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博碩士論文 etd-0828109-170207 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0828109-170207
A Study on the Implementation of collaborative mechanism for strategy goal In Enterprise with system dynamics
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Electronic Manufacturing Services, Collaborative Commerce, System Dynamics, Supply Chain Collaboration
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With the development of scientific and technological progress, electronic products are replaced rapidly and the products’ life cycles are shorter than before. Therefore, products’ price are reducing sharply due to market is unpredictable. Electronics Manufacturing Service (EMS) companies are facing competitive pressure with speedy production and price reduction continuously. Moreover, under the phenomenon of the bigger corporation the better operation and economic of scale leading the industry competition, cost and speed are part of key factors to be survival consequently. If medium and small size EMS companies cannot match customers’ requirement, their future to the consequence will be closed or be merged. Hence, to perform an individual company’s competitive ability cannot only rely on internal resource and capability, but also cross boundary between each company. This means companies could win the opportunities by cooperating with customers and supplier in the same supply chain. “Collaborative Commerce” as productive management skill is for this reason an important research topic recently in business administration.
This research applies “System Dynamics Theory” to collect the relative data and built up a model to achieve the case company’s structure. According to the industry’s characteristic, the researcher simulated and analyzed the incidence of applying collaborative commerce. Moreover, the researcher also discussed the case company’s variance under different dimension, i.e. management strategy, processes of collaborative operation, and benefit anticipated. As a result, applying collaborative commerce provide a good explanation on how it is important for a company to coordinate with external resource, upgrade a company’s management efficiency and adjust a company’s strategy.
The conclusions of this research were as followed.
Firstly, because of the demand’s uncertainty, inventory was also variance and this was called “Bullwhip Effect”. Moreover, triple collaboration was more efficiency to solve the problem from Bullwhip Effect and reduce the loss occurring by inventory variance.
Secondly, the results were not certainly equal between originator and participator. However, Collaborative Commerce can provide effective function for supply chain on productive management.
Thirdly, we could monitor the problems of collaboration function while applying dynamical simulation method in practical business and examine the executive outcome. Moreover, this could also be a research instrument when companies analyze Supply Chain Collaboration.
目次 Table of Contents
1. 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景與動機 1
1.2. 研究目的 2
1.3. 研究方法與流程 3
1.4. 論文架構 4
2. 文獻探討 6
2.1. 供應鏈管理 6
2.1.1. 供應鏈的類型 6
2.1.2. 供應鏈的不確定因素 8
2.1.3. 供應鏈的資訊流 11
2.2. 協同合作 13
2.2.1. 協同商務的定義 13
2.2.2. CPFR之源起 17
2.2.3. CPFR之流程步驟 18
2.3. 系統動力學 20
2.3.1. 系統動力學的起源與發展 20
2.3.2. 系統動力學的理論基礎 20
2.3.3. 系統動力學的建模程序 24
2.3.4. 動態性複雜 28
3. 個案研究 31
3.1. 產業概況 31
3.1.1. 電子代工產業發展現況 33
3.1.2. 專業電子製造服務業 38
3.2. 個案公司簡介 41
3.2.1. 何謂SMT 41
3.2.2. 個案公司SMT組織發展探討 42
3.2.3. 個案公司SMT歷年營運概況描述 45
3.2.4. 個案公司現況分析 47
3.2.5. 個案公司問題描述 49
4. 系統動力學模型建構與政策模擬分析 52
4.1. 系統動力學建模 52
4.1.1. 系統邊界 53
4.1.2. 因果關係 53
4.1.3. 生產作業流程線流圖 58
4.1.4. 基本模擬 61
4.1.5. 模型測試及效度檢驗 65
4.2. 政策模擬分析 70
4.2.1. 短單效應 71
4.2.2. 供過於求 76
4.2.3. 資訊扭曲 82
5. 結論與建議 88
5.1. 研究發現與結論 88
5.2. 研究貢獻 92
5.3. 後續研究建議 93
6. 參考文獻 94
6.1. 中文部分 94
6.2. 英文部分 96
7. 附錄 98
7.1. 個案公司企業建模方程式 98
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