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博碩士論文 etd-0003117-145534 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0003117-145534
How to create a Business that is Sustainable and Creating Social Value? A Study of Social Business Models.
Year, semester
Number of pages
Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
social entrepreneur, social business model, social business, social entrepreneurship, social enterprise, sustainability, economic performance
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5838 times, has been downloaded 26 times.
This study aspires to embrace the reality of the social entrepreneurship landscape today, and to develop the external & internal factors influencing entrepreneurs towards their social action. Through a study of business models, followed by empirical observations, this work commits to defining the emergence of regular patterns that can be considered as success factors in social entrepreneurship.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: From classic businesses to social businesses: a shift analysis 5
1. What is Social and Solidarity Economy? 5
2. What is a social business? 7
3. What characterizes a social entrepreneur? 10
3.1 The classic visions of the entrepreneur 10
3.2 The social entrepreneur 12
4. A definition of social entrepreneurship 16
4.1 A multi-faced reality 16
4.2 Overview comparison of classic and social entrepreneurship 20
5. Learnings from this first chapter 24
Chapter 2: How to adjoin social value creation, economic performance and sustainability: a business model study 25
1. What is a business model? 25
2. A new kind of Business Models adapted to Social Enterprises: the emergence of Social Business Models 30
2.1 How to design a social business model? 30
2.2 Classification of social business models 32
2.3 Social Business Models today 39
3. Learnings from this second chapter 44
Chapter 3: How do social entrepreneurs imagine, build and manage their company? 46
1. Preliminary observations 46
2. Field survey methodology 48
2.1 Methodology and data collection 48
2.2 Construction of the Interview guide 49
3. Interview of 3 social entrepreneurs and presentation of their businesses 51
3.1 Sudprint Tunisia 51
3.2 Sigma Africa 56
3.3 Choba Choba, the chocolate revolution 60
4. Lesson learned from those interviews 64
4.1 A new way of thinking, “out of the box” 65
4.2 The importance of stakeholder’s management 66
4.3 A differentiation between client and beneficiary 67
4.4 A strong wish to expand activity & impact boundaries 68
5. Conclusion 69
Chapter 4: Thesis Revision: A guide to Social Business Creation 71
1. What is a social business? 71
1.1 Integration in the world’s current landscape 71
1.2 The importance of sustainability 73
2. The necessary qualities of the social entrepreneur 75
2.1 Knowledge, Attitude and Skills 75
2.2 Values & Objectives 76
3. A typology of social business models 77
4. Conclusion 79
References 82
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