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Title page for etd-0111113-144351
The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Subordinates’ Behavior: Supervisor-focused Citizenship Behavior and Impression Management.
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Identification with Supervisor, Supervisor-focused Impression Management, Transformational Leadership, Supervisor-focused Citizenship Behavior
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The purpose of this research is to discuss the effects of subordinates' identification with transformational leaders on the following outcomes, supervisor-focused citizenship behavior and impression management. This study was conducted via two-wave research design, and a total of 114 subordinate questionnaires under the supervision of 64 leaders were collected. The findings demonstrate that there is a positive linkage between transformational leadership and subordinates’ identification with the leader and such identification further brings about supervisor-focused citizenship behavior and impression management. Based on the research findings, future suggestions for research and practitioners are proposed.
目次 Table of Contents
表 2-1 社會化與個人化領導風格............................................................................9
表2-2 印象管理的組成..........................................................................................15
表2-3 認同動機與認同對象管關連......................................................................17
表2-4 自我概念的層面..........................................................................................20
表3-1 樣本特性......................................................................................................26
表4-1 最大概似法驗証性因素分析之結果..........................................................31
表4-2 變項之平均數、標準差與相關係數............................................................34
表4-3 分析結果......................................................................................................36
表4-4 分析結果與各項假設對照表......................................................................36
圖 2-1 研究概念性架構..........................................................................................24
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