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Title page for etd-0812110-125327
產品與善因,誰是善因行銷下真正的主角? 捐款幅度與消費者情感對於善因行銷廣告之影響
Product or Cause? Influences of Donation Magnitude and Consumer Mood
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
cause-related marketing, consumer mood, visual component, donation magnitude
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善因行銷(Cause-Related Marketing,CRM),起源於1981 年美國運通公司為了協助舊金山當地藝術團體籌措基金所發展的活動,創新的手法與成功的案例立刻吸引眾人目光,進而開啟90 年代學術界對於善因行銷的各項討論議題。一般而言,善因行銷多以平面廣告作為主要宣傳管道,因此廣告畫面如何表現,視覺主題該以出資的企業為主,還是以較能引發消費者情感的公益善因為主,此項議題顯少受到討論與重視,因此本研究以公益慈善相關的研究結果為基礎,以實驗設計方法探討善因行銷廣告在分別以「善因」和「產品」為視覺主題的情形下,
本研究以實驗設計法進行,視覺主題(以善因為主 vs.以產品為主)、捐款幅度(5%發票金額之低捐款幅度vs. 20%發票金額之高捐款幅度)與消費者情感(正面情感 vs.負面情感)三項自變數,為 2x2x2 三因子設計,透過善因行銷廣告建立八種不同的實驗情境,觀察消費者在不同情境下對善因行銷廣告展現的
Cause-Related Marketing(CRM), which was initiated by American Express Company in 1981 to support the arts in San Francisco raising fund. Many academic researches have tried to discover the benefit and risk of CRM since 1990s. Print advertisement is a main channel for CRM. Therefore, how to structure CRM ads, especially for the focus of visual component, will be important in CRM campaigns. Based on previous studies relevant to charitable donations, this study compares the effects of cause-focused and product-focused CRM ads through experimental design method. In addition, donation magnitude and consumer mood are also considered to observe how they sway the effectiveness of CRM ads.
The present study employs an experimental design to investigate the effects of the types of visual component (cause-focused vs. product-focused), donation magnitude (5% of invoice price vs. 20% of invoice price) and consumer mood
(positive vs. negative) on CRM effectiveness. A 2x2x2 factorial design is conducted. Eight different scenarios are established and the ad effects are measured by purchase intention and attitude toward the brand.
The results indicate that the cause-focused ads are more effective than the product-focused ads. Although donation magnitude does not make a difference in a cause-focused ad, but low donation magnitude leads to higher purchase intention when a product-focused ad is presented. Positive mood facilitates the advertising effects of cause-focused ads. Finally, low donation magnitude and positive mood enhance the advertising effects of product-focused ads. The implications of these findings are discussed as well as the limitations and directions for future research.
目次 Table of Contents
第壹章 緒論 ...................................................................................................................... 1
第一節 前言 ................................................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究背景 ........................................................................................................... 1
第三節 研究動機 ........................................................................................................... 3
第四節 研究目的與問題................................................................................................ 5
第五節 研究架構 ............................................................................................................. 6
第貳章 文獻回顧 ............................................................................................................... 7
第一節 前言 ................................................................................................................... 7
第二節 善因行銷 ........................................................................................................... 7
一、善因行銷發展背景................................................................................................ 7
二、善因行銷效益 ....................................................................................................... 9
第三節 平面廣告的視覺圖片 ...................................................................................... 12
第四節 善因行銷下的捐款幅度 .................................................................................. 14
第五節 消費者情感 ..................................................................................................... 15
一、心情(mood)與情緒(emotion) ............................................................................ 16
二、正負面情感與測量方法 ...................................................................................... 17
三、心情對資訊處理的影響 ...................................................................................... 19
第參章 研究設計與方法 ................................................................................................. 22
第一節 前言 ................................................................................................................. 22
第二節 研究假設與架構.............................................................................................. 23
一、平面廣告的視覺主題對善因行銷效果的影響.................................................... 23
二、平面廣告的視覺主題與捐款幅度對善因行銷效果的交互作用影響 ................. 23
三、平面廣告的視覺主題與消費者情感對善因行銷效果的交互作用影響 ............. 24
四、捐款幅度與消費者情感對善因行銷效果的交互作用影響 ................................ 26
五、平面廣告的視覺主題、捐款幅度與消費者情感對善因行銷效果的交互作 ...... 26
用影響 ........................................................................................................................ 26
第三節 變數的操作型定義與衡量 .............................................................................. 29
一、自變數 ................................................................................................................. 29
二、依變數 ................................................................................................................. 32
第四節 研究設計 ......................................................................................................... 33
一、問卷題項編排與廣告設計 .................................................................................. 34
二、抽樣方法 ............................................................................................................. 36
第五節 小結 ................................................................................................................. 36
第肆章 研究結果分析 ..................................................................................................... 37
第一節 前言 ................................................................................................................. 37
第二節 樣本背景介紹 ................................................................................................. 37
第三節 信度分析 ......................................................................................................... 38
第四節 研究設計之檢驗.............................................................................................. 38
一、視覺主題之操弄確認 .......................................................................................... 38
二、捐款幅度之操弄確認 .......................................................................................... 39
三、消費者情感之操弄確認 ...................................................................................... 39
四、潛在共變數檢定 ................................................................................................. 39
第五節 研究假設之檢驗.............................................................................................. 40
一、以購買意圖為依變數之研究假設檢驗 ............................................................... 44
二、以品牌態度為依變數之研究假設檢驗 ............................................................... 48
第六節 受訪者對實驗廣告的回應 .............................................................................. 51
第七節 小結................................................................................................................... 53
第伍章 結論與建議 ......................................................................................................... 55
第一節 前言 ................................................................................................................. 55
第二節 研究結果討論 ................................................................................................. 55
第三節 研究貢獻 ......................................................................................................... 59
一、理論貢獻 ............................................................................................................. 60
二、實務貢獻 ............................................................................................................. 61
第四節 研究限制 ......................................................................................................... 62
一、學生樣本 ............................................................................................................. 62
二、實驗設計方法 ..................................................................................................... 62
三、單一產品設計 ..................................................................................................... 62
第五節 未來研究建議 ................................................................................................. 63
一、善因廣告的圖片使用 .......................................................................................... 63
二、產品價格的揭示 ................................................................................................. 63
三、個人差異影響 ..................................................................................................... 63
第六結 小結 ................................................................................................................. 64
參考文獻 ............................................................................................................................ 65
附錄一 正式問卷(情境一) ............................................................................................... 79
附錄二 正式問卷(情境二) ............................................................................................... 83
附錄三 正式問卷(情境三) ............................................................................................... 87
附錄四 正式問卷(情境四) ............................................................................................... 91
附錄五 正式問卷(情境五) ............................................................................................... 95
附錄六 正式問卷(情境六) ............................................................................................... 99
附錄七 正式問卷(情境七) ............................................................................................. 103
附錄八 正式問卷(情境八) ............................................................................................. 107
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