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博碩士論文 etd-0809116-075804 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0809116-075804
「物大」便是美? 探討廣告產品圖像與模特兒大小比例與品牌關係類型對廣告效果的影響
The Bigger the Picture, the Better? Impacts of Product and Model Ratio and Brand-Consumer Relationship on Advertising Effectiveness
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brand-consumer relationship, advertising, product-model ratio, conceptual metaphor theory, processing fluency
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5794 times, has been downloaded 342 times.
本研究以實驗設計法進行,實驗一使用巧克力作為受測產品,探討產品與模特兒圖像大小比例(物大人小vs. 物小人大)與品牌–消費者關係類型(領導者關係vs.朋友關係)兩個自變數對廣告效果的影響,為2 x 2二因子設計實驗,一共建立四種不同實驗情境;實驗二進一步確認產品與模特兒圖像大小比例和品牌–消費者關係類型的交互作用不會受到產品類型影響,因此以同一個虛擬品牌的享樂性產品(香水)及實用性產品(洗面乳)作為受測產品,為2 x 2x 2 三因子設計實驗,共八種不同實驗情境。為了考量實驗產品有特定的消費族群,此實驗只針對女性消費者進行訪問。兩個實驗皆透過廣告態度和購買意願兩個不同的依變數,探討不同情境對廣告效果的影響。
In advertising, visuals play an important role in catching consumer attention to promoted brands or products. Recent research suggests the importance of spatial arrangements of visuals. Conceptual metaphors are heavily used to create appropriate visuals in advertising. This research examines how the product-model ratio influence advertising effectiveness and proposes brand-consumer relationship as a moderator.
Two experiments differ in brands and products. One uses real brands and the other uses fictitious brands. In the first experiment a 2 (product-model ratio: large vs. small) x 2 (consumer relationship: leader vs. friendship) full-factorial design is employed. Chocolate is the tested product. Four experimental ads are thus developed. In the second experiment a 2 (product-model ratio: large vs. small) x 2 (consumer relationship: leader vs. friendship) x 2 (product type: hedonic vs. utilitarian) full-factorial design is employed. To rule out the effects of product type, female perfume and facial cleanser are selected. Only female participants are recruited. Eight experimental ads are thus developed. Two experiments’ dependent measures include attitudes toward the ad and purchase intention.
The results indicate that an ad with a large product-model ratio works better when consumers consider the brand as a leader. On the other hand, and ad with a small product-model ratio is advantageous when the brand is viewed as the consumer’s friend. Processing fluency is found as the underlying mechanism to explain the aforementioned phenomenon.
目次 Table of Contents
[第壹章 緒論+1]
[第一節 前言+1]
[第二節 研究背景+1]
[第三節 研究動機+4]
[第四節 研究目的與問題+5]
[第五節 研究流程+5]
[第貳章 文獻探討+8]
[第一節 前言+8]
[第二節 概念隱喻+8]
[一、概念隱喻理論 (conceptual metaphor theory)+8]
[第三節 品牌–消費者關係+17]
[三、領導者 vs. 朋友類型+19]
[第四節 處理流暢性+21]
[第五節 小結+21]
[第参章 研究假設發展與前測+23]
[第一節 前言+23]
[第二節 研究假設與架構+23]
[第三節 兩個實驗的建立+27]
[第四節 前測一+28]
[第五節 前測二+33]
[第六節 小結+37]
[第肆章 實驗一設計與分析+38]
[第一節 前言+38]
[第二節 研究變數操作型定義與衡量+38]
[第三節 研究設計+44]
[第四節 實驗一結果分析+45]
[第五節 小結+58]
[第伍章 實驗二設計與分析+60]
[第一節 前言+60]
[第二節 研究變數操作型定義與衡量+60]
[第三節 研究設計+62]
[第四節 實驗二結果分析+64]
[第五節 小結+79]
[第陸章 結論與建議+80]
[第一節 前言+80]
[第二節 研究結果討論+80]
[第三節 研究貢獻+82]
[第四節 研究限制+83]
[第五節 未來研究建議+84]
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