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A Multilevel Analysis to Explore the Mediation Effect of Manager’s Ambidexterity between High-Performance Work System and Their Individual Innovation Behaviors
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High-Performance Work System, HPWS, Manager’s Ambidexterity, Individual Innovation Behaviors
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在全球化、企業國際化的背景下,市場的競爭日益激烈。因此,為了維持競爭優勢、創造利益而永續發展,創新成為現今企業不可忽視的議題。而創新的核心之一為人,企業創新的達成有一部分乃源自於內部人力創新行為的產生。其中尤為重要的為企業的經理人,經理人對於企業與員工皆發揮著不可忽視的影響力。此外,高績效工作系統被視為一套完整的人力資源管理實務,因此如何藉由有效的人力資源管理來強化企業本身競爭力而達成創新亦具備不可忽視的重要性。有鑑於此,本研究試圖探討企業如何藉由高績效工作系統強化企業內部經理人的創新行為,並且深入探討經理人雙歧性(雙元性) 在其中的中介效果。本研究假設採用高績效工作系統會正向影響經理人創新行為,與此同時,高績效工作系統亦會增強經理人雙歧性,進而而達成經理人創新行為的展現。
本研究使用跨層次階層迴歸分析,結果顯示本研究假設皆成立。研究結果發現: 1.高績效工作系統對經理人創新行為有著正向顯著影響; 2.高績效工作系統對於經理人雙歧性有著正向顯著影響: 3.經理人雙歧性對於經理人創新行為有著正向顯著影響; 4.經理人雙歧性對於高績效工作系統與經理人創新行為具部分中介效果。
本研究提出的具體管理意涵為: 1.企業應採用高績效工作系統並且強調如獎酬制度、訓練機制等等以增強經理人之創新行為; 2.企業應藉由高績效工作系統建立有益於發展經理人雙歧性之情境。
Under the background of globalization and the mobile environment nowadays, the competition are more intense. Therefore, in order to stay competitive and to be sustainable, innovation has become the assignable issue for corporates. One of the core concepts of innovation is people, the goal of innovation is reached through individual innovative behaviors. Along with this, managers within business are of no negligence since they hold a great influence to both the business and employees. Other than that, HPWS has been seen as an integrated HR practices that has been widely discussed over the past.
Thus, how can corporates reach the goal of innovation through manager’s innovative behaviors that is caused by effective HR practices is critical. In sight of this, this study presents a comprehensive examination of the effect that HPWS holds toward manager’s innovative behaviors, and also the mediating effect of manager’s ambidexterity.
This study adopted hierarchical linear model regression analysis and the results indicated that our hypotheses are valid. In sum, this study exposes:
1. HPWS holds a positive and significant effect to manager’s innovative behavior.
2. HPWS holds a positive and significant effect to manager’s ambidexterity
3. Manager’s ambidexterity holds a positive and significant effect on a manager’s
innovative behavior.
4. Manager’s ambidexterity has a partially mediating effect between HPWS and manager’s innovative behavior.
目次 Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract………………………………………………………...ii
Abstract ………………………………………………………………....iii
1. Introduction............................................................................ 1
2. Literature Review....................................................................4
2.1 Innovative Behavior................................................................4
2.1.1 The concept and definitions of innovation.......4
2.1.2 The levels of innovation and influential factors 7
2.1.3 Individual innovative behavior 9
2.2 High Performance Work System (HPWS) 11
2.2.1 The evolution of HPWS 12
2.2.2 The definitions and implications of HPWS 13 The definition of HPWS 14 The implications of HPWS 15
2.2.3 The Factors of HPWS 18
2.2.4 The relationship between HPWS and individual innovative behavior 21
2.3 Ambidexterity 22
2.3.1 Organizational Ambidexterity 22
2.3.2 Perspectives of Organizational Ambidexterity 25
2.3.3 Manager’s Ambidexterity 26
2.3.4 The relationship between HPWS and manager’s ambidexterity 28
2.3.5 The Role of Mediation of Manager’s ambidexterity 29
3. Methodology 31
3.1 Research Framework 31
3.2 Research Variable and Measures 32
3.3 Samples and Procedures 37
3.3.1 Samples 37
3.3.2 Procedure 38
3.3.3 Descriptive Statistics 39
3.3.4 Data Analysis 43
4. Results 44
4.1 Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Analysis 44
4.2 Variance within and between group 46
4.3 Hypothesis Testing 46
5. Conclusions and Implications 50
5.1 Conclusions 50
5.2 Practical Implications 53
5.3 Limitations & Future Research 55
References 57
Appendix: Questionnaire 69
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