、前測問卷 73
附錄四、後測問卷 76
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