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Title page for etd-0007115-210619
Relationships among Authoritarian Leadership and Affective Commitment and Psychological Well-being: The Moderating Effect of Psychological Capital
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psychological well-being, affective commitment, psychological capital, Juan-Chiuan leadership, authoritarian leadership, Shang-Yan leadership
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In Chinese enterprises, authoritarian leadership is in charge of a common leadership. It has been pointed out that the leadership of the competent authority will destroy affective commitment, and psychological well-being of employees. However, if divided the connotation of authoritarian leadership into Juan-Chiuan leadership and Shang-Yan leadership, for affective commitment, and psychological well-being of his subordinates is it still the same negative effect? In addition, under the psychological adjustment of capital, yet strict authoritarian leadership and whether leadership will continue to subordinate the emotional commitment and psychological well-being has the same impact? Therefore, this study to investigate the effect of the angle of subordinates leader style subordinates, and further assume that psychological capital has a regulatory role.
This study adopted a questionnaire survey method for full-time workers in the survey in Taiwan, and finally get 386 valid questionnaires, the results showed that: 1. The competent autocratic leadership behavior have a significant negative impact on subordinates affective commitment, but the subordinates psychological well-being of no significant impact; 2. Shang-Yan competent leadership behavior have a significant positive impact on the psychological well-being and affective commitment of subordinates ; three psychological capital in the autocratic leadership and leadership is still strict, for emotion. commitment and a sense of the impact of psychological well-being can not be a regulatory role. For the findings, this study also suggest that the management implications and discuss in detail in the text.
目次 Table of Contents
目 次
論文審定書…...................................... ..........................................…………………...i
中文摘要…...................................... ..................................... ......................................ii
英文摘要................................ .....................................................................................iii
第一章 緒論.................................................................................................................1
第一節 研究動機.....................................................................................................1
第二節 研究目的.....................................................................................................3
第三節 研究流程.....................................................................................................4
第二章 文獻探討.........................................................................................................5
第一節 威權領導…...................................... .........................…………………….5
第二節 情感性承諾…...................................... .............................................……12
第三節 心理幸福感…...................................... .........................................………18
第四節 心理資本…...................................... .................................................……27
第三章 研究方法.......................................................................................................36
第一節 研究架構與假設................................... ...................................................36
第二節 研究樣本...................................................................................................37
第三節 研究工具....................................................................... ...........................39
第四節 資料分析方法...........................................................................................46
第四章 結果分析.......................................................................................................48
第一節 各變項之描述與變項間之相關…...........................................................48
第二節 威權領導對情感性承諾的影響...............................................................50
第三節 威權領導對心理幸福感的影響...............................................................52
第四節 心理資本調節威權領導對情感性承諾、心理幸福感的影響...............54
第五章 討論與建議...................................................................................................57
第一節 結果與摘要...............................................................................................57
第二節 討論與建議...............................................................................................58
第三節 研究限制..................................................................................................60
圖1-1 研究流程圖.......................................................................................................4
圖2-1 組織承諾前因後果模示圖.............................................................................13
圖2-2 組織承諾多元預測模示圖.............................................................................14
圖2-3 組織承諾模式圖.............................................................................................15
圖2-4 主觀幸福感架構圖.........................................................................................13
圖3-1 本研究架構圖.................................................................................................36
表3-4 情感性承諾量表之問卷題項.........................................................................41
表3-5 心理幸福感量表之問卷題項.........................................................................42
表3-6 心理資本量表之問卷題項.............................................................................43
表3-7 個人背景資料題項.........................................................................................44
表3-8 社會讚許量表之問卷題項.............................................................................44
表3-9 權力距離量表之問卷題項.............................................................................45
表4-1 各變項之敘述性統計與相關係數.................................................................49
表4-2 威權領導與情感性承諾的關係.....................................................................50
表4-3 威權領導與心理幸福感的關係.....................................................................52
表4-4 威權領導與情感性承諾的調節效果............................................................ 55
表4-5 威權領導與心理幸福感的調節效果.............................................................56
表5-1 研究結果摘要.................................................................................................57
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