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博碩士論文 etd-0821107-134534 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0821107-134534
The Contemplation of Strategic Management of Internationalization on Steelmaker─A Case Study of Steel Mill C
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Co-opetition Strategy, Core Competence, Perpetual Operation and Sustainable Development., Internationalization, Strategic Management, Steel Industry, Glocalization, Decentrization, Competitive Advantage
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摘 要
其一,從2001年全球鋼價大崩盤到2003年鋼價大飆漲。鋼價V型反轉,全球鋼鐵原物料價格飛漲,業界這麼說─Survival Success Surprise。
其二,從「小而美」的合理化重整到「大才能強」的超級鋼廠 Acelor Mittal 出現。另一句流行語─Metal Mettle Mittal。全球鋼廠整併再整併,國際併購大行其道。從量變到質變,形勢也在改變。
其四,從資本制約轉向能源資源制約。全球鋼鐵產業上游礦源寡頭壟斷, 75%以上的礦源掌握在3家礦業公司手上。未來全球粗鋼生產基地將逐步由主要鋼材消費的國家移往煉鐵煉鋼原料資源豐富的國家。
其五,從不連續到新連續。《不連續時代》The Age of Discontinuity一書的寫照,新S型曲線(The Sigmoid Curve)的開始,包含了現代需求(Modern Imperatives)、市場機伶(Market Smart)和未來情境(Future Scenarios),全球鋼鐵產業的不連續,巨大需求變化不易預測,需求、成長、價格變化模式與過去不同。不連續之後,或許可以期待一個穩定成長的「新連續」(New Continuum)。
企業經營發展的評價,高獲利和高成長並重最佳,成長優於獲利次之,獲利優於成長再次之。從世界鋼鐵動態(World Steel Dynamics)的評比看來,個案鋼廠正設法走出低成長的陰霾。
1. 建構競爭優勢的質量兼具成長策略
2. 進入低成本高成長國際市場的佈局策略
3. 聚焦策略性產品與高值化國際化的產品策略
4. 掌握礦源、料源的跨國垂直整合投資策略
5. 全球鋼鐵產業價值鏈活動中的永續經營發展定位策略
Since the beginning of this new century, global steel industries have gone through dramatic change. From the researches we have observed, the following major changes have taken place.
Number one, the‘death spiral’in 2001 to the‘volcanic eruption’in 2003; steel prices appeared as V shape fluctuations. Global steelmakers’ raw materials, including iron ore, coking coal, hot-rolled band, pig iron and even steel scrap, prices are constantly on the rise; Survival Success Surprise was what many people in this business were saying.
The second, reflecting this late-2001 pricing catastrophe, steel mills began to adopt new behavior patterns of rationalization─Small is Beautiful ‘. In order to survive in some cases, and to win in others, the steelmakers: a) implemented more rapid production cutbacks once steel prices started to fall; b) closed marginal facilities and c) increased M&A activity.It suddenly became an international trend to merge and merge again;and the appearance of the Acelor Mittal giant steel company, people called this the Metal Mettle Mittal phenomenon.
The third was that the Flying-geese Theory and steel industries began to spread across Asia, from Eastern Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, to Northern China, and to Southern India. Asia became the world’s steel industry center. Just as the book,《China Shakes the World: the Rise of a Hungry Nation》describes, China has became a “magnetic field” in the global steel industry. China’s steel production increased rapidly and caused supply to exceed demand.
The fourth is that global steel industries are now ushered in the energetic resource constraints era, and not the capital constraints anymore. Upstream mine sources are monopolized, more than 70% of global mining sources are owned by three major companies. In the future, global crude steel manufacturing bases will leave the main steel consuming countries and settle down in countries that are rich in mine resources to produce steel.
The fifth is identical with what《The Age of Discontinuity》pointed out. The beginning of a Sigmoid Curve includes Modern Imperatives, Market Smart, and Future Scenarios; the discontinuity of global steel industry and major changes are hard to predict. The demand, growth, and price change models are not the same anymore. However, perhaps there will be a stable New Continuum when discontinuity comes to an end.
The local structure of steel industries is also going through dramatic change; it used to resemble a giraffe, now it looks like Steven Spielberg’s ET! Local upstream cannot provide enough semi-product steel, imports of 7 to 8 million tons of semi-product steel manage to keep this in balance. Midstream steel industries, especially single rolling mills flourish. Yet the sizes of downstream processing industries are small with low added value. The demand is not enough to absorb the production of midstream mills, causing midstream steel rolling mills to rely on massive exports. A small head with a big body and skinny legs is like a giraffe, which is just the case in Taiwan’s steel industry. Whenever local steel market is sluggish, the prices are subject to change. Taiwan’s steel is mostly localized in the Asia area, while joining the WTO, internationalization, and globalization will only make competition worse than ever. The plans for a big steel mill in Yunlin and expansion of another large steel mill in Taichung will cause them to face local production surplus problems; the head has become larger than the body, just like ET. Asia’s steel is mainly consumed by China, yet China is constantly increasing production capacity, causing the Taiwan steel material export and domestic market to shrink. If political factors are added into the mix, the market will become even harder to predict. The competition of steel mills in Taiwan faces with China, India, Japan, and Korea steel mills shall prove to be a very harsh test.
