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Title page for etd-0815106-152625
Female consumers’ willingness to pay for recycled toilet paper: A comparison of contingent valuation method and conjoint analysis
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green mark., eco-label, conjoint analysis, contingent valuation method, environmental behavior, green consumption
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雖然再生衛生紙 (RTP) 相較使用處女紙漿的一般衛生紙更為環保,但它的價格也高於一般衛生紙。也因為價格較高的特性讓廠商以為民眾對於再生衛生紙的接受度較低,而不敢在一般的通路(商店)作銷售。此外,台灣過去也沒有針對消費者對再生衛生紙的願付價格 (WTP) 作研究。本研究除了探討再生衛生紙的願付價格外,並同時使用兩個方法──條件估價法 (CVM) 與聯合分析──來探討消費者心目中的願付價格 ,和比較兩個方法的效度。效度指標是受訪者的過去環境行為 (PEB) 與未來為了環保而犧牲一些經濟利益的意願(WTP3)。研究資料則是來自192位的高雄市的女性市民在接受便利抽樣調查時的回答。

結果發現:一、依據條件估價法所得的受訪者的平均願付價格為151元,高於目前台灣的非營利組織—主婦聯盟針對會員在販售的價格,此也顯示再生衛生紙是具有一定的市場發展,故建議廠商可以針對再生衛生紙多作銷售與推廣;二、條件估價法效度高於聯合分析的效度:(1)條件估價法所得的願付價格 (WTP1)與PEB、WTP3兩個效度指標具有顯著的相關(rs = .16, ps < .05);(2)依據聯合分析所得的「受訪者賦予再生衛生紙環保標章的重要性」與兩個效度指標的相關性是很低的,它與 PEB 和 WTP3 相關性分別為 .12 和 .20,和WTP1 的相關也只有 .05,而且僅和 WTP3 的相關性是顯著的,此顯示聯合分析在本研究是比較沒有效度的;三、環境知識 (EK) 與產品衛生安全顧慮 (HC) 對願付價格 (WTP1) 沒有顯著影響。
Though recycled toilet paper (RTP) is more environmental friendly than toilet paper made of virgin fiber, they are also more expensive. The price difference has made manufacturers hesitate about marketing RTP in shops, because they assume that consumers are reluctant to buy it. However, no research has been done in Taiwan to explore consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for RTP. This study is an attempt to do so by the use of two methods: contingent evaluation method (CVM) and conjoint analysis. Both methods were administered through a survey, which had a convenience sample of 192 female Kaohsiung citizens as respondents.
Results based on CVM showed that the mean WTP for RTP was NT 151, which was a little higher than the price set by Homemaker’s Union and Foundation—an NGO which was the main channel selling RTP to the domestic sector in Taiwan. This suggests that manufacturers might have underestimated the market for RTP. To check the validities of the CVM and conjoint method, two criteria were measured: the respondents’ past environmental behavior (PEB) and their willingness to make sacrifice for environmental causes (WTP3). The WTP as estimated by CVM, namely WTP1, was significantly related to both of these criteria (rs = .16, .32, ps < .05), showing that the CVM had a certain degree of validity. The importance that respondents attached to the eco-label of RTP was assessed by conjoint analysis. Validity of the importance scores thus obtained, however, was quite low: the correlation between these scores and WTP1, PEB and WTP3 were .05, .12 and .20 respectively, with only the last one significant. Results also suggest that environmental knowledge and health and safety concerns for products were not related to WTP1.

Keywords: green consumption, contingent valuation method, conjoint analysis, environmental behavior, eco-label, green mark.
