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博碩士論文 etd-0829110-122654 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0829110-122654
A Debugging Supported Automated Assessment System for Novice Programming
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Date of Exam
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fault localization, automated debugging, concolic debugging, concolic testing, automated assessment
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在正確性的評估上,我們利用「具體-符號測試(concolic testing)」演算法來針對初學者的程式進行測試。當發現學生作業中含有缺陷之後,我們便啟用自動除錯的機制來協助初學者診斷程式碼。基於具體-符號測試的啟發,我們提出了一套新的演算法「具體-符號除錯(concolic debugging)」,該演算法能夠根據錯誤案例(a failed test)來找出缺陷可能存在的位置。
Novice programmers are difficult to debug on their own because of their lacking
of prior knowledge. If we want to help them, first we need to able to check the
correctness of a novice’s program. And whenever any error is found, we could
provide some suggestion to assist them in debugging.
We use concolic testing algorithm to automatically generate test inputs. The test
inputs generation of the concolic testing is directed by negating path conditions and is
produced by solving path constraints. By using of concolic testing, we are able to
explore as much more branches as we can.
And once we found an error, we will try to locate it for novice programmers. We
propose a new method called concolic debugging. Its idea comes from concolic
testing. The concolic debugging algorithm initiates with a given failed test, and try to
locate the faulty block by negating and backtracking the path conditions of the failed
We use concolic testing to improve assessing style of the automated assessment
system. 86.67% of our sample programs are successfully assessed by concolic testing
algorithm on our new automated assessment system. And we also found our concolic
debugging is much more stable and accuracy on fault localization then
spectrum-based fault localization.
目次 Table of Contents
致謝 I
摘要 II
內容目錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
1 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 問題描述與研究目的 3
1.4 論文架構 4
2 文獻探討 5
2.1 初學者的除錯能力 5
2.1.1 錯誤發生的原因與類型 5
2.1.2 初學者的除錯策略 8
2.3 具體-符號測試(CONCOLIC TESTING) 12
2.3.1 軟體測試 12
2.3.2 具體-符號測試 13
2.4.1 缺陷定位的方法 17
2.4.2 頻譜式缺陷定位(spectrum-based fault localization) 19
2.4.3 Tarantula 21
2.4.4 χDebug 21
2.4.5 Statistical Bug Isolation(SBI) 22
2.4.6 Jaccard 22
2.4.7 Ochiai 22
2.4.8 小結 23
3 系統架構與實作 24
3.1 系統架構 24
3.2 自動評估階段:具體-符號測試 25
3.2.1 測試輸入產生工具:CREST 25
3.2.2 設定符號變數(set up symbolic variables) 26
3.2.3 程式碼的插裝與編譯(instrumentations) 26
3.2.4 具體-符號推演(concolic execution) 29
3.2.5 產生測試案例 29
3.3 缺陷定位階段:具體-符號除錯(CONCOLIC DEBUGGING) 30
3.3.1 取得錯誤路徑的限制條件 32
3.3.2 邏輯否定運算與回溯路徑的路徑條件 33
4 系統實驗與評估 35
4.1 實驗假設與限制 35
4.2 實驗樣本 36
4.3 評估方法 36
4.3.1 自動評估的成效 37
4.3.2 缺陷定位的成效 37
4.4 實驗流程 39
4.5 實驗結果與討論 40
4.5.1 實驗一:自動評估的成效 40
4.5.2 實驗一:討論 40
4.5.3 實驗二:缺陷定位的成效 41
4.5.4 實驗二:討論 43
5 結論與建議 46
5.1 研究結論 46
5.2 未來研究建議 47
6 參考文獻 48
7 附錄 53
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