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博碩士論文 etd-0803109-224257 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0803109-224257
影響Enterprise 2.0之採用:以認知價值為基礎探討
The Impact Factors on Enterprise 2.0 Adoption: Based on Value-based Adoption Model
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
價值基礎採用理論、企業 2.0、感知價值、採用意圖
Enterprise 2.0, Adopting Intention, Value-based Adoption Model, Perceived Value
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5878 times, has been downloaded 3221 times.
由於以個人為導向的Web 2.0工具使用越來越普遍,也改變了以往的工作以及交友方式,而企業也逐漸意識到Web 2.0工具的好用、易用性,因此開始將Web 2.0工具如部落格(Blogs)、維基(Wikis)、標籤(Tags)等工具導入企業中使用,而其用途如使用部落格與客戶進行問與答以促進客戶關係以及利用維基管理公司知識等,因而產生了企業2.0(Enterprise 2.0)的概念。
Enterprise 2.0 has become popular in firms. Many Enterprise 2.0 researchers and practitioners have recognized the importance of benefits and costs in using Enterprise 2.0 by individuals. However, their effects on adoption intention in enterprise contexts are not discussed. To investigate this issue, we proposed a model to understand the intention to adopt Enterprise 2.0. Three factors are identified based on value-based adoption model (VAM), namely perceived benefits, perceived costs, and perceived value. An empirical survey was conducted to collect data. 500 samples were collected within 18 days. Of which 150 was valid. This yielded a response rate of 30%. Partial Least Squares (PLS) was used to analyze the data and verify the model. The result showed that perceived value not only played an important role in mediating the relationship between perceived benefits and costs, and adoption intention but it also exerted a significant effect on intention to adopt Enterprise 2.0. Moreover, we identified major factors that may affect perceived value. We find that both perceived benefits and perceived costs have significant impacts on perceived value, and cause intention to adopt Enterprise 2.0. Implications of such finding are discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter1 Introduction 1
Chapter2 Theoretical Foundation and Literature Review 4
2.1 Relative research on Enterprise 2.0 4
2.2 Value-based Adoption Model 12
2.3 Perceived Value and Value-based Adoption Model 12
2.4 Perceived Benefits, Perceived Costs, and Innovation Diffusion Theory 15
Chapter3 The Research Model and Hypotheses 19
3.1 Research Model 19
3.2 Research Hypotheses 20
3.2.1 Perceived Benefits of Enterprise 2.0 20
3.2.2 Perceived Costs of Enterprise 2.0 24
3.2.3 Organizational Support 25
3.3 Control Variables 28
Chapter4 Research Analysis 29
4.1 Subject 29
4.1.1 Sampling 29
4.1.2 Demographic Analysis 29
4.2 Measure Development 31
4.2.1 Pilot study 33
4.2.2 Non Response Bias 33
4.2.3 Questionnaire Internal Reliability 34
4.3 Measurement Model 38
4.3.1 Common Method Variance 38
4.3.2 Second Order of Perceived Benefits and Perceived Costs 40
4.3.3 Reliability and Validity 41
4.4 Structural Model 46
4.4.1 Main model 46
4.4.2 Analysis of Moderating Effect 47
4.4.3 Analysis of Mediating 50
4.4.4 Robustness analysis 52
Chapter5 Discussion and Implication 53
5.1 Discussion 53
5.2 Theoretical Contributions 55
5.3 Practical Contributions 56
5.4 Limitation and Suggestions for Future Study 57
5.5 Conclusion 57
References 58
Appendix 67
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