目次 Table of Contents
第1 章 緒&#63809;........................................................................................................1
1.1 研究背景.......................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 研究動機.......................................................................................... 1-9
1.3 研究目的.......................................................................................... 1-9
1.4 研究&#63946;程........................................................................................ 1-10
1.5 文獻回顧........................................................................................ 1-12
第2 章  方法.................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 資&#63934;蒐集方法.................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 預試階段的問卷設計...................................................................... 2-1
2.3 預試結果.......................................................................................... 2-6
2.4 正式問卷.......................................................................................... 2-8
2.5 研究假設.........................................................................................2-11
2.6 正式問卷發放................................................................................ 2-12
2.7 統計分析方法................................................................................ 2-12
第3 章 結果.................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 問卷回收跟樣本結構...................................................................... 3-1
3.2 描述性統計...................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 再生衛生紙屬性的&#63895;合分析........................................................ 3-12
3.4 因素分析與信&#64001;分析.................................................................... 3-12
3.5 相關分析........................................................................................ 3-15
3.6 多因子共變&#63849;分析........................................................................ 3-16
3.7 輔助分析........................................................................................ 3-16
第4 章 討&#63809;與建議........................................................................................ 4-1
4.1 假設檢驗結果與學&#63972;上的寓意...................................................... 4-1
4.2 本研究結果在實務上的意義.......................................................... 4-5
4.3 研究限制與後續研究建議.............................................................. 4-6
&#63851;考文獻 ............................................................................................................R-1
附&#63807;一 預試問卷............................................................................................A-1
附&#63807;二 再生衛生紙相關環境知&#63996;&#63855;明卡片................................................A-6
附&#63807;三 預試之&#63895;合分析卡片........................................................................A-7
附&#63807;四 正式問卷............................................................................................A-9
附&#63807;五 正式問卷之&#63895;合分析卡片..............................................................A-14
附&#63807;&#63953; 統計程式..........................................................................................A-15
附&#63807;七 訪員手冊..........................................................................................A-24
附&#63807;八 &#63809;文口試審查意&#64010;與回覆表..........................................................A-25
表 目 &#63807;
表1.1 國內目前各環保認證制&#64001;................................................................1-1
表1.2 第一、二、三&#63952;環境標誌與宣告之比較........................................1-3
表1.3 環保標章產品之具體環境效&#64023;&#63870;化表(截至93 &#63886;12 月)........1-4
表1.4 普通衛生紙與再生衛生紙之主要差&#63842;............................................1-8
表1.5 &#63895;合分析之階段與步驟..................................................................1-18
表1.6 &#63864;因素法實&#63925;..................................................................................1-19
表1.7 &#63864;方法的優缺點..............................................................................1-19
表1.8 環境&#64008;為&#63952;別對照表......................................................................1-23
表2.1 再生衛生紙之屬性與屬性水準........................................................2-4
表2.2 再生衛生紙之10 個受測體組合......................................................2-5
表2.3 預試內部一致性信&#64001;分析結果........................................................2-6
表2.4 正式問卷架構內容............................................................................2-9
表3.1 問卷發放地點與回收&#63849;目一覽表....................................................3-1
表3.2 正式樣本基本資&#63934;............................................................................3-2
表3.3 選購衛生紙主要考慮因素................................................................3-3
表3.4 再生衛生紙與普通衛生紙差別........................................................3-4
表3.5 使用環保再生衛生紙對環境的好處................................................3-4
表3.6 三種因素的平均&#63849;與標準差一覽表..............................................3-10
表3.7 各屬性相對重要性..........................................................................3-12
表3.8 三個因素題項的因素負荷&#63870;與信&#64001;..............................................3-14
表3.9 &#63864;種方法所得結果與相關環境&#64008;為的相關..................................3-15
表3.10 &#63864;人口變項在願付價格的多因子共變&#63849;分析..............................3-16
表3.11 願付價格影響變&#63849;之迴歸分析結果..............................................3-17
圖 目 &#63807;
圖1.1 研究&#63946;程 .................................................................... 1-11
圖1.2 整體&#63959;&#64011;法實&#63925;.................................................................1-19
圖2.1 詢價&#63946;程圖...........................................................................2-3
圖3.1 環境知&#63996;分&#63849;以下&#63823;積圖...................................................3-5
圖3.2 再生衛生紙的競價價格以下&#63823;積圖...................................3-6
圖3.3 再生衛生紙的開放價格以下&#63823;積圖...................................3-7
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