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博碩士論文 etd-0025116-103207 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0025116-103207
The Effect of Word of Mouth: Online Consumer Reviews
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online consumer reviews, perceived usefulness, trustworthiness, purchase intention, word-of-mouth marketing
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由於現今資訊科技發達,消費者不再只是被動汲取廣告資訊,相反地,消費者能夠藉由網路技術尋找產品相關資訊,甚至打破地理上的距離,與其他消費者從事訊息交流行為。 隨著網路的成長,許多線上評論平台也隨之而生,進而成為消費者在從事購買決策中的一大利器。

The growth of the Internet has helped consumers to exchange information without the limitations of time and space, and the Internet, in turn, facilitates conversations between consumers. Since evaluations presented from the perspective of consumers are seen as more useful for purchase decision making, online consumer reviews have become a major reference for consumers’ shopping behavior. Consequently, consumer reviews have had significant influence on product sales.

To learn how online reviews influence consumer opinions, this study focuses on investigating the characteristics of the online consumer reviews which influence consumer’s purchase intentions. The results of this empirical research indicate that trustworthiness, volume of reviews, and perceived usefulness positively relate to purchase intentions. The author presents the implications of this study and recommendations for future research.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research purpose 4
1.3 Research process 6
1.4 Structure of thesis 7
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Word of mouth 8
2.1.1 Traditional word of mouth 8
2.1.2 Online word of mouth 12
2.2 Online consumer review 15
2.2.1 Features of online consumer review 15
2.2.2 Measures of online reviews 17
2.2.3 Classifications 19
2.3 Trustworthiness 20
2.3.1 Definition 20
2.3.2 The impact of trust 22
2.4 Accuracy 23
2.4.1 PAPA framework 23
2.4.2 Information quality 24
2.4.3 The accuracy of information 25
2.5 Perceived usefulness 26
2.5.1 Background theories 26
2.5.2 Perceived usefulness 28
2.6 Purchase intention 30
2.6.1 Consumer decision process 30
2.6.2 The role of purchase intention in purchase behavior 31
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 33
3.1 Conceptual framework 33
3.2 Hypothesis development 35
3.2.1 Trustworthiness 35
3.2.2 Accuracy 35
3.2.3 Volume 36
3.2.4 Perceived usefulness 37
3.2.5 Purchase intention 37
3.3 Measurement and scale 38
3.3.1 Independent variables 38
3.3.2 Mediator 40
3.3.3 Dependent variable 41
3.4 Survey design 42
3.5 Data collection and sampling design 45
Chapter 4 Data Analysis 46
4.1 Exploratory survey and questionnaire revision 46
4.2 Reliability analysis 47
4.3 Descriptive statistics analysis 48
4.4 Inferential statistics analysis 51
4.4.1 Pearson’s correlation coefficient 51
4.4.2 Multiple regression 53
4.5 Discussion 56
Chapter 5 Conclusions 57
5.1 Research conclusions 57
5.2 Contributions of the study 59
5.3 Research recommendations 60
5.4 Limitations 61
Reference 62
Appendix: Questionnaire 68
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