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博碩士論文 etd-0118117-234835 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0118117-234835
Factors influencing long-term positive employment of Thai women spouses in Taiwan
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Positive labor market status, Long term employment, Thai women spouses, Social network, Individual capability, Family condition
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 6071 times, has been downloaded 304 times.
本文主要探究長期影響泰籍新娘在臺工作的因素,本文採用訪談方式以在臺灣高 雄地區 15 位泰籍新娘為對象。研究思考框架建立在家庭的基礎上,以社會資本 (Social network) 個人能力 (Individual capability)為焦點。研究發現家庭為 背景的原生家庭(泰國)與子女成為泰籍新娘長期工作的重要因素。研究呈現出 社會資本與人力資本之間重要的關聯,此外,發現參與政府開設免費職訓課程、 語言課程等的泰籍新娘,有長期工作的機率。研究結果以人力資本的思維,可見 參加職業訓練等課程,能培養外籍配偶的一技之長與語言技能,因此同時影響泰 籍新娘長期工作因素
This study examines the positive long term employment status of Thai women spouses through data collected interviewing a total sample of 15 Thai women spouses in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The conceptual framework is based on the family labor supply model, individual capability and social network theory. The findings indicate that, in regard to the positive long term employment status, family situation variables including the presence of family in Thailand, and child characteristics play fairly significant roles in the positive long term employment probability for Thai women spouses. The estimation result shows a strong linkage between the human capital and social capital. Employment assimilation for these Thai women spouses immigrants may be confirmed based on the finding that foreign spouses who have attended a free programs offers by government are more likely to work for long term such language classes, or skills courses. Similarly, the assimilation effect on the friend and human capital those who have learned essential skill from a friend are necessarily more likely to work for long term.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis/Dissertation Validation Letter i
Abstract (Chinese) . ii
Abstract (English) . iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review . 3
2.1 Cross-cultural marriage 3
2.2 Cross-cultural marriage in Taiwan 4
2.3 Previous study . 6
2.4 Framework for my study . 9
2.4.1 Family status 10
2.4.2 Social network . 11
2.4.3 Individual capability 13
2.4.4 Positive labor market status .14
Chapter 3 Methodology 16
3.1 Research design 16
3.2 Phenomenology 16
3.3 Data collection method . 17
3.4 Sample 18
3.5 Data Analysis Process and Procedure . 21
Chapter 4 Analysis 22
4.1 Data coding . 22
4.2 Data analysis . 27
Family status . 28
Individual capability . 29
Social network 30
4.3 Findings. 31
Family status . 31
Social network 32
Individual capability . 33
4.4 Limitations of the study 34
Chapter 5 Conclusion . 35
5.1 Recommendation 37
5.2 Future research . 38
References 39
Appendix 41
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