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Title page for etd-0117105-152820
The Possibility of Promoting Collaboration Commerce for Steel Industry. – A Case Study of Big sized Enterprises in Taiwan
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supply chains, TEMPLET, Collaboration Commerce, IOS, steel industry
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摘 要
面對高鋼價時代來臨,在全球性的競爭法則依然沒變,低成本與差異化兩大主軸,與鋼價低迷時代相同,鋼鐵業更應注重客戶服務與產品的高附加價值開發及設法降低經營成本,才不致重蹈之前經營的困境。提升競爭力與降低成本就B2B而言,協同商務可說是一個完整解決方案。協同商務不僅資訊可分享以降低成本與增加市場效能之功能,更提供一個撮合平台,讓客戶與供應商能在此平台上進行溝通與資訊分享。而國內鋼鐵業導入協同商務,卻往往非因最早電腦化而搭順風車,各企業間的協同作業並不順利。導入企業間協同商務絕不僅是從技術方面著手,而是必須從協同合作(Collaboration)、組織(Organization)及技術(Technology)等整體面來進行評估。故本研究以Kumar and Crook(1999)所提出跨組織資訊系統之三大範圍為基礎,並透過IBM 供應商協同作業的評估模組對供應商協同作業能力進行評估; 另結合TEMPLET 評估模式針對企業本身的組織(Organization)及技術(Technology)能力進行分析,以預期國內鋼鐵業未來推動企業間協同商務之優缺點。
1. 銷貨折讓或季節性欠缺原料以致企業內部流程有人工介入。
The Possibility of Promoting Collaboration Commerce for Steel Industry – A Case Study of Big sized Enterprises in Taiwan.
Student:Ming-Ho Chen Advisor:Phd. Chin-Fu Ho
Department of Information Management National Sun Yat-sen University


The time of high steel price is coming ,the competitive rules is still not change are low cost and discriminatory is the same as depression in economy .It is important to care for customer service product added values and to reduce management costs to prevent cycling from previous Dilemma .Collaboration Commerce is the perfect solution to promote competitive capability and to reduce cost for B2B. Collaboration Commerce is not only to share information to reduce cost but also promote market effective ,further , to create a transaction-platform for customer and supplier. Collaboration Commerce is not successfully in Domestic steel industry ,although electronized enterprise very early. Therefore, the introduction of IOS shall not only start from technological aspect, but also have to evaluate as a whole from collaboration, organization and technology. Hence, this research is based on the three major scopes of IOS addressed by Kumar and Crook (1999), and explores inter-organizational collaboration’s influence on Collaboration Commerce through IBM e-Business Collaboration Tool / evaluation model for supplier ; furthermore, combines TEMPLET evaluation model to analyze enterprise’s organization and technology capability to predict the possibility for domestic steel enterprises to promote Collaboration Commerce in the future. This research adopts qualitative research method and combines secondary literature to discuss the pioneer enterprises promotion processes, which implement the project of Collaboration Commerce , and through the analysis to verify and correct the initial concept model and theoretical claims of the research framework. Furthermore, in terms of case analysis, the research object is the big sized steel companies and their subcontractors of the big sized steel industry. Steel industry is one of the traditional domestic industries, which required highly specialty and labor division, all of its products have to be closely cooperated between manufacturers and subcontractors, so it is the model of standard upper and lower supply chains relationship, however, its supply chains still lack of information system’s support till now. Therefore, it is expected to estimate the feasibility for Steel industry to promote Collaboration Commerce to upper and lower supply chains through this research, and bring up appropriate business model and relevant suggestions according to research results.

This research shows that case enterprise’s Collaboration for supplier’s capability is inferior to the pioneer enterprises C.S.C., on one hand it is because of the different industrial natures, and on the other hand is not ready for workflow . In terms of organization management and IT’s capability, case enterprise has common or above organization levels, so it has adequate operating flexibility, however, to see as a whole, Furthermore, the research shows the problem and successful case and the implement strategy &planning. Case enterprises to implement Collaboration Commerce in the future shall enhance the strength and improve the weakness in evaluation model, and have all the supply chains levels up and balanced ,still great chances for it to promote Collaboration Commerce successfully in the future ,can improve the production 、 Inventory 、purchase、customer desire get good optimized,to integrate interenterprises from inner to outer and less labor via organization and technology.specially,it is easy to be successful in grouping enterprises for Collaboration Commerce ,because it is be shared for information and data transactions .Low cost and discriminatory are the keypoints in competition enterprises need to investigate the key performance indicator any time ,included people ,wrkflow ,strategy etc. it shall have a team to promote Collaboration Commerce and discuss it one another by the top leader's support.

This research gives the steel enterprises that want to promote Collaboration Commerce 9 specific discoveries and 2 specific discoveries in organization and IT listed below: 一、Organization and technology
1.The work flow of companies involve considerable human intervension due to sale discounts or seasonal adequate raw material.
2.Case enterprise care for intergrating application system and database will be helpful to promote Collaboration Commerce.
二、Collaboration for supplier
1. Digital divide exist still severely in suppliers of raw material and MRO due to the performance of investment.
2. Standardize is going in progress ,but communication and coordination process slowly.
3. Government’s policy have the successfully cases ,so it will be lasting to be pushed
4. Collaboration ‘s capability of the case enterprises ‘s for supplier is not adequate due to not integrated database and work flow .
5. The definition of workflow and business rules is not accordance with interorganization .
6.The Circumstances for design collaboration have the new desires in globalization .
7.The transparant of inventory information is not yet acceptable in steel industry due to privileges.
8. The investment is too high in collaboration will be considered if implement collaboration commerce by efficient.
9. Collaboration production is helpful with each other in supply chains to share iinformations and closely customer relationship.
It is also expected to provide more valuable references for steel enterprises that want to promote Collaboration Commerce by this research.
Keywords: steel industry, IOS, Collaboration Cmmmerce ,supply chains,TEMPLET
目次 Table of Contents
誌 謝 詞 ii
摘 要. iii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 E化企業 6
第二節 協同商務 8
第三節 供應鏈管理 14
第四節 全球運籌管理 15
第五節 企業間系統整合 16
第六節 理論基礎與評估工具 18
第三章 研究設計 24
第一節 研究架構 24
第二節 理論主張 25
第三節 研究方法 27
第四節 個案研究設計 29
第五節 資料來源 32
第六節 個案分析方法與研究品質 34
第四章 鋼鐵產業概況 36
第一節 鋼鐵業的特性 36
第二節 鋼鐵業的分類與發展 37
第三節 全球鋼鐵業現況 41
第四節 台灣鋼鐵業業務E 化現況 44
第五節 台灣鋼鐵業的未來展望 49
第五章 協同商務個案分析與結果 50
第一節 中鋼公司個案 50
第二節 SY公司個案 66
第三節 YP公司個案 77
第四節 YU公司個案 95
第五節 個案綜合分析 110
第六章 鋼鐵產業協同商務之建置 116
第一節 鋼鐵業協同商務的威脅與機會 116
第二節 企業參與協同商務之建置規劃 122
第三節 企業協同商務建置之成功案例 133
第四節 企業協同商務之實施建議 134
第七章 結論與建議 139
第一節 研究發現 139
第二節 研究貢獻 142
第三節 未來研究方向建議 143
[參考文獻] 143
附錄一 問卷調查表 147
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