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博碩士論文 etd-0101118-112635 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0101118-112635
Analysis of the interaction of Agricultural Research and Marketing Strategy Alliance
Year, semester
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Date of Exam
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Agricultural Development, Game theory, Strategy Alliance, Research and Development, Technical Cooperative
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5884 times, has been downloaded 33 times.
Agriculture is the cornerstone of Taiwan's economic development, however, since
industrial development has replaced agriculture, coupled with the impact of trade
liberalization, the size of agriculture is too small, the international competitiveness has
been lost, the income of agricultural practitioners and households has been low,
agricultural production from the trade surplus to the deficit, and so how to establish
agricultural production, marketing, biotechnology research and development strategy
alliance to make up for the small-scale agricultural production pattern and to develop
Taiwan agriculture with the advantages of exquisite small farmers, technical leaders
and quality products, it is bound to become the primary research direction of policy
making. How to improve the production and marketing of the organization and
marketing environment, improve the efficiency of agro-marketing, so that Taiwan's
agricultural products competitiveness effectively promoted, is the future agricultural
development must pay attention to.
This study explores the interaction between strategic alliance manufacturers by
game theory, to explore how to establish a strategic alliance of agricultural production,
marketing and biotechnology research and development to make up for the small-scale
agricultural production pattern; The results show that the cooperation or alliance among
different production and marketing classes must take into account the increase of
overall output after the popularization of agricultural technology, Or consumers to
increase the demand for new products caused by the imbalance between supply and
demand, avoid price misalignment or decrease in revenue due to price collapse the
cooperation or alliances between the production and marketing classes must take into
account the increase in overall production after the popularization of agricultural
technology, or the imbalance of supply and demand resulting from increased demand
after the increase of new products by consumers, Avoid a price imbalance or a sharp
fall in revenue from falling prices. In addition, the close relationship of strategic
alliances or the accumulation of trust and relationship capital arising from the common
interests can be regarded as the factors that the dynamic industrial network and the
agricultural extension related products share the sales channel, increase the sales of
agricultural products or reduce the cost of logistics delivery
目次 Table of Contents
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
目錄 vii
圖次 ix
表次 x
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究緣起 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究方法 3
第四節 研究架構 7
第貳章 文獻回顧 9
第一節 農業產銷班現況 9
第二節 農業產銷班組織輔導措施 11
第三節 策略聯盟-研發方面 13
第四節 策略聯盟-行銷方面 16
第參章 農業技術研發產銷策略聯盟互動策略之分析 21
第一節 前言 21
第二節 基本模型 22
第三節 模型變量關係 29
第四節 對稱型衝擊與納許-納許均衡 34
第五節 策略聯盟與合作─納許均衡 36
第六節 策略聯盟的作用及其失靈問題 40
第七節 小結 41
第肆章 動態產業網絡之建立 45
第一節 前言 45
第二節 競合聯盟策略分析 46
第三節 動態產業網絡關聯理論模型建構 50
第四節 小結 53
第伍章 結論 55
參考文獻 57
圖 次
圖1-1 農業基本資料概述 2
圖1-2 農產品進出口貿易 2
圖1-3 完全訊息賽局 6
圖1-4 確定訊息賽局 6
表 次
表1-1 賽局分類表 5
表1-2 賽局型態及其相對應之均衡觀念 6
表2-1 全國各縣市農業產銷班班數統計表 10
表2-2 全國農業產銷班依區域分班樹統計表 11
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