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全球整合型企業下的人才管理 以研華科技為例
How to Identify, Develop, Deploy, and Connect Talents When Companies Transform to Global Integrated Enterprise The Case of Advantech
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commitment, and performance, alignment, talent management, capability, Global Integrated Enterprise
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全球化是在長時間下、持續進行演變的動態趨勢,其多元的面向廣泛影響各個層面,如國際企業的出現、消費市場無國界等。全球化下,企業必須滿足日益增加的市場需求,以維持自身的競爭力。為了能更有效率的回應市場需求、並且有效的整合全球資源,IBM在2007年提出了「全球整合型企業Global Integrated Enterprise (GIE)」的概念,此概念大幅影響了企業運行組織變革的實務做法。

研華科技於2006下半年面臨成長衰退的現象,為了提昇公司的競爭力,研華科技開始著手組織變革的相關規劃。「全球整合型企業」的概念於2007年中被導入研華科技,2007下半年起,公司即開始「全球整合型企業」的策略佈局,並於2008年正式實施。當研華科技轉型為「全球整合型企業」時,需要相關部門提供支援的功能,此時人才管理(Talent Management)成為最重要的議題之一。因此,研華科技落實人才管理模式,其包含人才辨識(Talent identification)、人才發展(Talent development)、人才部署(Talent deployment)及人才連結(Talent connection)四個功能。

本研究假設在落實此人才管理模式後,將會有正面的影響力。預計能帶來的正面影響力有:1)落實人才發展實務所帶來的組織才能(Organizational capabilities)、2)落實人才部署實務所帶來的密切合作(alignment)、以及3)落實人才連結實務所帶來的員工承諾(employee commitment)。再者,本研究預測落實此人才管理模式後,能產生正面的組織績效(organizational performance)。因此,本研究著重於探討組織能力(organizational capabilities)、密切合作(alignment)、員工承諾(employee commitment)與組織績效(organizational performance)的關係。
Globalization is viewed as a centuries-long process, its various aspects which affect the world in several different ways such as industrial emergence of worldwide production markets and broader access to a range of foreign products for consumers and companies (Craig, C.S, 2003). Under globalization, companies meet the increasing challenge to fulfill the demands of markets. In order to response to market effectively and make best use of resources globally, IBM brought up a concept of ‘Global Integrated Enterprise (GIE)’ in 2007. GIE affects companies and industries in the practices of organization transformation greatly.

Advantech experienced the decline of growth from the middle of 2006. In order to obtain the competitive advantage, the company seeks for organization transformation. GIE is introduced to Advantech in the middle of 2007. Advantech began to arrange GIE transformation strategies and implemented GIE transformation in 2008 officially.

While Advantech implements GIE transformation, it requires support functions to provide correspondent systems in organization transformation processes. Talent management is one of the most important issues for Advantech to deal with. Therefore, Advantech implements the talent management model which includes the functions of talent identification, talent development, talent deployment, and talent connection simultaneously.

This research presumes that there are positive effects out of the implementation of talent management model. The expected effects include: 1) organization capabilities which are evoked by the implementation of talent development practices, 2) alignment which is affected by the implementation of talent deployment practices, and 3) employee commitment which is inspired by the implementation of talent connection practices.

To continue, this research assumes that the implementation of talent management model is effective in terms of positive performance. Hence, this research aims at interpreting the relationship between capabilities, alignment, commitment, and organizational performance.
目次 Table of Contents
論文摘要 III
1.1 Background 1
1.1.1 The Looming Talent Crisis 1
1.1.2 Enterprise Transformation under Globalization 4
1.2 Problem Statement and Research Questions 6
1.3 Objectives and Research Procedures 8
2.1 Talent Management Model 10
2.1.1 Talent Identification 11
2.1.2 Talent Development 15
2.1.3 Talent Deployment 19
2.1.4 Talent Connection 21
2.1.5 Talent Management Model 24
2.2 Global Integrated Enterprise 26
2.3 The Effects of Talent Management Model 33
2.3.1 Talent Development and Capability 33
2.3.2 Talent Deployment and Alignment 35
2.3.3 Talent Connection and Commitment 36
2.4 Capability, Alignment, Commitment, and Performance 39
3 Research Methodology 43
3.1 Research Framework 43
3.1.1 Definition 43
3.1.2 Proposition 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
3.2 Research Methodology 46
3.3 Choose the Case Study Target 47
3.4 Research Design 50
4.1 Introduction of Advantech 53
4.2 GIE Transformation 60
4.2.1 Globalization procedures 60
4.2.2 The reason Advantech transforms to GIE 60
4.2.3 Direction of GIE transformation 61
4.2.4 Change of organization structure 62
4.2.5 Impact of GIE transformation: the reformation of budgeting 65
4.2.6 Impact of GIE transformation: internal communication 66
4.2.7 Impact of GIE transformation: talent management 67
4.2.8 Reviews of GIE implementation 69
4.3 Global Talent Management Model 70
4.3.1 Overview of talent management model 70
4.3.2 Talent identification 73
4.3.3 Talent development 78
4.3.4 Talent deployment 82
4.3.5 Talent connection 84
4.4 The Effects of Talent Management Implementation 87
4.4.1 Development and capability 87
4.4.2 Deployment and alignment 88
4.4.3 Connection and commitment 89
4.4.4 Capability, alignment, commitment and performance 90
4.5 Discussion 93
5.1 Conclusions 95
5.2 Suggestions 96
7.1 Questionnaire part I& II 105
7.2 Interview question part I& II 114

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