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博碩士論文 etd-1006111-195257 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1006111-195257
A Study on the Brand Identity and Customer Loyalty- iPhone as an Example
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customer loyalty, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived compatibility, customer satisfaction, brand identity, customer lock-in
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近年來行動電話由類比時代進而延伸到2G甚至到3G時代,行動電話儼然不是單一的一種通訊產品。手機產品成為人們於生活上不可或缺的一部分,硬體設備的進步以及電信供應商普及的提供3G網路服務,使得智慧型手機因其便利性及功能性帶給消費者嶄新的體驗。以Apple於2007年6月所推出的iPhone為首,其直覺式的觸控介面,多元的應用軟體,以及人性化的人因設計,再加上行動載具結合加值服務的模式,以及結合網路社群效應,帶領智慧型手機開創了手機的新紀元。消費者對於智慧型手機的需求,驅向於複合式的多功面向,也進而成為強大的隨身設備。然而在各種不同手機廠商所推出的智慧型手機產品中,又以iPhone最具代表性,為了研究其使用者忠誠度的議題,進而了解品牌於市場的利基。本研究以Apple iPhone使用者為研究標的並且依其相關的文獻演化出概念性的架構。本研究架構主要以顧客忠誠度、顧客滿意度、品牌認同和顧客套牢為主要發想,並且檢驗此四者間的相互關係。然而,使用者對於iPhone的觀點也被檢視是否會透過其情感去對顧客忠誠度造成影響,此些觀點包含了使用者對於iPhone的有用性、易用性、認知的相容性和使用iPhone所產生的樂趣。本研究除了檢驗此些對於顧客忠誠度的直接效果和間接效果外,最後也會進一步討論此分析結果及管理意涵。
In the recent years, the mobile phone from analog era to the 2G era and more to 3G, mobile phones is not only a single kind of communication products, but also it became an integral part in daily life. Advances in hardware and the popularity of telecommunications providers to provide 3G network service, makes smart phones became convenience and functional. It brings consumers a new experience. In June 2007, Apple led the launch of the iPhone. Its intuitive touch interface, multi-application software, and humanness designs, coupled with value-added services to mobile carrier model, and combined Internet community effect, creates a leading mobile company. Consumers still demand for the smart phones, and drive to the multi-function in the compound-oriented. Thus, a powerful portable devices become a must need. However, in varied mobile phone manufacturers, the most representative product is iPhone. In order to understand the niche market, we have to study the customer loyalty. And, we create literature related subject and conceptual framework for the iPhone users.
In the study, the main structures are how customer satisfaction, brand identity and customer lock-in affect the customer loyalty. And, we will discover the co-related factors of the main frame. However, the point of view for the iPhone user will be also considered if the customer satisfaction (affection) will influence in customer loyalty. The affection factors will be considered as perceived usefulness, ease of use, compatibility and enjoyment. Last, w will reveal the analysis result and implication management.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論......................................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景 ...................................................................... 1
1.2 研究動機 ...................................................................... 1
1.3 研究問題 ...................................................................... 2
1.4 研究目的 ...................................................................... 3
1.5 研究流程與步驟 .......................................................... 3
第二章文獻探討 ................................................................. 5
2.1 iPhone...........................................................................5
2.2 科技接受模式(TAM) ................................................... 6
2.3 創新擴散理論 .............................................................. 9
2.4 知覺相容性 ................................................................ 10
2.5 客戶滿意度 ................................................................ 11
2.5.1 客戶滿意度之定義及重要性 ................................. 11
2.6 品牌認同...................................................................... 13
2.6.1 品牌認同之定義 ..................................................... 13
2.6.2 社會認同 ................................................................. 13
2.6.3 組織認同 ................................................................. 13
2.6.4 品牌認同 ................................................................. 14
2.6.5 品牌認同與忠誠度的關係 ..................................... 15
2.7 套牢效應 .................................................................... 15
2.8 客戶忠誠度 ................................................................ 17
2.8.1 客戶忠誠度定義 ..................................................... 17
2.8.2 客戶忠誠度與滿意度的關係 ................................. 17
第三章 研究方法 ............................................................. 20
3.1 研究架構...................................................................... 20
3.2 研究假說...................................................................... 21
3.2.2 客戶滿意度與客戶忠誠度之關係........................... 22
3.2.3 客戶套牢效應與客戶忠誠度之關係....................... 23
3.2.4 品牌認同與客戶套牢效應之關係 ......................... 24
3.2.5 客戶滿意度與客戶套牢效應之關係....................... 25
3.2.6 客戶滿意度與品牌認同之關係............................... 25
3.2.7 知覺有趣性與客戶滿意度之關係........................... 25
3.2.8 知覺有用性與客戶滿意度之關係........................... 26
3.2.9 知覺易用性與客戶滿意度之關係........................... 27
3.2.10 知覺相容性與客戶滿意度之關係......................... 27
3.3 問卷設計 .................................................................... 29
第四章資料分析與研究結果 ........................................... 37
4.1 基本敘述統計量 ........................................................ 37
4.1.1 受訪者基本資料 ..................................................... 37
4.1.2 敍述性統計分析 ..................................................... 39
4.2 信度分析 .................................................................... 43
4.3 效度分析 .................................................................... 45
4.3.1 聚斂效度分析 ......................................................... 45
4.3.2 區辨效度 ................................................................. 47
4.4 結構方程模型分析 .................................................... 50
第五章結論與建議 ........................................................... 54
5.1 研究結論 .................................................................... 54
5.2 學術貢獻 .................................................................... 56
5.3 管理意涵 .................................................................... 57
5.4 研究限制 .................................................................... 58
5.5 未來研究與建議.......................................................... 58
參考文獻............................................................................ 60
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