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博碩士論文 etd-1103113-125823 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1103113-125823
The mood regulation mechanisms of the employee's daily work moods: The perspectives of mood maintenance and mood repair
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Mood repair behaviors, Mood regulation behaviors, Mood maintenance behaviors, The mood of daily work
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Mood regulation includes two types of regulation processes: mood maintenance and mood repair. The former means that individuals tend to maintain their positive moods by engaging in certain behaviors or changing cognitions, whereas the latter means that individuals try to improve or reduce their negative moods through taking certain behavior actions. The present study is designed to explore how employees engage in mood regulation at the workplace, and clarify how different mood regulation behaviors can lead to the mood maintenance or mood repair processes.
First, the present study used interview and questionnaires to collect the examples of employee mood regulation behaviors at work. Moreover, based on different patterns and characteristics of these behaviors, I distinguished them into different types of mood maintenance or mood repair behaviors, and then developed the measures of mood regulation based on these behaviors.
Second, this study used the experience sampling design to collect the daily data (i.e., start-of-workday mood, mood maintenance, mood repair, and subsequent mood) from 108 actual employees across two weeks (10 working days;Monday to Friday). Totally, I had 1029 valid daily responses. The results of hierarchical linear modeling analyses showed that start-of-workday positive moods positively predict subsequent positive moods and negatively predict subsequent negative moods through concentrating on work and doing easy things (i.e., mood maintenance behaviors). On the other hand, start-of-workday negative moods negatively predict subsequent negative moods by reducing chatting with colleagues (i.e., mood repair behaviors).
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書........................................................... i
誌謝..................................................................... ii
中文摘要.............................................................. iii
英文摘要.............................................................. iv
目錄..................................................................... v
圖次..................................................................... vi
表次..................................................................... vi
第一章 緒論....................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機...................................... 1
第二章 文獻探討................................................ 4
第一節 心情的意義與內涵.................................. 4
第二節 心情調整:心情維持與心情修復的觀點 ............. 5
第三節 員工初始工作心情與後續心情的關連性:
心情維持行為的中介效果.................................... 8
第四節 員工初始工作心情與後續心情的關連性:
心情修復行為的中介效果.................................... 10
第三章 研究方法............................................................. 12
第一節 研究架構與研究假設............................................ 12
第二節 研究對象與施測程序............................................ 14
第三節 研究工具............................................................. 16
第四節 資料分析方式...................................................... 21
第四章 研究結果與討論................................................... 22
第一節 樣本描述............................................................. 22
第二節 主要變數敘述統計分析........................................ 22
第三節 每日初始工作心情與心情調整行為之關係............ 24
第四節 心情調整行為與每日後續工作心情之關係............ 25
第五節 心情維持行為與心情修復行為的中介效果............ 27
第五章 研究結論與建議................................................... 29
第一節 研究主要發現...................................................... 29
第二節 研究意涵與理論貢獻............................................ 32
第三節 管理意涵.............................................................. 35
第四節 研究限制與未來研究建議..................................... 37
參考文獻............................................................................ 40
一、中文文獻..................................................................... 40
二、英文文獻..................................................................... 40
附錄:研究問卷.................................................................. 47

圖 次
圖3-1 研究架...................................................................................12

表 次
表3-1 心情維持與心情修復行為事例................................................17
表3-2 心情調整行為量表的探索性因素分析及信度分析結果.............18
表4-1 個人內層次(Level-1)相關係數..................................................23
表4-2 個人層次(Level-2)相關係數......................................................23
表4-3 每日初始工作心情與心情調整行為之階層線性模式之結果......25
表4-4 心情調整行為與每日後續工作心情之階層線性模式之結果......26
表4-5 Sobel Test之結果...................................................................28
表5-1 本研究假設進行分析後之結果................................................31
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