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博碩士論文 etd-0111114-180657 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0111114-180657
An Exploratory Study of University Students' Entrepreneuring
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Student Entrepreneurship, Student Entrepreneur, Entrepreneuring, Narrative Inquiry, Organizing Context
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5869 times, has been downloaded 514 times.
1. 校園創業情境
(一) 環境優美的學習環境,但校內不同背景的學生缺乏交流
(二) 南台灣第一的國立大學,校內學生的自信心、行動力卻不高
(三) 學校經費有限的情況下,資源不足的問題總是令人無奈

2. 創業行為如何發生
(一) 了解到校園脈絡其實有可創造的空間
(二) 透過視角轉變,校內的場域就會有所變化
(三) 善用學生角色在脈絡中的位置

3. 學生創業對自我的意義
This study explores the process that how the university students do their entrepreneuring activities. There are three main cases in this study and I try to analyze those cases through narrative inquiry approach. From their storytelling, I get new ideas of three aspects: the nature of student entrepreneuring activity, the characteristic with student identity doing entrepreneuring activities, and how students doing their entrepreneuring activities in the specific context.

  Also, the study explores the student entrepreneurship with a spirit of entrepreneuring aspect, and what refers “organizing context” to here is a dynamic concept to go through the process of student’s entrepreneuring activities.
There are the research findings as follows:
1.The entrepreneurial context in campus
 (1) It’s a beautiful place for students studying in NSYSU, however, there is less interaction of students between different backgrounds.
 (2) One of the best school in Taiwan, but sometimes students here are not so aggressive and have less confidence.
 (3) The lack of resources is always frustrating because of the limited funds.

2.How did the entrepreneurial behavior happened
 (1) Students present the features of “organizing context”
  A.The understanding that there are possibilities to do something new in the campus.
  B.The school field varies through the different perspectives.
  C.Make good use of the student identity in the context.
 (2) “Organizing Context” comes from the understanding of daily life in the campus.

3.The significance of doing entrepreneuring activities by students themselves
  With a great caring of their own school, those students tried to found a new organizations or activities to improve the environments. The significance of doing entrepreneuring activities is that they started the action of caring consciousness.
目次 Table of Contents

第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究問題3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 誰是學生創業者?4
第二節 創業研究發展6
第三節 何謂織組脈絡11
第三章 研究方法與設計13
第一節 研究步驟13
第二節 敘說探究法14
第三節 研究對象17
第四節 研究歷程19
第四章 三個學生的故事24
第一節 Eric與Airstage的故事24
第二節 Hui與TEDxNSYSU的故事29
第三節 Michael舉辦紀錄片放映會的故事36
第五章 故事分析與討論40
第一節 創業情境40
第二節 創業行動如何發生 46
第三節 學生創業對自我的意義58
第六章 研究結論與建議72
第一節 研究結論:學生創業的意義72
第二節 研究建議74


表3- 1:敘說探究法與其他質性研究法的比較 15
表3- 2:第一階段參與訪談學生資料表 18
表3- 3:第二階段隨機訪談8位中山學生資料表 18
表3- 4:訪談時間一覽表 20
表3- 5:第二階段訪談時間一覽表 21


圖3- 1:研究流程圖 13
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