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博碩士論文 etd-0117111-030220 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0117111-030220
MNC's Subsidiary Initiative in China : Dynamic Capability Perspective - The Case of New Energy Industry
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Exploitation, Exploration, Dynamic Capability, Subsidiary Initiative
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在一波掀起「綠色革命」的國際趨勢下,中國領先全球大量投資於新能源產業,充分展現其巨大的綠色野心,而在中國政府大力鼓勵以及擴大內需市場的情況下,國際企業亦紛紛在中國設立子公司以盼爭取廣大的新能源市場商機,中國新能源產業正在經歷快速且蓬勃的發展。本研究以質化的研究方式進行,透過與三家跨足新能源產業之個案公司進行訪談輔以次級資料的收集,以個案研究的方式進行分析,探討在如此快速變遷的環境下,外商公司將採取何種策略經營中國子公司、並透過哪些管理方式建構動態能力,最終達成子公司的開創。研究發現指出,在兩種不同策略下(exploitation 和 exploration)子公司會有相對應的管理作為,主要體現於研發、人力資源、與行銷方面,且這些管理作為會進一步影響到子公司開創的程度為本土開創亦或是國際開創。
China has been heavily investing in new energy. With the Chinese government encouragement as well as huge demand from domestic, a lot of MNCs set up subsidiaries in China to enter Chinese market. The new energy industry in China is under rapid and prosperous development. This study adopts qualitative approach, through interviewing with three new energy companies as well as secondary data collection to understand in such changing environment, how MNC’s subsidiary in China can manage the dynamics and build up capability to achieve initiative is the objective this study attempt to understand. The findings show that under different strategies, exploitation and exploration, of developing dynamic capability in China, there will be corresponding HR, R&D, and marketing practices in subsidiary. And these practices will lead to different result of subsidiary initiatives - local and global initiative.
目次 Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES..…………………………...……………………………….....v
LIST OF TABLES..………………………………...…………………………..….vi
1.1Research Background………………….……………………………….…………. 1
1.2Research Motivation and Objective…………………………………………….….3
1.3 Research Procedure………………………………………………………………..4
2.1 Dynamic Capability..................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Approaches toward building competitive advantages…..…………………...5
2.1.2 Teece et al.’s study: dynamic capability framework…………………..…….6
2.1.3. Eisenhardt and Martine’s study………………………..……..……………..9
2.1.4 Luo’s study………………………… ……………………………..…….…10
2.1.5 Definition of dynamic capability………………………..…..……….…….12
2.2 Subsidiary Initiative……………………………………………………………...14
2.2.1 Definition of subsidiary initiative………………………………………….14
2.2.2 Process model of subsidiary initiative………………….…………..……...15
2.2.3 The source of subsidiary initiative: three perspectives………………..…...16
2.2.4 The origin of initiatives (market opportunity)……………….…………….18

3.1 The Framework of the Study……………………………………………….…….21
3.2 Qualitative Approach………………………………………………………..……22
3.3 Case company profile………………………………………………………...…..25
4.1 Parent Company Strategy……………………………………………………..….28
4.1.1 Definition of exploitation strategy and exploration strategy………….....…28
4.1.2 Strategy taken by case company……………………………..………….....29
4.2 Human Resources………………………………………………………….……..33
4.2.1 Sources of talents……………………..……………………………...…….33
4.2.2 Selection…………………………………..………………………………..37
4.2.3 Retention…………………………………………..……………………….40
4.2.4 Training and Development/ Talent Management…………………….....….42
4.3 Research and Development………………………………………………………50
4.3.1 Technology sources…………………………………..…………………….50
4.3. 2 R&D center…………………………………………………..…………....52
4.3.3 Global connection………………………………………..…………….…..53
4.3.4 Academic connections………………………………..…………………….55
4.4 Marketing……………………………………………………………………..….59
4.4.1 Costumer Service…………………………………………..………………59
4.4.2 Development……………………………..………………………………...62
4.5 Inter-unit communication………………………………………………………...67
5.1 Summary and discussion…………………………………………………………71
5.2 Research limitation……………………………………………………………….75
5.3 Further research suggestion……............................................................................76
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