They made NT $45.1 billion in 2003, NT $65 billion in 2004, NT $65.1 billion in 2005, NT $47.7 billion in 2006; estimates say they will make NT $60∼70 billion in 2007. At least one amount of capital can be made every two years in the Steel Mill C, causing them to have a global leading profitability. Their strategic management is something we should look upon and conduct research on; this also includes their learning and application of strategic planning, their sharing and exchanging of strategic execution experiences, and their innovation or revolution in visions or goals, etc. They are considered a capital and technology intensive industry, and with adequate management systems, they have become the role model of a sustainable competitive advantage and a perpetual operation and sustainable development. High-ranking finance personnel in the government point out that anybody can make money out of the Steel Mill C. Is that really so?!
Our research reveals the sustainable competitive advantage of enterprises with high profit and low growth rates, we used the Steel Mill C as an example; the only integrated steel mill in Taiwan that makes everything on its own has a very high productivity that made it become one of the worlds most competitive steel mills. They constantly maintain high productivity with low costs. Thus, their core competence is actually their sustainable competitive advantage in long-term, and not their high market share. When an enterprise develops, it should focus on increasing its profit and growth at the same time; when the profit condition is better than growth, start focusing on growth (and vice versa). According to the World-Class Steelmakers’ rankings by World Steel Dynamics, we find the mill is trying to be far away from a haze of low growth by expanding capacity.
To come up with the following five internationalization strategy suggestions is that we give to our steel mill subject:
1. Construct competitive powers and strategies of growth with quantity and quality of production at the same time.
2. Maneuver to enter international markets.of low cost product and high growth boom
3. Focus on strategic products and valuable international product strategies.
4. Take control of multi-national vertical integral investment mineral related strategies.
5. Come up with the positioning strategies of a perpetual operation and sustainable development. within the global steel industry value chain.
Have a vision, persist on fulfilling the core values, grasp hold of core abilities, construct a competitive edge, seize chances, actively plan beforehand, and take control of the future. Choose the right time, use the right tactics, and do the right things to survive and succeed as a going concern of world class steelmaker.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
誌 謝 I
摘 要 II
Abstract IV
目 錄 VII
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景和動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 1
第三節 研究步驟與流程 2
第四節 研究範圍與限制 4
第二章 相關文獻探討 5
第一節 國際策略管理的基本概念 5
第二節 國際企業策略規劃程序 7
第三節 國際產業分析架構 10
第四節 國際企業內部資源分析 23
第五節 國際企業目標 28
第六節 國際企業策略型態與內涵 32
第三章 全球鋼鐵產業環境分析 45
第一節 全球鋼鐵產業發展史觀 45
第二節 全球總體經濟現況與展望 49
第三節 全球鋼鐵市場變遷與發展趨勢 54
第四節 本章小結 70
第四章 國內鋼鐵產業對全球競爭策略分析 78
第一節 國內鋼鐵產業競爭策略─外移中國?! 78
第二節 國內鋼鐵產業結構分析 79
第三節 國內鋼鐵產業面臨之新發展趨勢 83
第四節 兩岸鋼鐵業的競合關係 86
第五節 本章小結 90
第五章 個案鋼廠經營策略議題探討 93
第一節 個案鋼廠經營策略管理實務. 93
第二節 個案鋼廠全球競爭力分析 115
第三節 個案鋼廠經營實境五大議題 135
第六章 結論與建議 142
第一節 結論. 142
第二節 建議 148
參考文獻 151
附 錄 156
《附錄一》 個案訪談提要 156
《附錄二》 世界級鋼廠產量規模與績效評比的定位圖 159
《附錄三》 2007年全球一流鋼鐵廠整合的全新劇本 160
《附錄四》 國際鋼鐵協會(IISI)最新全球前80大鋼廠排行榜2005/2006 161
《附錄五》 全球鋼鐵財訊鋼廠財務評價資訊(一) 162
《附錄六》 全球鋼鐵財訊鋼廠財務評價資訊(二) 163
《附錄七》 全球各區域鋼鐵產業EBITDA分析與預測(2003∼2007) 164
《附錄八》 世界鋼鐵財務動態分析(1997∼2007) 165
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