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博碩士論文 etd-1013117-161935 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1013117-161935
A Comparison of Cross Border E-Commerce between Taiwan and China: Analysis and Model Development
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second data analysis, cross border e-commerce, public services, platform services, transaction services
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本研究以Xue et al. (2016)的「跨境電商的發展與現況」文章中提出的跨境電商架構為基礎,探討跨境電商中的重要因素,依文獻探討發展出七個影響跨境電商交易的重要因素,分別為法規、政策、產業協會、服務提供、平台型態、金流及物流,並進行重要因素之分類及比較模式的建立,接著透過比較模式蒐集中國及台灣目前在跨境電商產業中的實作情況,並根據次級資料分析法評估發現資料皆有一定有效程度,研究結果發現(1)針對跨境電商提出一個比較模式,並定義三項比較因素:公共服務、平台服務及交易服務。(2)利用比較性模式,分析兩岸目前在跨境電商中的發展與現況。(3)透過兩岸跨境電商發展現況之比較,了解中國與台灣在跨境電商發展上的差異。
This study has discussed the cross-border e-commerce structure proposed by Xue et al. (2016) in the article “The Development and Current of Cross-border E-commerce”. Based on this paper, this study identified seven important factors that affect cross-border e-commerce transaction.
These important factors respectively are regulations, policies, industry associations, services, platform type, cash flow and logistics. After that, classified the important factors and establish the comparative models, and then through the comparative model to collect the current situation of cross-border e-commerce development between China and Taiwan. By the way, this study used second data analysis to find the information have a certain degree of validity.
According to the result which shows that proposed a comparative model for cross-border e-commerce. Second, use this comparative model to compare the current and development of cross-border e-commerce between Taiwan and China. Third, understanding the differences between China and Taiwan in the development of cross-border e-commerce industry.
The results of this study can provide the basis of theory about facilitating cross-border e-commerce for academic researches. In addition, this study also provides enterprises to understand the differences between China and Taiwan’s cross-border e-commerce, and then learn from China's development experience, as Taiwan’s enterprises to develop cross-border e-commerce an important reference to promote Taiwan's cross-border e-commerce industry growth.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與範圍 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 電子商務 5
第二節 跨境電商 11
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 次級資料分析法 17
第二節 研究流程 21
第四章 兩岸現況彙整與比較 25
第一節 比較模式 25
第二節 公共服務之比較與差異 31
第三節 平台服務之比較與差異 48
第四節 交易服務之比較與差異 52
第五章 評估與建議 65
第一節 公共服務之評估與建議 65
第二節 平台服務之評估與建議 69
第三節 交易服務之評估與建議 71
第四節 資料評估 73
第六章 結論 76
第一節 摘要成果 76
第二節 研究貢獻 77
第三節 研究限制 78
第四節 未來研究方向 79
文獻參考 80
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